Last Journal :) ?

so here we are

5 years ago a guy called Kresti showed me this awesome Website. I really had a lot of fun here and became one of the most active users. After this awesome LAN i think it is finally time to say good bye to you guys. I just dont think that this game is alive anymore. It is very hard to find wars in the evening or night and there arnt so many active players anymore. I feel like im the only one posting entertaining journals on this website and next to dunzys randomflame journals i dont see anything interesting anymore :(.

Some mates on lan asked me why im quiting after the lan and i told them that im just spending too much time here on CF and ET. I could invest this time to something else such as gf and university. After this journal i wont quit completely crossfire, i mean maybe ill show up in the next days or even weeks, but i wont be as active as before.

Lets talk about my lanexperience :)

2 czech guys called malfoy and rifleman88 picked me up in Hannover and after 3 hours we finally reached Enschede. You are nice guys! Was fun to talk and drink some beers with you ;) After they let me out at the logica hotel i needed like 100 phonecalls and sms to Thomm after i finally found our room. Netherlands SimonKinsler picked me up at the street in front of our apartment and i followed him to the yard and what did i see there? Yeah, 15-20 drunk and stoned ETplayers with hundreds of beers on the table :'D After like 2 hours we finally decided to move to the Lancenter to see the other gamers. It was pretty cool actually to see which face is behind the ETnick. After drinking some beers we finally went back home to the Hotel Logica.

On Saturday I stood up really early and Netherlands wra1th and Simon were kinda pissed i guess because they wanted to sleep longer :'D. Later we ate some breakfast and went to the lancenter and i discovered the awesome Livestream and spend most of my time in front of it. Around 21 oclock we finally played our first match and celebrated every 2 mankill like a victory. Eventho some of my teammates didnt want to play the way i wanted, it was rly funny. I was carrying my team with my 10 knifekills against chocomel (5 times United Kingdom koop hi2u) and later 1 knifekill against United Kingdom sqzz ;D

On my last day everyone was kinda wasted. We ran around like zombies and just waited for the last matches, before i had to go to the trainstation and drive back 7,5 hours :(

All in all it was a really nice event. I had a lot of fun with guys like wra1th, Simon, Matias, Olba, potty, koop, Owzo, deryn, Lango, Scatman, catcher, Aggro, ekto, rest of froplantic6 and Lost Soldiers and many more !
A big thank you to Sean, marcus (aka taxidriver :D), Merlinator and munchies!

I think this is a good way to stop my ET-"career" and i wish you guys best of luck in the future of this awesome game :) I guess im gonna move to Battlefield 3 with some other mates now..just for fun !

Here some of my last Randomchicks. Ive met them all at LAN and they allowed me to post their pictures on Crossfire :P

image: iyp7lmcz
image: ps2iyfmk
image: h6vnpvi8
image: 2pkgdrp7
Guess the names ;)

Anyway.... im out :)
bye Razzah misssssssss u so much :-)
that iron pic
1) Matias
2) Iron
3) Thomm
4) twidi
gonna miss the random chick journals!
Anyway.... im out :)

image: DthOM

Bye razzah!
not yet ;P

wanna see who is commenting and read the "back from lan journals" first
>not having xfire 2 theme, oh god what are you doing
nah i do, it's just that i had to cut the pictures :X
come on man, I made a comeback because of your random chick journals, don't do that to me.
not mention in journal? fuck you
fuck off
I'll gladly take up on the job providing cf with random chicks :) Byelio!
PS: I wna fork that Thomm-chick RAWR!
PPS: I quite like my morning journals btw, I´M JUST SAYING!
I agree.

The quality of journals was never high but in the last year or maybe even more, there hasn't been anything remotely interesting, of course apart from some nice ones. The game itself and the news concerning it has long-since been not even close to interesting. (The time Blindi puts writing KRP-newsposts usually makes nice read)

To the people still playing and writing coverage, I admire your passion. I guess this isn't even possible to be put in non-offensive way but some day you realize you were just playing games and being active contributors because you had nothing better to do. And of course this statement isn't as black & white as it seems, because at least I met a few people in my years whom I'm still friends with so it wasn't a complete waste of time.

Gonna miss your journals, too bad you didnt bring chicks to LAN :D


have fun :) cu next LAN?
bb razzah
noooooooooooooooooooooooooo :(
Hope i can still see u on irc!

Have fun<33

if u still remember me :d
good luck in future!

someone ban him so he can spend his holidays with his family and not at cf
Was nice to meet you mate :)
cu little boy :DDD

hope u gonna njoy bf3, public only shit xD

hope theres gonna be a promod or something soon :D
Am I the only one who doesn't follow razzah's journals? :E
we are 3 now
5, but i don't spend that much time on cf anyway. It's mostly because I usually spend time with my gf like totally banging her or getting wasted with some kick-ass weed.

Or I sit in front of my pc playing video games Q_Q
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Matias, Iron, Thomm, Twidi
dem pics :DDDDDD

Don't leave! We fucking love you mate!
I havent been posting anything since Ive been rather busy with stuff going on in my real life, Im sorry :(
I will miss the random chicks :(

Wishing you the best ! :)
komde nie aan u trekken mss?
Mojawel, ke kik genoeg me mijn vriendin :p
MAAR het oog mag ook wat ;)
Doe is ff normaal jij. Idioot!
sorry :( xje
omg keith /!\ :D

"ga wenen"
Waarom zou ik wenen?
kwnie :p omda je dat altijd zegt als carnage /!\ keith zegt :P
nee, zeg ik niet?
2 Weeks max
this, cu next nc anyway razzah
like 100 random turks pmming me every week because they wanna be in team nc

guess u will continue my job ;D
nice guy, nice girls, bibuy :-(
Noooooo! Hope to see u online sometimes :(
Good luck in real life and other games!

no homo

Good bye razzah! But before leaving you have to tell me what kinda shoes you wore at lan.i liked the blue ones ;)

Greetz from lango too (sitting next to me, we r still driving home -.-)
implying you must play et actively to surf

i havent touched et in 3 years,doesnt mean i cant stay here,read journals and troll some nerds
well im just quiting ET completly

As i said, ill visit Crossfire from time to time, but just not as active as before (like every day)...
naja 2-3 mal am tag cf browsen ist doch kein ding,wenn man eh grad nichts besseres tun will...musst ja auch nichtmehr deine 100 random chicks und pics in der woche posten..dann passt das schon :D
Had a great time with you both online and offline RazZaH I still have your whatsapp so I will send you some random chicks from time to time! Was great to meet you and enjoy real life mate!
oooof thomm so sexy!
was amazing to see you mate!

lucky knife kills imo.. ;/
One does not simply quit ET
nice guy is nice ;)
as far as i knew him

bb deniz :'(((
oh nein

rly u seem like a friendly guy but all your self centered shit u say its annoying.
CU mate, take care of yourself and stay cool!
looooooooooooool'd at image: ept_sports_nfl_experts-638278057-1296669176.jpg?ym43yfED0U

bye bye razzah
So this your last Journal and your other was your Last Random Journal ( ) I guess that's just about you done then :)
fuck off and die

btw add buddies on bf3 lets play
add "RazZaH"
battlelog is down for me.. add me "dunzaR" and join our epic crossfire platoon
:D u wont leave us ET is just to much fun,but anyways LAN was fun <3
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