
not much to discuss here
Generic and nothing special.
Ugly. American voice
This must've been the worst ESC in a long time. Nothing really what-the-fuck worthy, no good titties and no good songs.
Euphoria is a great song for ESC. There hasnt been a better one in years.
Euphoria has to be the most generic song you could produce. I feel like I've heard it a bazillion times from all the Keri Hilsons etc.
Every ESC song is generic.
Russia caused plenty of laughs to be honest.
Yeah, but that's the one performance that stood out.
but man,greek chick so good
horrible, abysmal, milk inc meets pocohantas...

but eurovision is always good for a laugh and a good portion of vicarious shame!
discuss fuck you discuss yourself
i like it, and on top of that shes hot
Some country needs to send this band to the eurovision in the future , would be so funny to watch people's brains melt on live television.
People still watching this fixed shit? :D
That problem is partially fixed, since half of the points are given by a professional jury :)
then again, looking at the votes given by yugoslavian countries it is still so fucking biased..

of course the same goes for scandinavia, central europe..

only countries giving worthy points would be Iceland, Ireland, Portugal of the top of my head.
nice music for, next butchji FRAGmovie : D
disliked eurovision this year, it was gobshite
old best 2.55 team eva
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