WinFakt finalise lineup
29 May 2012, 22:19
infos can be found here:
hopefully adding that extra something to the AEM weekend, gl hf ;)
hopefully adding that extra something to the AEM weekend, gl hf ;)
aber is ja nicht so schlimm hast ja noch LoL :PpP
needs butchji
(13:42:18) (SimonKinsler) 321 marcus mad
<random irc channel>
(13:41:58) (@h3ll) nice that he realises it himself... ^^
(13:42:07) (@SimonKinsler) :D
(13:42:23) (@SimonKinsler) h3ll it's realize*
<private chat with h3ll>
(13:42:24) (h3ll) :DD
(13:42:29) (SimonKinsler) watch it :d
<random irc channel>
(13:42:28) (@h3ll) ohright :D
(13:42:35) -› @SimonKinsler was kicked by YCN`Marcus (Kick!)
SQUID <3333333333333333333333333
Who's replacing stownage at wnbpro/mM?
Would be fun they said.
now i have to think over if i will pick you up by car :D
whos 6th now for mM ?? :S
talked to sTOWNAGE yesterday, and i could agree with his desicion, but there he told me other lineup. he said, he will leave us, if he can get a top2 team. but ok, this isnt a top2 team now.. yesterday afternoon, there were other names, where i said "ok i agree with you to leave us" but now its sad :// but i like him anyway <3
in fact I was speaking to winfakt guys before this lineup was finalise and questioning why they took stownage.. I even sent msgs to some of the players in mM to find out if they were aware he was doing this ;/
there will always be some! every LAN I ever witnessed had backstabbers. :P actually I remember CC5 or something where toNi just decided to not show for the LAN at all, not even informing his teammates that he'd dodge even 1 day before LAN. :D
gl at lan mate with your team ;)
e: just give me a beer at lan & all if fine! :D
you found them a 6th and didn't stab like wiadro, razz etc did to winfakt by just disappearing. :) and now winfakt won't drop out and there will be another full strong team at the LAN. since I don't know what the circumstances were (like most people tbh.. everyone is still reacting to Player stabbing NBS :D) I just guessed that they were feeling pissed that you left the team. but anyway good luck @ LAN, team looks quite strong on paper. :)
abort friend