Bye ET/NBS :(

Dear Gamers,

A while ago I made a hard decision: I will quit ET and NBS-Gaming.

The reason for it is quite simple: For now, I don’t have the motivation and time to continue with it.

If you don’t give a shit, please stop reading here and have a nice day.

The last weeks I already almost didn’t play any game and I think it’s time for me to take a step back for others that do have the time and motivation and deserve my spot more.

I just want to say I really enjoyed playing ET with you guys and I will never forgot this period in my life. I don’t regret anything and think the gaming community, especially ET, is something very special. I made lots of friends and had loads of fun. I will still use xfire and probably play some ET now and then, but very rarely.

I played ET for over 8 years now (mostly NoQuarter and ETPro for the last 2 years) and want to say something about two very special clan’s for me: EEF and NBS.

EEF was the first ‘big’ clan I became leader and also for the longest period. It was a Dutch NoQuarter clan. The fun that we had in those years is something I will never forget, as well as the meetings we had.

I don’t have to explain what NBS is to you and what impact we made in the ETPro scene the past 1,5 (?) years. We tried to listen to the ETPro community and to grow to a well-known name. And I think our mission has succeed.

I will attend the LAN in Enschede with NBS2.0, this will be my ‘Good-Bye’ to NBS-Gaming and actively playing ET.

I want to give some shootouts too:

NetherlandsWoooooo<3: Woooooo and me made NBS what it is today. In good and bad times, we worked together like brothers. In >8 years of ET, I never worked with such a good leader as Woooooo.

NetherlandsTimbolinA<3: Started as noob in EEF, being awesome ETPro player today. If there is one person you can have fun with in ET, it will be Tim!

Jinx, sQinN, Revenge, Denied, Demz0r, Nightfire, Creative, pAhc, xarQi, vlz0je, Purple, HipKat, Unpure

And all other members of EEF, NBS and ET Friends!

Cu LAN :)

Ex-Owner of NBS-Gaming,

I played my first wars vs EEF :)))

have a nice day too
Don't know you or any of the people who you gave a shoutout to.

Care not given.
You are the grumpiest cunt on crossfire
Thanks I do my best.
I don't know you either, many don't so stfu fuckface
thanks for the info squall.
/!\ who started to play ET last year.
"If you don’t give a shit, please stop reading here and have a nice day."

I did.
Will Nbs servers be on and led by woo&co?
Not a single fuck was given
Wazzap olGay.

I got a suggestion for You:

Close your mouth and fuck off
you should clean your own garden first
Unluckily I don't have my garden.

How about take an potato and put it into yours mouth?

Maybe I can't hear you then.
try reading my post before you answer
way too long and boring story
QuoteI will still use xfire and probably play some ET now and then, but very rarely.

Enough said..

e: Here is a video for you
Well from playing/managing NBS 20 hours a week to play pub 30 min/week if dont have anything to do is kinda a difference, but I understand your point.

But no, I won't go active anymore and its mainly a post that I will quit as Owner of NBS.
i cried a little while reading this:'(
my gift to you
image: tumblr_m3vvg2usbj1r64vmyo1_1280
image: tumblr_m3jjy8WsHd1qkzao6o1_500
i like your taste in women my friend
danke, i appreciate that you like my taste :)
sexyyy pics
Don't know you or any of the people who you gave a shoutout to.

Care not given.
good luck in your future
gl in real life
ok nice one not giving me a shoutout u faggot homofag
lol @Sadface....

So next time someone calls me a faggot homofag, I'll remember I'm supposed to say hi!
I like u hikpkat frand <3 And it's okay to be gay u know
"lets rejoice with de boys in a gay way!!!"
Damn man. :(

I know you may find it hard to believe, but I will miss you a lot in this clan. I know I've seen you and the rest of the leadership go through a lot to try and build this into something very special and I think we did that for the most the part and you had a MAJOR role in it. Running a server is a hard job, running a lot of servers is super hard and you did a great job of it!!!

Keep your xFire up, bro so we can say Hello once in awhile!
ey man, wher are u, cant c u on xfire or anywhere :P need 2 talk asap
Thank you HipKat!

Will certainly be on xfire ;)
cu back in a few months
Well i will certainly miss you hunter.. I didnt played that much with you, but thats because i wasnt that active too (cause my work wouldnt allow me). Good luck & have fun with you real life mate..
Maybe with some luck i will come to lan & will spectate you guys..

Greetings vl0zje
Thx mate, would be fun if you would drop by @ lan ;)
fair play for still going lan.
sad to hear, though I don't understand why people "quit" ET :/ it's a game, unless you aren't having fun AT ALL then what is wrong with just playing it when you have time.
'The last weeks I already almost didn’t play any game and I think it’s time for me to take a step back for others that do have the time and motivation and deserve my spot more.'

I almost never play ET anymore, and since I am one of 2 owners of NBS I think I have to let the members etc know that I quit :)

I know what you mean, but quitting as NBS Owner is the main reason for the post.
well for me for ET there is something called a 'motherfucking-huge-break', but no one quits ET for good! :D
We'll keep in touch as usual ^^

jij gaf er toch altijd vet veel geld aan uit? en nu stop je er mee?

wtf xdddd
Je bedoelt z'n vader? xDDD
Je bedoelt Woooooo? xDDD
cant even remember when I played last time

still not giving a fuck
waiting for casek's pic
too bad, not fun reading about players quitting/leaving et.

good luck in all your future endeavours.
hunter lowwwwwwwwwwwwww
will miss you
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