Come more weight

Heey peepz, I have this problem that I don't get more weight.
I have Rapid Metabolism I even lose weight if I eat MCDonalds.
Yes I go to gym and that stuff but now what I need is a Shake.
But the problem is I don't know which one.
Whats a Shake? A shake helps you to get more weight.

I'm gonna order it online and from this website:
You people know any?
mix this for a shake you take 3 times a day with guaranteed weight gaim
1 kilo sugar + 1 liter fat milk + 5 bars chocolate !
1 Pot Pindakaas in 1x keer leeg eten binnen 10 minuten.
Ik eet ongeveer 3/4 maaltijden perdag.
Dat is normaal tog?
ja , maar ik weet toch niet hoeveel jij eet. Als je wil aankomen doe je dit;
1. BMR uitrekenen, +je dagelijkste activiteit,
dan kom je uit op je onderhoud ( aantal calorieen dat je lichaam dagelijks nodig heeft.)

2. Voedingsschema maken waarbij je 500 kcal boven je onderhoud eet.

Dus stel je lichaam heeft 2500 calorieen nodig ( onderhoud) dan ga je 3000 calorieen eten en dan kom je aan :D

Voor dit bovenstaande moet je maar ff google op BMR ofz, dan vind je genoeg sites.
Ik heb ook Snelle Stofwisseling he.
+ a brick
just eat real foods that have high caloric content but some actual nutrition, like meat, fish, dairy, vegetables, rice etc

aim for 4k calories a day, and if you keep that up you will gain weight - if you can't eat that much try GOMAD
Beer has worked well for me, you should try it.
only for the belly!
Pls, not _only_, I have gained all over.
:D :D :D :D : D
beer abolishes muscles
Sure, you say that from 2000km away now...
I'm saying it as a true fact o_O
weight gaim
1 kilo sugar + 1 liter fat milk + 5 bars chocolate !
Nu moet je anabolen gebruiken om op een hoger niveau te komen. Of ga een dag niet eten en die dagen daarna fucking veel.
Man up and start eating.

If you're looking for high calories go for fatty stuff (1g fat = 9 cals, P/C = 4 cals). So eat nuts and use plenty of oil and butter. Eat rich icecream and chocolate.
Since you're also looking to keep up with your protein intake, just get fattier cuts of meat instead of chicken breast or tuna. They are most likely cheaper, contain just slightly less protein, but deliver more fat and therefore more calories.

Also post your diet or the stuff you regular eat on a day, don't lie to yourself. I'm 99,9% sure you're just not eating enough to gain.

If you're tired of seeing minimal returns on your maximum training and dieting output, consider cycling the #1 oral anabolic on the market today. D-anabol is the key to:

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Only pussy's take that.
from what i know about that site its not real anabolic steriods.

If people want to use roids, they should be knowing alot about it before starting.
i advocate staying natural unless you want to compete, but that link was just a quick google hit.
ok i see.

but well i dont agree on that, only if u would compete.

Some people who dont compete, have more posetive effects with it then without it.

Its medicin, some people need them, some people dont really need em but they abuse it :P
what do you mean with 'some people need em?"
Some guys, having too little teststrone in their body. So they get injectable testostrone or one i gel cream.
People that having problems with joints gets a small dosage of deca durabolin and after a little while pain is gone etc etc.
fuck you all
your sick in your head.
Was waiting for a comment like this :DDD
That is also true.
Make your own shake with 2 scoops whey, full fat milk, 2 tbps peanut butter, 2 tbps olive oil, 2 scoops ice cream izi 1k+ calories
People think they eat much, but they dont.

"I eat mcdonalds, twice a day and bla bla". still that is like 2400 kcal and not enough.

Eat good made food, chicken, meat, egg, and with good carbs potatoes, rice. Eat good fats from nuts.

If u eat much, a few big meals a day u will gain weight, BESIDE the food use a gainer to boost up.

Many Gainers have like 400-1000 kcal eat portion, 3 of those with much food and you will start gain weight.

I weight like 82kg after i stopped football,started to gym and ate much, few monhts later i was around 100kg
Het probleem is dat junkfood sneller uit mijn lichaam is dan gezond eten.
Ik eet 3/4x perdag gezond eten.
Zaterdags wel meestal buiten maar dat kan niet kwaad omdat ik ook daarbij gezond eten eet.
Vet verteert sneller bij mij.
Ik blijf op het zelfde gewicht maakt niet uit wat ik eet.
Ik train daarbij kracht & conditie, hard lopen 8 minuten.
ik doe het nu effe zo omdat ik eten moeilijk binnen krijg gebruik ik veel shakes.. gaat ook wel


Sample Diet:
Meal 1: Weight Gaining Shake
Meal 2: 10 Egg Whites and a bowl of Oatmeal
Meal 3: Weight Gaining Shake
Meal 4: Pasta and Meat Sauce
Meal 5: Weight Gaining Shake
Meal 6: Chicken/Turkey Sandwich
Meal 7: Weight Gaining Shake
Meal 8: Chicken Breast and Pasta/Vegetables
Meal 9: Fruits, Nuts
It make sens
Don't throw away the egg yolks!
i'll put it in a box and send it over ;)
You don't need to eat that often per day, unless you like it. Personally I prefer to eat one or two larger meals instead of many small ones.

Trying to hit around 2600 (off) or 3000 (on) cals, 200g+ protein and around 80g+ fat per day. Filling the rest of the calories mainly with carbs.

But anyway, it seems to be working for you!
yeah i prefer it that way because i'm not really a big eater, but i can eat all day long.. after two hours i'm hungry again!
i stay away from food like mcdonalds, that crap effects my body significantly and it makes me feel like shit.

plus it isnt really the healthiest way to gain weight lol
read my post again, i dont talk any good for mcdonalds ;)
Wil je hem dood hebben..
hoezo? :D
Weet ik veel, maar die bAnga moet minder typen op Crossfire maar meer eten. Gewoon veel eten ook al zit je vol, gewoon door eten des noods een tros bananen eten.
lmao what the! ja maar ik heb ook problemen met constant te eten, maar die shakes zijn easy om te neme :)
ja dat sowieso, in het weekend is kut vrjdag bier en zaterdag ook en zondag meestal brak. Meestal kom je al die 2 dagen niet eens meer aan je voeding :P
jij ben toch al ripped dus maakt niet uit toch
i-net hero.
so much malinformation in hurr
In 90% of the cases where someone says they "eat a lot and don't gain" it's bullshit, and they don't even count their calories. So start counting and eating much, much more.
I didn't said that I eat a lot u dumb ass
I said I eat 3/4 times per day so its normal.
i got the same problem bro, im tall and was skinny as hell...started changing the way i lift from reading Arnold's encyclopedia of bodybuilding and changed my diet (eat ALOT of meat) and soon started seeing pretty good results i guess. just gotta take in ALOT of calories so after your done working out you still have some left over that will turn into muscle if you are working out correctly.... i also use the priority principle which i focus on muscles and part of my body which i want to grow on the most.

take high calorie shakes, mine has 1850. mix it with fruits :D

took this picture of myself earlier in the day cuz im pretty proud of myself XD

for how long have you been lifting?
for a couple years i think, but i was very uneducated about lifting and half the time i wasnt working out correctly but recently ive learned alot about my body so ive been seeing more results
Your chest looks weird bro, might be the pic tho.
it doesnt look wierd at all lol, but the picture is taken from an angle
It does to me :p Looks like you're not training the lower muscles of your chest :x
not as much as i should atm tbh cuz im focusing on the top area more to get it proportioned
your probably talking about the genetic layout, the muscles are attachted to your skeleton in a way wich can vary from person to person. Some ppl have a nice wide chest , some have huge hole in the middle.
Like I did not know that :_D
his lower part of his chest is better than the upper
exactly lol
Do you even lift
pm me and ill give u some advice u pudhi
what advice you hoe, i know what im doing lol just takes time for my type of body :(
stfu u ugly bastard
image: mass__66228_zoom

serious mass by optimum nutrition. optimum nutrition > *
how many calories??

e: nvm i see it -.-
have u tried? how is it taste? Just about to order one.
som chocolate tastes around
i did, taste is more than decent. but optimum nutrition is best with with supplements, u will notice some serious gain in a few weeks :)
could show u some tricks at lan but u didnt show up I guess, unlucky :S
smoke a joint and wait for the munchies
bbq every day np...
Kom je niet aan eet je simpel weg te weinig..
Zet is neer wat je normaal altijd eet op een dag?
go store buy chocolate be fat
beer teqila whisky cocaine and KFC/mcdonalds
ugh eat like always and dont fucking care about weight?
shake, mixture betwen milk, and all the other proteins = shake, omnomnom get the chocolate one : )

+some protein "snackbar"

tbh, just workout without using any proteins and other shit :P maybie a regenerator drink while the workout wich is almost like redbull but more tasty and smelly :D and go normal mod :P
Ongezond vet voedsel eten kom je niet van aan, je moet goede vetten en veel koolhydraten binnen krijgen.

Ga eens langs een diëtist ;)
En waar vind ik die?XD
In de gouden gids, of google t? Je huisplaats + diëtist intypen. Zo moeilijk is t niet.
Hmmmm via huisarts of ziekenhuis kan ook tog?
Huisarts idd.
Oké, thanks!
Je hoeft helemaal geen gekke dingen te bestellen of te kopen, normaal voedsel is goed genoeg. Probeer niet aan te komen met junkfood, daar verzwak je je lichaam alleen maar mee. Eet zeker 5 keer per dag, goed verdeeld. Eet genoeg goed belegde boterhammen, fruit, goed gevulde muesli. Voor warme maaltijden eet genoeg aardappelen, pasta, rijst met een goed stuk vlees/vis.
Zoals al eerder werd gezegd in dit topic, gooi er maar eens echt flink wat tegenaan en niet zulke calvinistische Hollandse hoeveelheden. En probeer niet om met snoep of junkfood de hoeveelheid calorieën op te voeren. Tuurlijk kun je af en toe wel eens wat ijs of vlaai of zo eten, maar dat moet niet de basis zijn. En als je zo iets doet, kies dan ook voor de "goede" soorten, zoals bijvoorbeeld rijstevlaai, daar mag je best eens een kwart van naar binnen werken.
I think you should learn how to speak english before going to gym, it'll probably help you out more :)
o_0 that doesn't make any sense.
Omdat mijn sportschool gewoon in Nederland zit.
Sorry i don't speak cunt.
Oké good cunt!
I guess you're a natural ectomorph. When I started working out, I took Maximuscle progain twice a day for around 6 weeks. I then used Promax then Cyclone which contains creatine. I highly recommend Maximuscle products, even though they are quite expensive in terms of how much powder you are actually buying. Good luck and keep mirin.
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