england dat goal



oh i see, your so loved country is playing and u refresh CF 24/7
fat nerd !get a proper face+ muscles!
Jelly + hater. Always lived in my shadow.
jelly of what? hater yes!
My intelligence, my physique, my looks and the carbon dioxide I exhale. Basically, you would give up an arm and a leg to be half as superior as myself. Now stop trying to fight a losing battle, and take your horrible life elsewhere.
i'd give my arm and leg, to swap lives with you, then i would burn myself, just for your face beeing erased from this beatiful world!
You just don't know when to stop do you? You're 22 and your comebacks are as weak as your left bicep. You're really not doing yourself any favours at all, you just look like a complete and utter tool.
u both look kinda pathetic tho
Says the 20 yo guy who has 'urmom' as his name on his profile, aight bro.
remember what u said on wc about england? I think its englands time to shine this year. NL is out anyway :P
I like you man xo
says 21 year old "real" england football fan who argues at gaming site

You cant say anything reasonable to argue so you start something about age and something about profile, to me its honestly the most random thing ever :D sorry but you really are pathetic
n1 gay song, awesome goal
omg mAus omg
omg knahmeen omg
sweden deserved it so much :(
maus bbz xoxo
Fucking England, if they won 2-4 I would be 800e richer.
Indeed -.-. Had 50e bet for France + England to win (got that one) and then 50e to France and England to win with atleast 2 goal difference..
fuck that!
Chris Brown

kben ni voor da genre van artiesten, no offence
I had 5 pound on england to win 3:2 just won 200 :D
You can afford to come to LAN now!
:D i never bet on exact scores :D good job tho
Sounds like a new motorcycle.
stop lying u cunt :D

i saw u wrote 3:1 and not 3:2 ;DDD got screenshot np
hahaaa!! ;DDD

didnt u leave faggot?
left ET

inactive in CF...just come here like 1-2 times the week :>>
don't come! you said you leave us for sure...

nah just kidding, i dont mind you being around, just you know the usual troll routine

actually i had a shit night with a fight which i pwned some guy but i aint happy with the outback so yeah
15/06/2012 GBP 161.00 Single: ENGLAND @ 7/5 Returns: £386.40
:D They are actually some good ones at least, could have gone full retard like our transatlantic cousins :p

image: NYP_280_1064498a
Wins 1-1?! WUT? And that was a shit game, I remember it :D
saved my bet in the last second <3
0-2 france (2.10 odd)
2-3 england (2.30 odd)

bet 10 euro :D won 40
I was sweating.
Walcott beast, said from the start he should be playing! Cant wait for rooney to start playing
england, playing even worse then nl.....
Who's Belgium got next? Oh shit, you guys still in your own country, why? Because ya'll shittttttt
care about belgium... england is a football country, belgium not :D

Btw only 1-0 win vs belgium??

And only defending?? vs BELGIUM????

:DDDDD you guys suck!
A draw and a win for England. But Holland? They lost to Denmark...
2 losses, you dont follow the ec?
fu wanted to post this pic aswell
did you smoke again? bad boy!
nice goal but england is still awful
england is playing like chelsea aka they will be at the last 4 of this ec
we didnt yesterday
because u had to score after a 1-2 for sweden
... we played with two strikers
we'll finish second in our group and get bashed by spain. Welbeck has done surprisingly well, Milner and Young have been unsurprisingly shit. Next game:


Johnson Terry Lescott Cole

Walcott Milner Gerrard Chamberlain



Only dropping Welbeck because he needs a rest. Milner has been shocking on the wing, but may do a better job than Parker centrally (who has also been disappointing imo).

Anyone whinging about defensive football are morons. This is the same sort of talk from Barca fans who think that if you don't player 8 strikers and one defender at the Nou Camp then you are killing football.
England didn't play that defensively yesterday imo.
Hopefully Spain - England won't be like Barca - Chelsea cuz that game was anti-football at best :]
It wasn't anti-football at all. I hate that sentiment. Who is to say that Messi is a better player than Beckenbauer, Bobby Moore, Cannavaro, Maldini etc.

It is just as hard to defend as it is to attack. When the Italians have been playing defensively for decades they are called 'master tacticians', one English team does it in one tournament and all of a sudden it's "anti-football". Teams that are outgunned should play defensively. When Tottenham (who I support, who are extremely attacking) play against teams such as Stoke, Wigan, or Bolton I don't blame them for playing defensively, we have much better attackers and they SHOULD play defensively against us. If we can't score against them then it is our fault, and they did their job well.

Football is not just about attacking, it has many elements. Dubious decisions and cheating aside, generally the better team wins over two legs.

You can say that Barca were better at going forward than Chelsea in their games this season, but they weren't the better team. The scoreline indicated who the better team was.
I agree that defence is a part of the game, but "total football" is to me the pinacle of skill in football. I hate the defensive play of Italian teams, and if a team parks the bus for 90% of the game and scores a goal on a single counter then I don't call that team the better team. I'm of the opinion that that team doesn't want to play football but only cares about the result.

I guess it's the endless debate between result-driven football & skill-driven football. It doesn't take a whole lot of skill to park a bus, I see many teams do that successfully against Barca in the primera division, it's just very boring to watch. It often becomes so boring that people start blaming Barca for playing the attacking football they play and because of that somehow "force" the opponents to play the mega defensive game.

I'm not going to say Chelsea didn't deserve the victory, surely they were brilliant in the tactic they chose, but you won't hear me say Chelsea was the better team.

I'm all for attacking and therefore attractive football. But you might reread the definition of anti-football (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-football):

"Anti-football" is a term used to describe an extremely defensive, aggressive physical, robust style of play of football where one team deploys their whole team, except the striker, behind the ball. In doing so, they try their best to stop the opposition from scoring, rather than trying to win the game themselves.

I think that matches perfectly with Chelsea in their semi final.
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