things you do when your drunk


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I buy plane tickets etc.
I do that as well, though the form is harder to fill out.
dont drink.
i send SMS to my ex gfs
thats the worst :o
I somtimes cheat on my gf when I'm drunk lolz
Well, youre an arsehole.
Nice hardcore video, I tend to send stupid texts and/or cause drama or I party extreme hard.
on sunday I did the barrel roll down the hill when I fell off a chair.
I tell my life stories on BBQ's.
annoy the shit out of my ex :D
"insert random comment about ex gf"
happy hardcore is bullshit
depends really, but dunno about what
- talk 2 much
- doing stupid stuff and next day i receive 100 sms from different chicks
- am calm (not agressive at all)
- think im best dancer
- lose phone
- find always my way home
Talking talking talking even though I know I realize that I'm telling shit.
Drinking more.
Puking like a boss.
Drinking more.
Meeting chicks (I remember them but I have no clue how I meet them.. When I wake up I ask my brain but I feel like she suddenly felt in front of me..)
Drinking more.

I never lose anything and always find my way back home. Incredible..
reject handjobs...

Play Diablo3 hardcore and die ...
Drunken kung fu style ofc
- king of dancefloor
- not agressive
- teleport home
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