helpful peeps

decided to make my config technically scrim/match ready, so what i need from the lovely crossfire community is spawn points etc for every map n stuff

another thing, atm ive got

bind uparrow "class e 1; echo you will respawn as a ^1e^zngi^1.^zsmg^1."
bind downarrow "class e 2; echo you will respawn as a ^1e^zngi^1.^zrifle^1."
bind leftarrow "class m 1; echo you will respawn as a ^1m^zedic^1.^zsmg^1."
bind rightarrow "class f 1; echo you will respawn as a ^1f^zield^1.^zsmg^1."

what i would like is for when i select a class it to assign MOUSE 4 and MOUSE 5 to things used for that class, ie atm ive got bind MOUSE4 "weapalt" and i usually just assign binoculars to mouse 5 in the menu. What i would like when i select


mouse 4 as packs
mouse 5 as needle


mouse 4 as weapon alt ie load grenade
mouse 5 as landmine


mouse 4 as ammo packs
mouse 5 as binoculars

engi smg

mouse 4 as landmines
mouse 5 as dynamite

this would be much appreciated (looking mainly at perfo ;D) and have a nice day guys!

edit: hi2squall - your in my new leet config hope your proud!
Quotewhat i would like is for when i select a class it to assign MOUSE 4 and MOUSE 5 to things used for that class,...

use the autoexec_engineer.cfg etc.
You can each time unbind and rebind them to what you want. I do it to.
Lazy ass :D
Make class_cfg's:

bind F6 "class m 1; echo ^x.^zMEDIC; say_team x.^zMEDIC; play sound\menu\select.wav; exec Rfki\classes\medic.cfg" // MEDIC

in \classes\medic.cfg for example:
//Rfki @ Medic -
Echo "^x.^zMedicMode
exec Rfki/classes/globalclass.cfg
Bind mouse2 "weaponbank 5; cg_drawgun 1" // Needle in action
Bind kp_del "^x[^zTake My Medpacks^x]
make a few configs in your etmain/etpro map like this

bind mouse4 "weaponbank 4"
bind mouse5 "weaponbank 5"

bind mouse4 "weaponbank 7"
bind mouse5 "weaponbank 6"

bind mouse4 "weaponbank 6"
bind mouse5 "+zoom"

This will automatically load the class config whenever you swithc class and you spawn.

For the riflenade, you have to do it more specifically; bind this:

bind downarrow "class e 2; echo you will respawn as a ^1e^zngi^1.^zrifle^1.; exec autoexec_riflenade"

bind mouse4 "weapalt"
bind mouse5 "weaponbank 7"


spawnpoints i know from the head:

0 = default
1 = backspawn (allied start)
2 = cp

2, 5 = backspawn
3 = flag spawn right side
4 = flag spawn left side

3 = backspawn (i believe)
4 = cp spawn

2 = backspawn
0 = cp forward spawn as soon as you have cp

3 = more forward spawn aiming towards cp
2 = side spawn, aiming to tank
5 = back spawn

1 = cp spawn, but if you dont have cp you will spawn villa
0 = forward spawn

4 = hut spawn
5 = back spawn

4 = cp spawn
2 = back spawn (i believe, it might be 3 as well)
0 = flag spawn

4 = flag spawn more towards the right
3 = center flag spawn a bit more to the left
2, 5 = back spawn
0 = flag spawn


3 = left house spawn, more towards back
4 = right house spawn usually

when you have CP

1 = backspawn, 0 = cp spawn

1 = down spawn but you cant spawn down when match starts
Quotespawnpoints i know from the head:

zucht *blush*
rofl, don't worry, i'm straight, not even a fanboy, just made me think of that certain action :D
hahahaha :D:D:D:ddD:d;fd;:F:D:S::s:D:D:d:d;D:D:D:d

you make tubgirl cry
hey kom eens op msn dan aangezien mijn bnc het niet zo goed doet
voor gratis porn en trojans vergat je erbij te zetten
if you press the key you say cover me and you will get weaponbank 6, you move down, you plant when you planted, you get weaponback 3 and say dynamiteplantend

set eson "vsay_team CoverMe; weaponbank 6; +movedown; set engi vstr esof"
set esof "vsay_team DynamitePlanted; -movedown ; weaponbank 3; set engi vstr eson"
set engi "vstr eson"
bind x "vstr engi"

same for the medic
set mson "vsay_team imamedic!; weaponbank 5; +movedown; set medi vstr msof"
set msof "-movedown ; weaponbank 3; set medi vstr mson"
set medi "vstr mson"
bind x "vstr medi"

you can delete the say things and than it works for every class eat my english skill
To select a class i got binds.

bind 8 "class m ; say_team "^0[^7Going ^3Medic ^7Next Spawn^0]
bind 9 "class f ; say_team "^0[^7Going ^3Fops ^7Next Spawn^0]
bind 0 "class e 1 ; say_team "^0[^7Going ^3Engi ^7Next Spawn^0]
bind f9 "class e 2 ; say_team "^0[^7Going ^3Rifle ^7Next Spawn^0]
bind f10 "class s 4 ; say_team "^0[^7Going ^3Panzer ^7Next Spawn^0]
bind f11 "class c 3 ; say_team "^0[^7Going ^3Sniper ^7Next Spawn^0]
bind f12 "class c 1 ; say_team "^0[^7Going ^3Cops Sten ^7Next Spawn^0]
bind - "class c 2 ; say_team "^0[^7Going ^3Cops FG42 ^7Next Spawn^0]
bind k "kill ; say_team "^0[^3/^7Kill^0]

To select a spawn im using limbo.
You got hacks, do you really need those things?
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