This gonna b good

image: Untitled

"The maximum recommended temperature for the Intel® Core™ 2 Quad processor Q6600 is 71 degrees Celsius."

I dont like where this is going.
first: q6600 is probably the best buy ive hard a long with the 8800gt
second; i had mine on a ~90-100 temp for years, and it's still fine. it is on ~60 now tho.
Yeah but thats on idle @ desktop. Think about it when im playing games, i just managed to fix my computer.
doesn't your cpu bottlenecks your card?
+1 on that q6600 and 8800gt part
+1 !! Best shit ever!
shtok kelev meshuga aravi pala
u mad at having shit gfx?
buying new pc soon! =D
idle around 28-30° here, 40-45° with 100% load.
<3 Scythe Mugen 3
clean your case
My case is just bought and i just built the pc. Shouldnt be dirty inside.
image: eivittumik%e4overkill

I dont like where this is going.
good LORD
You really played all this amount of hours? (I mean you had the game running in the background or you were really playing)
don't know why ppl are surprised by the amount of hours lol, i'm sure every player that plays active or has in the past has just about the same amount lol
Last 7 days = 104 hours = 15 hours a day? :O

I play a lot aswell but 15 hours a day? lol
so many fuckin idiots on here
Yes, I actually played it. And slept, ate, went to school etc etc, the usual stuff
103 is gr8
image: 1003
Probably the CPU cooler isn't locked in place or CPU fan isn't working for some reason?

I would take it apart ASAP and check those.
what do you recommend for me? image: 1003
Kill it with fire :DDD
No, its too great to make bacon with!
It is locked in place and if it wouldnt work i wouldnt have cpu anymore
34° here @ 2,8ghz :o

1 cpu fan + 2 others normal
check and make sure your fans are working :_)
1. clean case
2. clean fans
3. re-apply thermalpaste
4. profit
image: EKvW1

no external fans, cleaned it like a week ago

i ok with this
You most likely seated the heatsink incorrectly. Go and grab an aftermarket cooler, they're cheap for the 775 sockets nowadays.

I have my 2500k @ 4.8Ghz @ 56c atm, 64c load, and it's like 28c inside this room. I have 1 5cm fan & 1 12cm fan inside the case.

I use a Noctua D14 for cooling.

If you don't want to get a new one, go grab some paste & clean off the other shit. Just remember to do the thumbscrews a bit at a time, not 1 locked fully straight away.

image: d14%20(13)_thumb
set up summer gaming base in basement. thats why its called the basement.
I dont have basement ;_; save me.
black out ur place to keep heat out, get naked, fill fridge with refreshments, set up fan, make loads of ice cubes, clean PC fans, open PC case, buy additional case fan, ...
or move to siberia
Black out ur place CHECK
Keep heat out CHECK
Get naked CHECK
fill fridge with freshments Going to do that
set up fan nope
make loads of ice cubes CHECK
clean pc fans CHECK
open pc case That ruins airflow
I got additional case fan
And no i wont
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