Morning Journal #666

Good morning everyone! What a beautiful day over here. The sun is rising after a sort of rainy day.
It feels great considering it's my last day at university ever.

Did i just say ever? Well, i am not entirely sure, i am graduating in a month hopefully (when i show my final project to the public and answer some questions ..), but today everything ends. No more boring lessons at this university \o/
If i take a Master it will be at a completely different university.
Considering to signup just for fun, but i still haven't decided which one i should study.
- Master's as IT Engineer, Specialization Architecture, Systems and Networks
- Master`s Degree in Network and Information Systems Engineering, Network Engineering Specialization: Communication Networks

Its also a great day because Portugal Portugal won 2-1 against Netherlands. What a great game. It became even better for us when Netherlands decided to play with 3 guys at defense only :DDD

So hows your day gonna be? Boring? Work? Holidays?

Well, just finished my last (normal) work for university, going to sleep now, it's late.
Have a good day.

not so random music set
like a boss
rofl. move along wanker.. :D
Must go to the hospital to tap blood (or whatever the English call it).

Coach of the Netherlands may resign at the end of this week aleady. Hope he does. Lost like 8 out of the 10 matches past few months, terrible. (Even against countries like Bulgaria, no offense)
That doesn't mean anything. Our coach / team lost some games against worst teams and eventhough they have been playing quite decent so far. Today game was good, against Denmark was quite good too, and even against Germany it was entertaining (atleast the last 20+ minutes :D ).

But yeah, people expected more from a team placed 2nd at World cup...
No, you have only seen the Dutch playing this Euro. They have never played so bad, ever. Not even like 10 years ago, this is the worst. The past year we have been playing completely different that on the World Cup. Different style of playing. It's terrible to see us playing this bad. We did not play well against Denmark, Germany and Portugal. With this team you could do waaaaay better
I was still talking about Portugal performance when i referenced the NL/DK/GER game xD didn't mean Netherland, because yeah you guys are clearly playing BAD. Ending with 0 points.. is wayy to bad for a team like that :D
lol he must be sad now
True, Portugal played well, thought you were talking about Netherlands yes. WP, deserved win obviously
Yeah, thanks. I knew we would win :D

But it was quite funny. I was working with my university mate at my house and he said "well, 1-1, netherlands decided to remove 1 defense and add a "advanced" guy... well done, they gonna loose now, so easy".... and ye he was right.. the defense was completely broken. It was good back then, but with 3 guys only it felt like a highway for Portugal :D
Well, the Dutch don't have strong backs anymore. Only Heitinga and Matthijsen. The rest has no experience to play in main line up at a Euro Cup. But he had to take the risk.
final exam today, didn't study at all only drinking vodka, taking drugs in past 2 months it's actually a fucking miracle that i woke up before 15/16 pm. Have a nice day!
what a great life. Not... why waste time like this (in case it is true... )?
everyone says so before their first time ;P
i got graduated about 1,5 month ago at first it was like 2 weeks of celebrating but now i fell in routine, got nothing else to do in my life since we broke up with my last gf, thug life
There is always something to do, depending on your life style. Sports etc etc, but something healthier no? :D
(as if i could talk, but still drugs and alcohol can become a addiction.. )
yeah im thinking about coming back to the gym maybe i will put myself together again, cheers brotha
Indeed, sports is always a good thing. Too bad i don't have any motivation and my sleep schedule is way too fuckedup to do anything, but yeah, thats something i am considering for this summer \o/
Well, played some football yesterday and got sick so staying in tonight.

For the football part. I would have loved to see Denmark qualify instead of Portugal. Never liked your national team, sorry. Too much drama+retards+unintelligent beauty queens in the team.
lol well said man Portugal was always full of good players but still i didn't like them as the team, deco was was an awesome playah
The only one I ever liked from Portugal has been Deco, amazing work rate and enthusiasm for such a small guy.
Mmm.. i was expecting Denmark to qualify too, instead of Germany :D it would be great.
Either way yeah, there is always too much hype around Portuguese team...and ego players, but that doesn't mean they are not good enough :P they are great players individually atleast.
Well, I never said that Portugal's players are bad. It's just that every time I see your national team play, I can't focus on decent football. Either Pepe is being a fucking faggot, C.Ronaldo is crying and moaning like a fucking slut or half of your team is diving every fucking situation someone comes near them. Eventually, that fucking pisses me off. Specially me, who likes the Scandinavian style of playing, tactics and etc.

I just don't like a single thing about the Portugal national team, sorry :/
ahaha, as i said as a team i only like when they are loosing. It kinda triggers them into a new level :D Otherwise they play shit as you said. If they start loosing, they do whats meant to be done...
But as i said, as individual players i like them. Nani is great doing what he does, Ronaldo is awesome too, even if he is not scoring, he is always helping the team putting the ball in the right place or his fast movement helps alot to create some goal situations. Coentrão is also good, Pepe etc....
exam.... study..... sleep......
bij jou komt er ook nog EUNd prac bij kampioen ;-)
Jij 2 week max :--)
heya Bruno, am good thanks for asking. obviously its holidays time for me, nothing has changed since we've met for the first time :D am doing some previews for my upcoming fragmovie, am sure you will fall in love with this project and will be glad for the first time about shoutouts xD

Looking forward to it :P

And yeah, you never change! Living the thug life as usual :D

Cheers, gonna sleep now.. it's almost 8 am
keepin mind we have things to plan together my friend <3
shiit y vs por....

shitty morning, too late on my work ;) shiity weather in NL

all shit....

nah ;) good morning
Ha, I am faster noob, had my state exam + diploma work defense 2 weeks ago, since last Friday I have my degree officially with diploma :P I was considering doing master degree myself, but then I realized it's kinda redundant in IT world. However, if you don't have a job or every job you can get are in low salary department, then making masters is good thing - they pay you to study and you may have a chance to get into suited company during school so you won't need to look for a job after you finish your studies.

"So hows your day gonna be?" - tricky question, I hope it's gonna be productive. Gonna do some research on WebSocket technology and if I have enough time I am gonna mess around with jQuery hashchange plugin. In evening I might play some bowling as well.
Well i don't know filus...I don't feel like working yet, study its the only thing i know /have been doing all my life. 18 years studying so far :D Kinda terrified to join the work world... plus i feel like take the master
degree because it's only 2 years...and it's not so irrelevant over here, but also not so important at IT world.

But the thing is, i've been studying networks for the past 5 years and it's not bad but the only classes i've enjoyed from my networks degree were the programming lessons :D thats why i am considering a IT Engineer Master degree, although i can't see myself working as a coder, it's fun!
Well, my last 2 years at uni were really boring. Classes/courses were mostly too easy to consume some extensive time, and those which required some effort werent that hard after all.
Btw, you don't need end up as coder, at least not in long terms. Right now I am working in some lawyer firm as IT engineer and main web developer (including both, back-end and front-end), starting as head of their new IT department. The guy I am working with/for has some nice ideas, and with good realisation I might end up earning shitloads of money in no time. So if you are creative and have someone (or even yourself) with visionary ideas, you can start your own business and become well earning manager in relatively short time. On the other hand, investments may be too big without investors and starting salary can be very disappointing (atm I am getting 400e a month, in normal company I would have 1200e+ easily, but long term perspective is much bigger with running own projects). On the other hand, eventhought I had few semesters of networks and completed CCNA, I have never been attracted to be network engineer. However, good network engs are very desirable atm and you can make very good living of it.
I'm in job school atm, fucking boring here.. Can't sleep cause I slept 6 hours already this night :/ my day consists of going to gym, chilling and might buying a new car, making test drive today :)
working atm and no summerholiday, maybe next year
came back home for a few days. gonna chill and drink as I'm waiting for my exam results. if I pass just gonna double the effort in drinking :D

just woke up fresh and rested (weekend really broke me), weather is awesome, it's gonna be hot as hell in an hour or two. now off to pub for some strong balkan coffee, read some newspapers, also gonna get a new haircut today.
pics or won't happen :P
gonna work a bit
chill in the sun

25°here :)
Came back from School, made economics-test today.. Now just chillin' with music and playing some LoL-gaymes! :DD
early morning. 22° alrdy. at work. not that busy tbh just had breakfast
have a nice day =)
I'd like to order a schnee morning journal for tomorrow.... is that ok?
ooooh if there isnt another alrdy i guess i could do that if its ur wish ;)
awesome, looking forward to it then ^^
hopefully i wont forget it haha :D
17°, rainy.
Woke up at 8.30, had breakfast, watched TV (iCarly, Ned..), emptied the dishwasher, just back from the bathroom.
I was given some tasks outside the house like cleaning the terrace, "unweeding" the vegetable garden, etc but surely I'm not doing anything as long as the rain falls down.
I also have to maintain the pergola and the fence.. how I miss my sooo restful flat :p

Boring day..

e: no cars at home, so I'm stuck here with my brother.. damn!
so u're also home?

maaan it's so fucking booooring here in my village. I'm so gonna miss uni over the summer :(
Oh maaaaaan yeaaaah I don't know how i'll manage to survive either :(

One more day, and then a day at work and after that an eeeeeepic party in brussel (i'm part of the organization so free entrance, free beers => epic triple vomit for nothing!)! Can't wait! :p
I love free booze man :) gl in preparing everthing^^
nothing to prepare actually, I only have to work a little bit during the evening (though i'm free after 1.00)

free alcohol at a student party: win win win win win win! :>

Gotta get as much wasted as I can, I don't want to wake up early and feel the stress due to my results announcement at 17 o'clock on Friday..
morning, morning.

still have this week off, haha! dunno yet what we are gonna do today, weather seems too hot to walk around in the city or do anything, still its not sunny enough to go to the lake... ugh!
ET weather!
oh yeah indeed :D
30° i doubt that ill stay home in the evening :P
hottest day so far, 17C !!!
no chick, u are gay
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