The Girlfriend Journal

Do you have a girlfriend?

If yes: -How long you together? She is older or younger than you? Age difference?
If no: -Why? For how long you are alone?
Almost have a gf. Been dating for 2-3 months now. she is 2-3 years younger

Since i dont take every chick, i take my time..
whats so funny
he takes every chick
must be a real playa
yes, 4years in june, no age diff.
Have a girlfriend
3 years together
She is younger
1,5 year diffrence
yes, i am with miss cf for 6years, but she says it has only ben 1year, shes a bitch and her admins are so shit except frop and thom & banga
Hmm, not really. Though I am not alone x)
il alway b ther f.u <333
the one that made you oh so happy? :D awww
yes I do. we'll have 4 years on 17th june. she is younger for 2 years and 2 months
yes, soon 2 years. same age
No. About 2 or 3 months :(
not anymore :(

broke up 1month ago :(

to bad
3 Years Together
2 years older
Getting Married.
Congratulations :)
Combo breaker!
Just had to :<
nice, gratz =)
What's his name?
Adhering to your Scottish roots; your Mum will be pleased!
Together since 7 years,
married since 2 years
will become parents in 3 weeks

And the most beautiful thing a man is able to reach in live, is to become a responsable father.
I sir, suggest you to marry!
One day I'm sure we'll do kids, dogs and a white picket fence :)
bu sure to get a big house so we can do some lans :P

gl in future.
ppl still marry? why do u have the urge to have it down in a paper? if u love her just move with her have kids a dog or whatever u wanna and die together, why marrying? i dont get it.
you will never understand what love is, you fuck pakis :s
Don't have GF, just randomly dating and taking them home..
yes since 15 years but I upgrade her every 3 years
best comment 2k12 so far :D
Had a gf, broke up 2 months ago. (She was 3 years younger than me, but we were together for 2 years+ )

On a side note: Have been married to France Tomoyo while I had a gf, think she was jelly :D
tomoyo is female?
Does he need to be female for me to marry him? =O
u problem with homos ? vittu
Yes. She is 8 years old. I'm 49, so its about 39years difference. We are together since 1 week.
Ever-lasting love! (:
yes, soon 2 yeras, 3 years youger.
Alessandraaaaaa <3
no, fuckbuddy only
2+ years, im the younger, 1 year diff
like a bows :)
How long you together? almost 5 months
She is older or younger than you? older
Age difference? Bit less then 4 years
4 JAAR. das een behoorlijke oude fiets xD
23 dus valt nog wel mee :D
denk je eraan dat de rollator binnenkort uit het basispakket van de zorgverzekering wordt geschrapt? ;-)
:D zal er aan denken
No. Almost 19 years.
Forever alone.
I have the best and hottest gf in the world
Nope,single since 1 year :<

And btw chicks ALLWAYS have to be younger than the man imo.

mabye if you act like a baby then yea..
cause older girls look ugly :<

If im 50 i wanna have a 20-30 years old,would be epic win :D
i see :P so not really serious in what you said xD
its true, men age better than woman, its better to have a younger girl. 10 years younger for your definitive girl.

ofc while u r 20 u cant date 10 yo younger girls but its np because when u are 20 they are still fine as fuck. at 25 yo its all downhill from there
Mabye when you're 40-50 but also depends for what you want a girl just for sex or just someone who you can laugh with and have fun? im 19 my gf is 23 and we re doing just fine, she looks pretty young (she cant even buy alcohol without ppl asking her ID) and she already takes pretty good care for her skin and stuff. i love this one idc if she was 16 or 25
yeh now its fine.
yea but girls dont have an expire-date set at a certain time, its not the same as milk.

really depends on the body of the person and just how they are, a 23 can be as tight as a 16 year old (something i read you said under)
that counts for old(er) men.
if you are over 20 and date a girl younger than 20 you are pathetic.
thats what i was talking about :)
most of the cases is like that, why would they be pathetic
but seeing that you wrote to Janush you must be insecure as fuck.
lol and u are a retard who judges stuff with so lil information.
you are a virgin.
yeh i must be a virgin.
3 1/2 years
she is 6 months older
If yes: -How long you together? -> 5.5 years

She is older or younger than you? younger

Age difference?

6 months
speelt ze ook ET
stiekem speelt zij elke keer als ik lijk te spelen :$
Dacht ik al, jouw aim leek vingervlug
im 15,my gf is 5 months older than me
weve been together for 3 months now :P
danke für das verraten deines Alters,erklärt warum du dich so hurensöhnlich verhälst :)
madmadmadmadmadmadmad madmadmadmadmadmadmad madmadmadmadmad m-a-d m-a-d m-a-d m-a-d m-a-d sing doch mit!

ich hab nur meinen spaß :)
If yes: -How long you together? She is older or younger than you? Age difference?
1,5 years together. 9 Months older than me.

image: 42161_1111111
Forever alone.
No, because I'm a fat nerd that's also extremely picky. Not a good combo.
first truthful comment in this journal
Hmm, not really. Though I am not alone x)
Who feeds you then?
(13:51:52) (hx^Rapt6rr) normaly, me and my cousin had
to go out with some of his mates, but it didnt work out, so we went with my mum
and his mum to thier party...
(13:52:38) (hx^Rapt6rr) the party was ok, very good food, nice
house and blablabla, i thought the ppl were abit stranged but i didnt say anything
(13:53:23) (hx^Rapt6rr) there were many many men, i was like:
ok ok, thier wife is celebrating appart and they just want to be with thier old mates
(13:53:46) (hx^Rapt6rr) but when the middnight bell rang, i saw
the men kisssing eachother :x
(13:53:52) (hx^Rapt6rr) infact, most of them were gays
(13:54:23) (hx^Rapt6rr) then they starting dancing and stuff
OH COMON! How much do you want to stop this ?
Not at all. It takes me 20 seconds every couple of weeks and in turn I get a lifetime of joy and happiness.
I need to dig dirt on you
Good luck, I'm an open book. One of the benefits of having no self-respect.
I'm just happy my crap is out of your profile by now :D
How come you get off the hook and I dont?
must be my looks
Or your mad skills in lol
I feed myself ;) great pun tho
no stable girlfriend

2-3 girlfriends every weekend
Broke up 3 weeks ago, been together for almost 5 years.
Yes 6 months in 3 days longest relationship ive had! Use to be a one night stand kind of man ;)
2 years togetha. 6 months younger.
Yes, together for 6 months now, 11 months younger than me.
ive only had one, not trying to get all mushi but she was the most amazing girl ever....first time i dated and first time i fell in love, we arnt together anymore because i had to move out of the country, i told her i loved her the day i left and she said it back and we tried to keep the relationship alive cuz i promised her id come back for her but we ended up getting into arguments and i kinda pushed her away which i regret..... i can go on about this its such a long story lmao

BRO. it

you know whats funny, i told her i liked her the same day my parents told me we were leaving the country in 6-7 months...and when i told her in person she wasnt like "i think we should stop talking" she kissed me instead which mind fucked me the hell out of me...we broke up 6 or 7 times cuz we didnt know if we shud be together or seperate but everytime we broke up 2 weeks after we ended up seeing each other and getting back together lol
its hard :(
i know how you feel. Got something similar tho, but well life goes on. sport was the best way to get over this depression or at least repress the memory
yeah only time im not thinking about this is when im at the gym cuz lifting is my hobby and i want to get into personal training. i know at one point i well get back to her and be with her..just dont know when but i just have to be patient
You fucked up, bro
im sure we will get back together when i get to the states but obv i have to try which im looking forward to, theres alot more to that story than what i wrote lol
you wont get back together, she is fucking other dawgs like every other day, and she changed just like you did.
thanks mom i needed that hug
np bro, you'll be always my favorite son
what you doing in singapour if u dont mind me asking
1 month
shes 18, i am 20
yes, 7 years .
7 years :<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
thought I would win this one :( too bad
Yes together for 1 year & 2 Months now.
She is 1,7 years younger then me. 8D
Single for a few years with the occasional flirt or one-night-accident. Still no real desire for a girlfriend either since my last grueling relationship lasted five and a half years.
Haha, I get where you are coming from. Been a few years since I had a steady relationship, partially because I was sick and focusing on my own problems, but also because my last experience was a bad one :)
Nope, alone. Haven't touched any chick for like.. 1 month dude! FUCK OFF, FUCK THE EXAMS!

e: 6 weeks!
single for half a year now. Busy enough with university and my own stuff.
I need a boyfriend journal.
Start me a boyfriend journal.

E: Scarzy is my girlfriend.
haha overboos ttoch :p
Hey, wat is er?
Jeej bijna klaar met werken.
Making the most of party life atm, cba for a girlfriend with Ibiza coming up!!
No, because im an ugly nerd. Alone since birth.

image: Untitled-1
Hum.. Yeah :) One year so far!
She is a few months younger than me!

image: gifpal10
too bad, she would not do the same
She can't kiss. Neither can you.
No, too long!
i think its because you to muscle
i know that feel
image: large?v=mpbl-1&px=600

split up 2 weeks ago
were together 3 months
I was 7 months older
>you will never have a stable relationship
no, idk, 10 years
I have a new gf every weekend, but it only last for a night or sometimes two
had a relationship for ~8 months. The only good thing was the sex lol, rest was all drama and jealousy. Now happily fullfilling my sexual needs with a sex buddi
nope, but if im 30 and still single and my kindergarden gf will also be single in that age, we promised to marry each other
Nope, but I have a wife, been together for 27 years (2 years together before we got married) 25th wedding anniversary this coming June.
congrats on serving your life sentence lol
2 life sentences. My mum says the exact same thing about my dad :D.
My parents do too lol
I would like to see todays generation/youth staying happily married for as long as we have, not a freakin chance :)
It's a thing of the past as people don't fix or talk about problems these days and just move onto another partner and lots of temptation about with more freedom lol. My parents have been with each other since the age of 14 lol.

I'm not doing too bad for the age of 27 tho lol
3.5 years
she's 1.5 years younger
1 Years Together
10 months older
been in a relationship for 5 years(we had been fucking around for about 1 year before it got serious), im 23 days older ;)
7 and a half years and the same age ( I'm 3 months older)
Yes, I play ET for almost 5years
with her for 6 years,
and yes a child.

She's 22, I'm 21. 4 months older than me.

We met at school, and then we started hanging out on Fridays with 20+ mates, drinking & spending all night out until 7am outside :D.

Asked her out at a bus stop, got on the bus and went to her house and stayed the night.

Been with her since ;).

I've been with her since I was 15.
Is she the only girl you been with?
As in sexually? Yes full on sex :P, oral etc.. no. I'm her first in everything :D.
And is she your first? :P
Sex yes :D, not sexual contact (sucky sucky 5 dollar, thy clit thou shall play with).
Haha so cute :D
Happy for you mate, hope she's THE girl ;)
:) danke, I'm sure you have GF with such big muscles =]?
yes, for 8 months and she is 10 months older than me
Yes, for 3months, she's 2,5 years older than me
I hope this will last for a very long time :)
nvm you have :D
Hahaha you dick :D
Yes I have a gf.

We are together for a year.

She is 1 year younger than me.

I saw her 6 years ago when i was a kid and thought she was beautiful and nice girl. I had few chances to ask her out but I never did or could or would. May be faith may be luck or may be nothing but then i started talking to her, she told me that she was in the USA at that time. She was an exchange student there for a year and she said she were coming 1 month later. We talked every day and night then when she came back to Turkey. I finally asked her out and we started dating :)

I have been with her since :)
yes and no.

we broke up around 6 months ago but its still some kind of romance...with my hope in mind for another relationship.
she's around 1 year younger than me and when we had our relationship, it lasted like 1 year and 3 months or smth.

after that fucking random girls from work or i met in the club and they always fell in love with me...but i just didnt want some relationship with THEM. :S it sucks to be handsome.
you should choose between powelcheck and me <3 ;-)
Yes, Germany PaRzi
Together - not long enough
Younger, but only a few days.
7 years and im month older.
split up almost year ago
we were together almost 2 years with a break
don't want girlfriends anymore

image: FAdeal1
just pathetic hahahaha, i can bet 1000 euros atleast 10 people are lying in this journal ahahaha nerdos
not very nice to dis people's inflatable dolls!
hahaha, i'm just being honest :P
besides the obvious trolls i dont understand why ppl would lie
nope, but getting real close ;D
i think..
broke up 2 days ago, was with her since 2 months and a week! Same age, she was older by a month
Yes, gonna be 3 months together in June 4th, met her at my birthday on March 4th, she is gonna turn 18 in June 8th, I'm 21.
everyone in this community is a bodybuilder and has a girlfriend
xD, ofc - A Roids Community..... oh and bitches.
yes, almost 4 years i guess
Just going to leave this quote here.

"Love feels like a great misfortune, a monstrous parasite, a permanent state of emergency that ruins all small pleasures."
i hawe girl friend and like sex
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