A dilemma!

An hour ago, I got a phone call from a company offering me a job as their Marketing/Sales advisor. They are the fastest growing clothing/lifestyle company in Estonia. They focus on the exact style that I love. I would probably love working there a lot, since the atmosphere is great, the walls are covered in graffiti and all that kind of stuff, they are growing rapidly and I could have a chance to grow inside the company. BUT, I would have to start working hard there and make a lot less money than I make now.

At the moment, after one of my friends and ex co-workers fucked up big time here, the boss doesn't trust me and everything looks grim. The company isn't doing as well as hoped and the paychecks have been going up and down. The atmosphere here sucks and I hate working here. I don't have to do anything for most of the time though, so it's easy but dull.

So I got two choices, go and earn less money with an awesome company and have shitloads of fun there. Or just sit here, soul slowly fading away waiting for death and making moneys.

What should I do?

Less pay for now but with much better prospects? Why aren't you there already?
Well the prospects aren't as bright as well. And the pay is a lot less. Let's say I earn around 1300 a month at this place, I would be earning around 500-600 at the other one. :/
Are these incomes in the ee. life standards? It seems a low revenue if it is a real job according to me.
Well the last years average in Estonia was 809€ per month. I earn from 1300-1800 at the place I work now, depending on what a good month it is.
Hmm k I see. It's more a dilemma than what I thought at first sight indeed ;)
Yeah indeed. I would really love working there, but I would earn SOOOO MUCH less and I'm afraid I can't lose so much income.
Ask that guy you want a higher payment?
Won't work, they have like 20 applicants and chose me first, they will find someone if I won't answer until tomorrow. I also got a small advantage since I know the guy who started the whole company a bit from the past. So can't really ask for anything more.
Join them, if the company will make more profit ull get more advantages. Since its only started.
I always see "do what you love" as a number one rule.. if you love working there, you'll be great at it and make great progress too.
if you stay in your current job you'll grow more and more unhappy over the years imo.
and if it doesn't seem to be too bright to change anytime soon and it'S not safe to say if you will keep your job/salary then you should definitely consider a change, even though it at first might mean to earn less.
The key is to be happy and well-adjusted! First option (who knows where it will lead you at!)
Take the job!
as long as you can make a living with the new job, it will be better.
That's the thing, I'm afraid I won't be able to :p
lol yes u can ! if u can't take money and bye bye :d
I'd choose the new job probably, a lot to learn there I guess. Aslo if you work your way up there, you will start to get better paychecks?
Do you have diplomas ?
Try to negociate your salary. Tell them you've been offered a position in another company who's ready to pay you more.
But useful and gutsy :)
Just by reading your journal i can tell you've made up your mind already
I am really leaning towards the new job but I haven't made up my mind yet. I really want it but it wouldn't be good in ANY way to my financial status.
To and earn less money with an awesome company and have shitloads of fun there

You're only just starting there, ofcourse when you're doing a good job you will get a higher payment. Go for it.
I think the new job would fits better with you.. but before going away from the old working place, tell them you want a higher salary.. if the salary is "very" good why not staying? :> If they don't want to rise your salary say goodbye and start the new job :>
Good Luck dude
I will most probably be leaving the country in January anyway, so.
i know what you mean :( i'm moving too next week..
From .... to ..... ?
I'm going to Rome :) it's 4 hours bus from my city.. i know it's the same country but it's a moving anyway..
did you try to negotiate to get more money ?
Won't work, they have like 20 applicants and chose me first, they will find someone if I won't answer until tomorrow. I also got a small advantage since I know the guy who started the whole company a bit from the past. So can't really ask for anything more.
so you don't have so much time..
Yup, that's why I turn to everyone, facebook, crossfire and stuff to ask for as much opinions as I can :)
id prolly take the new chances, eventhough the salary is ridiculously low, as long as you can live fairly well from it it is ok (since afaik u dont have family and children you just have to pay for your own - if you have family stay with your old job) if its a rising company with loads of future potential you got quite high chances to get access to a better payed job by doing good work too.
You get the same salary in gas station btw
Kuidas lan oli?:P
Küsi ülemuselt, ei saanud rahasid kätte :D
Said arvuti korda?
Lähme Glitziga suvepuhukusele?
mõlematele mhmh. sain arvuti korda aga vahepeal tekkis miljon muud asja ja pole jõudnud isegi suurde arvutisse. korra pelasin ainult jaymodis :D aga peale suve võib jälle pelada kui asjad toimivad, suvel lihtsalt ei jõua :D
If you're moving away, will you be keeping in touch with either of the companies? As in, will the connections you'll make in your new job help you in any way in Perth?

If they wont help you, I'd stay at the current job for the money. Losing half your salary to be happy for 6 months is a huge drop imo. If you're going to change your job, look for a better one.
Ilmselt teengi nii siiski. Et ei liigu, sest ma lähen Perthi hoopis teise töövaldkonda ja kaheks aastaks vähemalt, nii, et kannatan vist pool aastat ära siin veel. Aasta juba elatud nii :D
Ask Marshall Eriksen

If you are 100% moving to aus, then stay in your current job and start saving, no point moving jobs for 6 months and earning less money, doesn't make sense in the long run.
Well the last years average in Estonia was 809€ per month. I earn from 1300-1800 at the place I work now, depending on what a good month it is.

Well well matey...
Mis sa well wellitad, eelmised palgad olid sellised :D Praegu lihtsalt haiguslehel olnud megapikalt ja puhkusel!
well well matey...
well well matey...
move to australia? FUCKYEA I WOULD GO
pirados v ?
After living here in Perth, Australia for aprox 9 months from Sweden. There are a lot of things you will have to get used to.... and I don't know where to start unless you start questioning me specifically.

Living: Shops/restaurants/facilities etc. close early and almost all are open from Mon-Sat only (Sunday closed). Cost of living is very expensive compared to Europe in general. Heating and cooking is usually done with using gas.

Transport: Cars cars cars cars.... cars cars. You need a car to get around. Public transport is apparently making a step forward but slowly. The bus timetables are way off 5-10min early or late. However, the CAT buses in the city are free.

Internet: Very expensive. I don't know how you guys in Estonia have it but in Sweden it is usually unlimited amount of download traffic. In Australia you will have to pay ex. $149 for 200GB/month decent internet (ADSL 2+).

Safety: The crime rate is very high unfortunately. DON'T underestimate your surroundings. Always have your blinds "folded" so you can't see in or out if you live in a villa or house. See how your neighbours do. During the summer (November-January) it is necessary to have sunglasses/hat or you will get burned badly :P... Winters (May-July) are usually cold during the morning and night ~15 degrees indoor. Unfortunately the majority of the houses have only 1 window pane for isolation.

There are certainly heaps more that I could add but I'm figuring that it's best for you to just ask and I highly recommend that you do so that you come better prepared than I did.
Thanks for the awesome suggestions. I will gather a heap of questions once it's 100% sure that I'm going and ask you so be prepared :)

First one now though, why did you move there? Did you get a good job offer or just went to look for something different?
I came here to study Petroleum Engineering at Uni. level but unfortunately the international fees are super expensive ($28 000/year). So I'm studying IT in college TAFE instead as a "backup-solution" for only $800! TAFE college or college TAFE is basically for those that want to get a certificate diploma and start working straight after the course is done, instead of taking a Uni. degree. TAFE courses can last from 6months or 1-2 years and there are no age restrictions. My plan is still to get in to Uni but I might as well return to Sweden where it's free education, however they don't offer Petroleum Engineering courses :/...

If you are looking for temporary work than Australia is probably one of the best places today in terms of the high currency value, huge range of job opportunities and offers and so on. Quite randomly I was even offered to work as a part time Swedish teacher the first month I arrived to Perth! I have no experience or what so ever but I felt that I was motivated enough and I took the offer :P... 9 months later and I am now officially the head-teacher for my class of 4-7 year olds. Not to mention the salary is really nice :D.

Another thing that came to my mind is the activities you can do in Perth. Although it is still expensive you will find heaps of things to do IF you are looking in the right places. Don't rely on internet too much because there are a few that don't handle that sort of technology just as yet, but for those big events/facilities/theme parks/museums you will.
I'd say go for the new job. You said that they are the fastest growing clothing/lifestyle company in Estonia, so business is going good I guess. Probably your paycheck will go up pretty fast aswell then! Plus, working in a company where you hate to be isnt really great...

So unless you have to leave a wife and childeren and a shitload of close family behind, I would go to Australia and work for a company that offers you work that you love doing :)
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