adroits gonna be fail?

after all the team drops and player drops i dont see this lan in good skill level ..

i mean we only got anexis fin6 and pdeg who could show some nice perfomances ? (am i wrong?:D)

quite shit .. wanted to see some nice lan matches :(

anyway still hf there nerds.

over and out! :D

e.whats the winfakt lu atm?:D
how about you stfu
meh its an all ET event, what couldn't you love about that. Would love to go but my internship is more important right now :)
Even if there are some more unknown players out there and teams wich do not reach the high level, its still possible to give interesting matches and good performances, or am I wrong?
you are wrong.
Nice dodging, btw.
should allow the rest play from home.
cpc1 had 8 teams
Yeah, but all the teams were top notch. You won't ever see that big amount of players from the highest top competiting in ET anymore.
2006 CPC1: 8 teams
2007 CPC2: 16 teams
2007 CDC3: 21 teams
2008 CDC4: 16 teams
2008 CC5: 16 teams
2009 CC6: 21 teams
2010 CiC7: 35 teams

ET's LAN-"peak" was 2010, there were a lot of good teams there too. I think ET is capable of getting a 16+ team tournament now it's just really hard with players losing motivation, coz of random games like LoL/SC2/diablo3 taking all of their time.
That and a lot of people don't have the money to go to such places.
I understand that since I couldn't attend Adroits due to going on holiday in june already :P didn't have enough money for both.
What's about F6? Did i miss anything?
Yes, the sentence in which he said that we did have them :P
winfakt got razz'd
:O what did I miss?
nobody knows
razz spent all of his money 2 weeks before LAN and told the team he won't attend Adroits.
oh wow!
can't butch attend instead?
after razz stabbed, wiaderko couldn't come online because someone at his job got fired so he had fucked up shifts. they decided to take Jere, after all of the lineup switches butch/fragstealer left the team.

so basically the main issues here were:

razz stabbing + being completely selfish (and going offline for like 4 days without telling anyone what was happening)
wiaderko going offline and not telling his teammates if he could make it. i had to ask perfo to send him SMS coz he didn't come online to irc in like a week lol.
man, really didn't expect smth like that from wiadro :P, i mean he is usually always honest guy and tells if smth is up :P:PP:P: XDDXXDXD
all planned along
I guess he was serious about going to LAN for a while. :P but he decided he wanted to do something else with the money I think.
Team WinFakt!
chry Jere Sup3r AL1 xPERiA ????
at least you can blame the alcohol from last night for this journal..
make ql tournament and stream it, will save the whole lan!
winfakt has no lineup, working on it tho.
lu so far?:D
as far as I know felix (winfakt manager) has been in touch with abort lightning & co I'm a bit outdated on this one but I do hope we manage to field a lineup that'd be able to compete with the finns & co
why is the manager getting your guys and not you / the players?:D
because he's good at it. :] the players have tried to find a lot of people, but everything failed so far. besides it's not so new that a manager is searching for the players. I just feel sorry for Felix & WinFakt in general. they could have had a lot less drama by supporting one of the other teams (e.g. fin6) =]
anyways, I never flame a LAN because I know I am not helping by attending. you also don't put in the effort to make some team (which you could) and that's another reason why there aren't so many top teams there. :P

why not go with Kevji & more?!
i dont want to flame :D but its a bit sad . nvm :D

hm kevji didn't want to attend and i was inactive latley and to lazy to get everything organizied :D / as always

e.anyway is now back in business and will roll the next lan :D
it's nice then, if you are honestly going to attend :) I know I will.

tosspot said he will most likely be hosting a lan, thank fuck for that because I was worried this would be the last LAN and I'd have never attended one. :D
i hope cc8 going to be huge :D
people don't value how much difference 1 team makes. ;) that's why I hope you are serious about bambino going to LAN.
yea you will attend with bambino for sure :_D
jorryt :d<3

E: i can spam him in fb if u want ;D
u could convince Polandmrozu since hes nerding hard and getting his skill back.
When people says that gaming organizations shits on us when it comes to ET,and they wonder why,you know why.
too many backstabs & landodgers imo :D
Give more credit to cube. Scarzy, crumbs, owzo and koop can do some damage. YEAH I left you out potty bro. >:D
queens fucking over winfakt what is this
I'm very disapointed in the ET scene, mostly in some specific players and therefor hope, that the LAN is going to be great with some underdogs reaching a good placement.

Will be the last LAN with a team from WinFakt, thats for sure.
I am not surprised at you dropping support in ET after what has happened with the Queens lineup. However, i would state that it is your own fault for supporting that team rather than taking a credible stable lineup such as Finlantic6 with players that have delivered at Lan before.
We were quite confident with the lineup they promissed us.
I honestly couldn't agree more. But still, it is just another reason why MGCs are not interested in ET at all :\
I cant argue with the reasons as to why they would never wish to support ET again. However, as an org, you must make "business" decisions. I think the best option would have been to take on F6 and ppl may say its easier to say that afterwards, but i said it from the start.
I honestly cannot see a reason why they would sponsor any ET team. What do they get back from it? I cannot see any teams staying together after this LAN and its been the same for eveery other LAN. ET teams don't stick together long enough really.
Well we have been together for over 2 years and i think you can see why we have FULL SUPPORT from Anexis in terms of financial and non financial backing. Proof that stability does work and I am confident that we will still be around after the lan as well.

Unfortunately there is no real financial return in ET when there are only 1 possibly 2 European Lan Events a year. With no to little support for the lan in terms of hardware and or financial prizes or even support with a small prize pot, its unlikely most orgs will get a return in their investment outside of their return on prize money fee/percentage.

I will argue though that the deal Winfakt made with Queens was beneficial to both parties. It was hardly a risk from them knowing they would receive most of their investment back anyway.
It is a shame really, but thats the way things go I guess. Not that ET needs MGCs to keep comp's/LAN events up. I would like to think there is going to be one more event after this.
Well judging by the stream views in our BFB Final and the numbers on crossfire, there is still a lot of life left in the community. Unfortunately i feel like the newcomers like me 4 years ago are not like myself back then. In terms of getting involved, attending lans etc. It seems like most are casual gamers and i think its affecting the top level competition as well as there are hardly any new players coming through to challenge.
But we both know, come next year, if another LAN is announced we will both be the first to book everything up!

It is a shame though, but we have had plenty of laughs throughout these past 3/4 years!
out of interest what is their return on investment on you guys?
1 thing with your statement... You said that you are "very disapointed in the ET scene" I would put all of this drama on the team you guys decided to take. As ross has already said, Fin6 are a fairly stable bunch of players. They are the only team, other than anexsis, who I think might carry on playing after LAN.
With you running LAN its gonna flop hard, son.
Indeed man. After all, I'm just using this as an excuse to stock up on CHOCOMEL!
Jesus FUCK buckets
1 of those brown boxes will do me nicely.

Not even joking.
Just one!?

Also, THE CUBE renamed to team-chocomel... NOT EVEN JOKING.
So happy <3
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