International no tobacco day!

btw: I am going to smoke twice the amount of cigarettes i usually do, becouse fuck you no-smokers.
Sorry for saving economy by buying terribly taxed and overpriced product.
Also, did you ever heard about a smoker complaining about non-smokers? Never. Its always non-smoker crybabys whining.
i dont smoke, but i neither complain about smokers or to my smoker friends
things are never so simple, depends on through which color glasses u look to the world
i would personally never smoke since i value my health too much and dont wanna use so much money in something so useless.. but i understand its a little different once u get to the habit of doing it
i also dont understand how its possible to complain about someone NOT doing something like this

pic was just funnies, not to flame u :D
I am not butthurt, even though it might sound like that a bit :]

I just feel its general misconception in society.
For instance, you like cake. Someone comes to you, and yells at you "FUCK YOU, STOP EATING THAT CAKE RIGHT NOW, CAKES ARE SATANS TOOLS!"
stop defending them... i bet u like cakes ur self!
Very very very VERY strong logic here !
This is common smokers defense, but general idea behind is somewhat twisted to fit your needs. Lets take your example with cakes, when I (or someone else) eat cake, there is no way how I could directly annoy/bother/harm anyone with it. On the other hand, there are cigarettes. When you smoke them, you exhale annoying and potentially dangerous smoke. Some people accept it, but to me it causes a headache (I have this since childhood, cigarette smoke = insta bad headache). The only exception are those fancy pricey cigarettes with flavours, vanilla ones smells kinda nice. And the biggest problem about this is that smokers act like they are the one who is getting hurt when we say it's bothering, ignorance at its best.
This, and you can leave out the word potentionally
Well, you cant take me literally, this is exaggeration ofc.
QuoteSorry for saving economy by buying terribly taxed and overpriced product.
Also, did you ever heard about a smoker complaining about non-smokers? Never. Its always non-smoker crybabys whining.
We all have bad habits, eating too much cake, burgers, drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes... and in every way somebody somewhere can be suffering because of this, poor people need cake and burgers more than we do, alcohol leads to violence and crime or even some family violence. I think smoking isnt that horrible, i wouldnt judge someone just because he is smoking, i mean you dont have to be in smoking room with 99 smokers and bitch about it
There are million things more to worry about in this world than cigarettes
Again, misunderstanding about bad habits and making judgements based on them. Just buying cake, burger, cigarettes, heroin... wont hurt anyone (btw, what have poor ppl to do with this?). Even taking heroin or drinking alcohol itself wont bother/hurt anyone. But smoking cigarettes will make the ones around you passive smokers, which can be harmfull and extremelly annoying. I consider smoking cigarettes one of the worst bad habbits, I dont mind ppl drinking alcohol around me, eat lots of junk food, I dont even mind them injecting whatever drugs they want, because neither of those will directly affect me. They wont even annoy me. But smoking will always bother me. I dont go to bars, pubs nor places with extensive smokers attendance, but when I am waiting for bus/train, its hard to ignore retards smoking right next to me (smoking on public places is prohibited in Slovakia btw).

That's my opinion, many of my friends feel the same. But not everybody is like that, for example my sister doesn't really mind being around smokers eventhought she never smoked. It's everybodies choice...
Didnt read the part where you said you get a headache at first, now i dont see any point of my comment and argueing with you
I bet if you would say something like that to a smoker.. not a douche, he will go away from you for sure, atleast i would.. different story with drunk smokers, they can be annoying as fuck,.. i mean drunk people can be annoying as fuck :)
It surely looks like you have used alot of time into doing some research on how smoking affects people. I am quite sure when I am eating a cake, while you are sitting next to me wont make you "passive" eat it aswell > gain energy from it.
the taxes you pay for cigarettes are mostly used to finance medical health care fonds for the treatment of lung cancer. The money for cigarettes isnt used for the economy but for the treatment of all those people who smoked too much.

Btw non-smokers only complain about smokers when they feel bothered by the smoke (eg in restaurants)
I don't mind smokers as long as they are not exhaling cigarette smoke...
enjoy your additional amount of cigarettes...btw hope you will die in early age on lug cancer
you choose to smoke, there are more then one reason why it should be illigal but but dont to other people with that sh1t accept it. even if its illegal so is weed.... i guess nobody smokes that huh
i look down all the tobacco smokers, fucking heroin-addicts
enjoy spending a lot of money everyday for not being angry. you simply get NOTHING but cancer, still you smoke it :)

well some people are just too stupid to choose right drugs
Which drug do you prefer?
nothing. but if i want to chill down and relax, weed is my pick
Fair enough :)
i'm not gonna smoke today because i don't want to spend money on cigarettes, i probably would smoke if i had any though
Smokers are fucking stupid people, period. Nothing can change that fact.
i think a correlation of IQ and smoking habits has yet to be proven.
Lower social classes smoke more than higher social classes. Obviously that's not a correlation with IQ, but it does say something.
Smoking is bad for your health.
Smoking is bad for the health of people around you.
Isn't that enough?
If you are smart why would you smoke anyway? I don't get it. And if you are addicted and you can't stop smoking you are just weak imo. I have been in hospital a lot and the amount of people that still smoke when they are having lung problems......

I got Asthma and i just hate people that smoke, since it makes my asthma even worse. I always try to avoid smokers.
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