Picmip Question

Easy Question

Where to go with:
Picmip 0
Picmip 3

Why you use i,and which is the advantage.
What is the better setting you think ?

Good Evening
I use 3 to make it run smoother
I use 0 because Lepari uses it
2 to get the most fluid feeling.
0 better quality ! ( a game shouldent be like super mario )
11 , like razz
make that 16
played for a long time with 0, but then i started to think that if things were simpler, the game would became more...simpler too! like no detailed stuff, only running figures, so i've been useing 3 since then :)
3, cause i think i can see the opponent smuch better and i also have the feeling that my eyes don't get as fast tired as while playing with 0

grz maede
lol @ "smuch" :D
Higher picmip means a more simple screen making it easier to spot ennemies + its less straining for you eyes making you able to play Wolfenstein 24/7.
picmip 1 is still smooth enough if you use simplemipmaps 0

And I play as bad as with 3.
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