BF3 - Going to dreamhack!

As always, I hope you enjoy it and cya @ dreamhack! :D
BYOC how hilarious..
Why is that hilarious?:P
80% of lan is with computer from there, just some spot are available in group stage by byoc qualifier
eres todavia winghaven ? :o

gl @ dreamhack mate :p
are u going to play there also?
lol who is this mexican motherfucker?
gl & hf!
fuck this shit game :)
what about those cheater accusations? are the trolls still out there? or could you convince them that you are clean by now?
I wasn't really convinced about Epsilon and others not using macros. I use the same AEK configuration as Winghaven and others and it's easy to tell for me that such little recoil is almost inhuman. I'm not saying I'm 100% sure, but I never understood it and actually believed more in the hackusations than the "pro" players themselves.
It's not that funny when someone gives right arguments and evidences. There is no way of knowing for sure, so as I fucking said I'm not 100% sure.
There were no evidences or proof. It was reload that aimed like that, and if you spec him in any ET matches he does the same there.
Maybe you're right. As I said there is no way of knowing that. I'd like to be mistaken but I still keep to think about that negatively.
I am quite sure I am right, go spec him in any ET matches, or LAN matches.
I'm not talking about ET. I'm 100% sure he's clean in ET.
He wins everything he plays in ET, why the fuck would he cheat in BF3 then? His "shaky" aim is the fucking same where you BF3 guys were going all emo about.
I don't know why would he do that! I only said that imo it's almost impossible. I've played BF3 for over 200 hours, from which over 100 with the same loadout as Winghaven and tho I play in ESL and other tournaments it's hard to believe for me in such a aim. But as I said before, I would like to be wrong.

e: oh, and it's not about "shaky" aim. It's about no recoil.
You know how ET works right? Then you also know that they have +7 years of experience dealing with recoil.
You know, I play FPS for 10 years and it seems I know what I'm talking about. Also, in ET there is no recoil, silly :)
There is not? Then dear sir, explain me what that thing is called when an enemy hits you while you are shooting up and he's shooting down (or other way around)

Or the luger recoil when you fire a shot?
Recoil is the force that makes your gun go in one of 4 directions after shooting. I can agree with luger/colt, but thompson/mp40 doesn't have it, and the effect you mentioned is not a recoil, it's just a "hit effect".

But even when talking about pistols in ET, recoil in BF3 works different. You can't just go to BF3 and pretend you can control recoil just because you played ET. It's totally different. Basing on Winghaven and his AEK, recoil makes it to go 3 ways at the same time - left, right, and up. The reason for all the fuss in the BF3 community is, there is no human way of controlling 3 mouse axis at the same time. This means, that AEK user MUST experience recoil while shooting, no matter if he's pro or not. But for some of the pro players it looks like they control every one of these 3 axis at the same time - which means that each second they have to move their mouses in 3 other directions. It's not only not human, it's also not logical at all.

There are several videos on the topic. click click click.
were just some noobs who aren't able to do small circles and stuff to prevent recoil :p so they said that baesto(reload), winghaven and the others would have macros for that :XD
my question was if he convinced them that he is clean or if they are still accusing him.

not if there are noobs that think he hacks. because thats what i stated in my post, so i already knew that. dont see any reason for you to say that again. thats like if i said:

"did you know today is saturday?" and you would be like: "yeah i know and also, today is saturday!"

no shit dude. i hope in future conversations you wont make that same mistake again. because its quite embarrassing.
ofc there are still people who accuse them and there'll always be... what a question? and obviously those were not trolling (beside a few community members) but my point was that the accusations fell on deaf ears in the (semi)professional scene so your question is pretty much senseless (and in case you feel like bitching about the "them", I am talking about baesto(reload) and winghaven, because by "you" people would most likely understand the team epsilon)
You'll loose to eyeballers anyway! ;)
Is it on xbox version>
not really a game to go to lan for but w/e.
dreamhack he said 3h3h3h3h3h
nice :) gl!
too bad there is no battlerecorder etc.
Que Si, que no
Que nunca te decides
Tu sabes lo que quiero
Y aun no me lo dices
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