Thinking about buying a new watch

What do you think? Am looking for a similar style to those below. I prefer something cheap that will serve me for a year until I get something more luxury like Armani or Boss.
Would you go for them? Got any suggestions for other purchases?
What's the point of buying 10 dollar watch, it is just going to break in a month or so.
i doubt it will break in a month or so tbh...but should keep me happy until i decide to move forward for an expensive one. i have my eyes on some but i've enough expenses at the moment to think about unnecessary items for now.
lohem isuf.. keep your camouflaged g-shock ;)
need to look fabulous on the field as well
hmm I don't like them at all :D

image: montre-diesel-dz7131-blanche
looks nice, whats the name? :)
thx xdddd
Just wait untill you can afford a real watch, fucking nerd.
i can afford a real watch, i currently don't need a real watch. why so offensive?
Because I hate Polaks.
i'm not polish, so we can be friends
You cannot fool me, Polak.
dammit i tried
Why would you be friend with such an asshole? :(
i don't know if he is an asshole, but they are humans as well.
not my style of watches
we were never under agreements..
so true =d

My collection: image: p0305111200
I bet you never used used any items from this pic if you know what I mean :D
dumbells are just decoration..
why so many?
i like watches..
why u buy ugly ones then :S
die witte is van diesel xd
heb ik er ook 1 van :)
Do you even lift?
buy polar watch

f6 model :~>
buy a smartphone it has time function :)
some people say watches are for men what jewerly is for women.
"time function" :D

why so leather :d
First of all: Get an automatic watch.. everything with battery is just crap in my opinion.

Think about leather or metal. Leather means no showering, harder to clean the watch (since you should always remove the leather so it won't get wet). Metal is awesome as you can shower with the whole watch and clean it easier. Also leather needs to be replaced every year (= 30-60€ or more).

I had metal but now moved to leather cause it fits more to my watch :P

Don't know if it makes any sense to buy a cheap watch for the beginning (which will look & feel cheap) or simply start with some good but "cheap" automatic watch. E.g. Tissot le locle.
cheers for the constructive comment. what is automatic watch?

about the leather, this is my ideal. am not going to shower with it and will probably only wear it on some occasions (not regularly). am also looking for a specifiec look which is a black leather with a rectangle view. why is leather has to be replaced every year?

also for the cheap part, am still a soldier which means i'm limited on anything (eg. money which is not really an issue but still, going out, events and so on.) so it's not the most necessary thing i need (for example i need an elegant black shoes that costs quite a bit, much more than i need a watch), but i do want to look the best, when i do have events. i only need a reliable similar watch to serve me for a ~year until i have less expenses and i'm free to wonder what to do with the money i have (sounds unrealistic tho)
Automatic watch = it will completely work without any battery. It's getting charged by moving it. Most of them have a 48h power reserve (which means u can put it on the table for ~40h and it will still work). Also some of them have a glas (transparent) bottom to view the inside. Automatic watches need a service every 2 years which costs a bit (depending on the brand). But for me, a watch with battery isn't anything special.

Cause leather sucks in all the sweat and starts to small bad after some time. Also from the hygienical view it would be recommended ;P

I think if you want to look "good" at events then no watch > cheap watch. It's like "I want but I can't". If you just need a watch for knowing the time during your army days then go for smth cheap ofc ;P
i already have a...'camouflaged'(lol) watch for army. well honestly you can be right about having no watch at all, but sometimes if you pick the right one, it can be just as good. atm i'm walking with bracelets, and i feel they aren't the solution for events, and i need something more luxury. i really think that these watch are the solution:
it just looks the same as any armany or boss i compared...

image: 7sw07701
image: ar14345a

image: S2_2011_10_1121_54_242287

and if it breaks...fuck it, i payed nearly nothing, and i at least tried
ye and boss / armani is shit ;D
Lol, he wants to buy a 8 USD watch and you advise him to get an automatic! Eventhough I have an automatic watch, i gotta admit battery is a better option, it's more accurate, needs less maintenance and is much cheaper.
mhh my tissot le locle has ~6-8 seconds per day.. makes ~5 minutes per month which is no problem for me.

I still think that having no watch at all is better than having a cheap/random watch. If I see anyone running around with his cool armani/boss watch I could just puke at them :(

If he wants smth cheap -> surely battery (he won't even get an automatic watch for cheap prices). But no watch > cheap watch :P
You can't go wrong with a Rolex.
image: picture_1_21
dat is insta win 2 bad they dont sell ;(
and this shows the time how?
who cares? it looks awesome :)
no but really how can you not know how sand glass works? :P
>Armani or Boss


Anyway, for that price you probably can't expect to get anything better. If you really like the style, go for it.
i'm willing to invest ~150 euros on a decent one, similar style. but not yet...
just dont buy icewatch
mine (6 years old):
image: 5467773821_fb52791519_z
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