Greece 2012 anno Domini

So the background is, member of national socialist political party "Golden Dawn" on the bottom left is arguing with communist politician on the top left regarding something about police, then the left wing woman on the top right came in strong, arguing his party will bring Greece 500 years in the past.

Then, he really did go to the past, he went neanderthal.

Just crazy, I hope the Greek people will come to their senses and vote accordingly
Arrest warrant out? You crazy Greeks.
He's still sought by the police as far as I know.
He was neo-nazi anyways.
Read about this from newspapers already :P Pretty crazy guy
I almost let the plate fall on the floor when I saw this video on television :)
the lady with the white attacked first...
Yeah she attacked by slinging papers at him, the horror.
i get what you mean, but if someone disrespected me like that i would probably get very angry as well ( i didnt see the video so i don't know who is guilty or not, just basing my comment upon greko's one )
She's a woman, you don't ever hit women however angry you are, douchebags hit women.

image: lens13066621_1283175476David-Hasselhoff101
are you a feminist ma boy
What if they are beating you to death? Are you bound by some sort of code of honour to not fight back?
She is a lesbian woman...not a real woman :D
that makes her a man np there
haha!true :D
1) they arent 8 yo children anymore
2) they should know better
3) they are fucking politicians, representing the people who voted for them
4) they are on tv
i dont know what they are saying but that communist threw water on first woman and then bitchslapped other woman, deserves some punishment, atleast what i saw from the video
Yes, but he threw water on that other girl before.
nazi spotted ?
ye true,fuck her
men have no rights in this world anymore.
image: 1308020996997

The time of orcs has come!
So folks, what did we learn today? Never argue with a greek!
lol he mad
hercules alive
"We'll prove we're not retarded barbarians by acting like retarded barbarians"
Typical muslims.
Actually I am happy that there are worse countries than Hungary. Cheers.
you shouldnt hit a woman, but if you do, make sure you hit her like a man. Not flinging your arms around..
ahah I thought the same :D
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