* Now talking in #netcoders
* Topic is '4:7:8:9:12: 2Welcome to www.netCoders.be Channel 4- 2Hi 2 u fusen, you got a serious problem, u know about Law? If not you will see what it is 12:9:8:7:4:'
* Set by mBudget on Fri Jan 05 09:40:58
uh ooh.
hahaha hf trying
they cant do shit
be warned, Fusen! netcoders staff are coming to VETÄÄ SUA TURPAA ( = punch you to nose ) and if It's not enough maybe they will ask for help from Hesshuu and maybe EVEN THE LEGENDARY MORI HIMSELF IN ALL HIS GLORY. He can punch everybody to nose 100 times and with full power.

... after all, I think u're gonna die man.
pls how lame to punch... hit with baseball bat or smth.. so lame -.- learn to fight omg
lets all scare fusen with the netcoders flag.
hmm, not gonna work
Gonna tell Melkor to eat MBudget alive, next time they see each other in school brb
The law? Good joke. They broke the law/violated the eula by hacking ET and PB. Have fun explaining that to a lawyer!
pssss Kinder kennen sich doch nicht so gut mit dem Gesetz aus als das sie das wissen würden!
woot? wieso solln die keinen mod proggen und verkaufen dürfen?!? hat bani sich somit auch strafbar gemacht?
Es ist keine mod.
aber das gleiche wie einer. es wird ja nichts am spiel verändert, sondern ledicglich zusatzprogramme verwendet.

der auszug scheint aus den AGB zu kommen, was noch nicht bedeutet daß das auch gesetzlich gilt. lachhaft, daß irgendjmd nen Anwalt bezahlt um sowas zu verfolgen...imo
Ich glaube, solange es nicht gegen geltende Gesetze verstösst, ist es ein legaler Vertrag?

k, das baby nennt sich vertragsbruch... vertragsbruch in dem sinn is gesetzeswidrig und somit strafbar.
Ist es ein legaler Vertrag? Bei HL und dem Thema Steam hat man bereits gesehen, daß diese "Verträge" alles andere als koscher sind.
Und wenn sowas irgendwann mal vor Gericht kommen sollte, möchte ich den Richter kennenlernen,der entscheiden muß, wann eine legale mod aufhört und ein verbotener cheat anfängt.

imo bewegt man sich in nem rechtlichen Vakuum, vllt kann man sowas innen USA durchsetzen...
Kleines Update: Nach europäischem Recht ist ein derartiger Vertrag / EULA, bei einem von Dir auf einem Datenträger gekauften Produkt/Software, idR nicht gültig. Jedoch erhält er, zumindest in Deutschland, Gültigkeit, wenn Du diese Software nicht auf einem Datenträger erworben hast, sondern zB heruntergeladen hast. Es können aber einzelne Klauseln aus dieser EULA trotzdem ungültig sein.
Somit ist die EULA von ET bindend.

Nachzulesen hier: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/EULA
Hah! Netcoders verletzen das Urheberrechtsgesetz, wonach reverse engineering nur mit Erlaubnis des Rechteinhabers oder zur Herstellung der Interopera... ach nennen wir es einfach der Kompatibilität erlaubt ist.
Urheberrecht ist immer garantiert (dafür braucht man keine EULA, etc) und somit ist dies doch ganz offensichtlich eine Rechteverletzung. Und da das UrhG auf einer europäischen Richtlinie von 1991 basiert, sollte dies auch EU weit garantiert sein (wenn nicht sogar dank der "Berne Convention" international)
there is nothing illegal with it. thats the point.
hacking a website and stealing information IS.
Quote3. Prohibitions with Regard to the Software. You, whether directly or indirectly, shall not do any of the following acts:
g. disassemble, reverse engineer, decompile, modify, except as permitted by section 2 hereinabove, or alter the Software;
hacks dont touch pb.
they hook in ways pb doesnt catch/know.
First of all, this was taken from ET's license.
Second, how are you supposed to write a hook without knowing how PB works?
I'm not really an expert on this, but don't hax simply use features implemented in ET's engine, rather than altering them?
According to the eula, you don't need to alter anything to violate it.
It's the biggest internet-war in century's !!!11
Be proud, geek !
hmm what about netcoders, , all the money they received for the hacks, and not payed taxes for it; nice 1 illegal money making :)
thats more a problem imo
well that i haven't mentioned yet ..

the nC faggots can take fusen by his balls due law.

but i doubt some law will give a shit about cheats selling
fucks like nC's are ..
oh noes !
thats the first thing i thought!!!
ololz, call the poilce!
if fusen gets hacked mbudget will get beaten up by melkor @school :DD
they seriously go to the same school?
wieso lebt Mbudget dann noch und sein Haus ist auch noch heile ?
Melkor ist genauso ein fauler Sack wie ich. :(
anyone heard anything from fusen lately? he seems awefully quiet lol
Dear Visitors,

Due a serious exploit within the Vbulletin Board, netCoders has been shut down.

Please support us and file your complain to [email protected], for selling buggy software.
Furthermore we offer the amounth of USD 1000,-- to anyone providing serious information
about the people who exploited our website. Send any information to [email protected].

netCoders will be back as soons as the exploit has been fixed by jelsoft.com. Any customer
is recommended to change passwords! Any files will be updated and existing/leaked ones
have been send to Punkbuster for silent detection ( & HW Ban :D ) . Passwords will
be changed so make sure to stay in contact with our administrators. Customer will get
updates and be save! There is no need to worry.

We're Sorry for the inconvience.
Make sure to file a complain to Jelsoft.com for releasing buggy software.
Our private hacks will continue to work. Furthermore, netCoders will now
support hacking in clan wars and leagues by providing free undetected cheats.
Its's payback time anti cheats! Now we gonna ruin the game. Take that as a promise.

Your netCoders team.

rofl , bull.
Anyway if you ask me.. if they are willing to sue fusen, i think they will have a big problem themselves, because to my knowledge.. selling that piece of software is illegal too right? :p

they can't make an effort out of this
actually they should be violating every fucking law by selling illegal software- i bet they're not registrated as a company, no taxes etc. :)
I know fuck all about law...but im with everyone else, if they want to sue they will be causing more problems for themselves.

They are the ones that alter the game/PB and then sell it, I dont really know but I always thought that selling mods for a game or extras when the game itself isnt actually yours is illegal.

Not to mention that their hacks alter the way PB operates and manipulates the info and such

That and the fact that Panse is in Germany and Fusen is in Uk right?

GL With that
lol thats just whine
is netcoders registered as a company? and if yes, where?
i like netcoders they are funny =D
change nick , country ,name .
waiting for MbudGet's comment.
you get hacked soon o_0
fuck, i am lolling
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