xfire.be > crossfire.nu

i realy hate using this 'crossfire.nu' domain, when will 'xfire.be' be back from vacation?

discuss, plz!
I've been using crossfire.nu since it came online for the first time...
I always used to use xfire.be also and I liked it...
TRUE! i want it back too
add the ip with the address to your hosts file?
already doing that
if you had a lil' bit brain and if you could read you would have recognized that it won't return 8)
don't be so mean to the xfire.be users:<, you'd better share your knowledge :P
same here geif back xfire.be =?D
same here. xfire.be > xrossfire.nu
it doesnt matter anything rly
plz everybody start using crossfire.nu cuz the fuckin link spam gets annoying cuz of this:

I get this when i use xfire.be


Well, it looks like Murphy interfered, and Fragland is down at the moment.
Please stand by while we're fragging Murphy's ass, Fragland.net will be back in a couple of hours.

Meanwhile have a look at Fragland.NET or Fragland.BE.

The Fragland crew
.nu is more more expensive than .be ;P
get a life, who teh fuck cares?! :-C
xfire.be is coming back there were some complications at the hosting company, but its being fixed...or at least i paid for it to be!
idd.... xfire.be rox
I like wow-europe.com more.
what makes playing wow 'nerdier' than playing ET? :(
the elves
Is that more nerdy than playing a bad version of a WW2 game?
at least what i play is possible to take / have taken place
but pointless discussion ;)
imo --> closed ;)
Why play it instead of actually playing a _good_ game? :(
lol, you dont want to tell me you type w w w . x f i r e . b e in browser?

ever heard about cards? =:)
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