WinFakt finalise lineup

infos can be found here:

hopefully adding that extra something to the AEM weekend, gl hf ;)
Thomm best sponsor.
where's razz? :o
What happened with the old lineup?
stabs stabs stabs
Stownage playing in 2 lineups :)
not anymore
wer ersetzt ihn bei euch?
seNti / zentic.. kp, sonst eben sehen Ati, hybratek oderso..
Welcome to ET prelan :D
jorryt <3
who's fop?
must be abort
hf an7ho :)
that backstabb, few days before lan, now thats disgusting :S
pretty weak lineup tbh
hf stowni, too bad it didtn work out for me this time :p
wir hätten so viel spass haben können ;_;

aber is ja nicht so schlimm hast ja noch LoL :PpP
wäre gekommen hätt ich am montag nicht ne prüfung :)
seems like this LAN wasn't such a disapointment on the stabbing front
omg gifty omg
needs butchji
Solid stab
abort & giftyyyyyyyyyy <3<3
<private chat with h3ll>
(13:42:18) (SimonKinsler) 321 marcus mad
<random irc channel>
(13:41:58) (@h3ll) nice that he realises it himself... ^^
(13:42:07) (@SimonKinsler) :D
(13:42:23) (@SimonKinsler) h3ll it's realize*
<private chat with h3ll>
(13:42:24) (h3ll) :DD
(13:42:29) (SimonKinsler) watch it :d
<random irc channel>
(13:42:28) (@h3ll) ohright :D
(13:42:35) -› @SimonKinsler was kicked by YCN`Marcus (Kick!)
We my friend, speak real English not that American rubbish! :O)
I know, but it's a running gag and I love to rub it in.
I think Marcus will soon organize a campaign against US English

dot dot fucking dot
Don't even...
ABORT <333333333333333333333333

SQUID <3333333333333333333333333
wb gifty :)
Good luck, srry for stab xoxo
thx my friend :D
bad team is bad.
Dont have 6 players, steal 6th from other LAN team, profit?

Who's replacing stownage at wnbpro/mM?
hm gifty? maybe i will be comming to lan after all
Get an ET team they said.
Would be fun they said.
but it's nothing to do with the game ET, it's because of the team of stabbers.
I know I know, now lets hope for the best :) and see you all at lan :)
nice stab stowni :/

now i have to think over if i will pick you up by car :D

whos 6th now for mM ?? :S
Leave him there
seNti / zentic...

talked to sTOWNAGE yesterday, and i could agree with his desicion, but there he told me other lineup. he said, he will leave us, if he can get a top2 team. but ok, this isnt a top2 team now.. yesterday afternoon, there were other names, where i said "ok i agree with you to leave us" but now its sad :// but i like him anyway <3
more teams the better :[ and I guess you guys are less picky about who you get and you definitely got more options than winfakt! :P
I really hope your just trying to wind him up... The week of LAN and a player leaves? How weak is that?
nono, as soon as I found out about it I was like ".. really?" but considering they seem to have kept commmunication up about it, I can at least be glad there was a positive outcome. though yes, pretty shitty move from stownage.

in fact I was speaking to winfakt guys before this lineup was finalise and questioning why they took stownage.. I even sent msgs to some of the players in mM to find out if they were aware he was doing this ;/
This is one of the main reasons other ET teams dont want to take the risk going to LAN. Full of unstable, unloyal backstabbers.
this is true :o)

there will always be some! every LAN I ever witnessed had backstabbers. :P actually I remember CC5 or something where toNi just decided to not show for the LAN at all, not even informing his teammates that he'd dodge even 1 day before LAN. :D
That is why you only make teams with guys who you know you can trust!
With this attitude, which is not the wrong one, no new teams would form. There will always be a handful of risk takers but I expected more from stownage as he is a fairly decent guy.
as far as stownage told me he said he's their backup, he was not intending to play for them unless he couldn't find a team. poor decision of the team to rely on that, should've searched someone already.
we talked to him that he should play for us for lan, he knows that. first, 6 weeks ago, he was backup, but last 2 weeks he was fixed as 6th. ofc we are little bit "sad" about his desicion, but ok. maybe it was a misunderstanding of him oder s1 else. just care about, stown isnt the man, who normally backstab!

gl at lan mate with your team ;)

e: just give me a beer at lan & all if fine! :D
ahah oh man, if i'd get a beer for everytime i got stabbed i'd be drinking for free the entire lan ;-D
:DD but this is a special stab! :D 3 days before lan! :D
be glad it's just one player and not twice your entire team dropping out ;-)
anyway just to make things clear for you, I had nothing to do with this lineup, felix set abort in charge and told them that i had to be part of it because i didnt stab felix ofc! so im just as surprised if he really did stab you, i don't support such activities obviously.!
we are knowing stownage very well, and often "doing/playing" sth with him. btw some weeks ago, when tag folded, he didnt want to go. was a nice move to play with us online and saying he could play the lan... ok now he left, but for me its ok. he is a nice guy, who normally dont backstab.
you are not right my friend :p
everyone is complaining about me without knowing anything :p. i wanted to attend lan with TAG and after we folded i didn't want to play on lan so i didn't move with flopjehz to NBS. i know ramoz really good and he ask me to be backup for lan, i told him that i won't come, but they beg me to stay backup. so i agree'd because i have good contact with the players. then their 6th left, it was not more then 2 weeks ago and they were all happy to play with me even if i didn't want to play on lan. but hey i'm a nice guy and like then so i stayed, wanted to drink some beers at lan and have fun. i mean i wasn't a part of the team we just played 4 or 5 times so how is everyone so mad about this "stab". i organized then a new 6th and told then that i will go with my good friend ,and teammate at TAG, abort and most of them understand my decision. i still love these guys and wish them good luck at lan and i will ofc have a lot of beers with them, so were is your problem ?
I don't have a problem, like I said: " considering they seem to have kept commmunication up about it, I can at least be glad there was a positive outcome."

you found them a 6th and didn't stab like wiadro, razz etc did to winfakt by just disappearing. :) and now winfakt won't drop out and there will be another full strong team at the LAN. since I don't know what the circumstances were (like most people tbh.. everyone is still reacting to Player stabbing NBS :D) I just guessed that they were feeling pissed that you left the team. but anyway good luck @ LAN, team looks quite strong on paper. :)
ihr habt doch mich, np.
du kommst?
Verhandlungen laufen.
sowas hässliges will niemand sehen <3
+1 wenns danach ginge! :D
Dann dürftes du ja gar nicht mitkommen :o
muss ich ihn also doch nicht mitnehmen?? Er hatte sich nicht mehr bei mir gemeldet oder sonstiges letzter stand war er wollte mit ?
ich nehm ihn mit
kühl das er mir nicht absagen kann,erst backstabben und dann sowas menschlich top h3h3.
stownage friend, glgl
abort friend

oldschoolers will roll the lan
so you wont roll ehehehe
captain obvious :)))
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