my morning your morning

Just arrived at work and im alrdy in a hurry since I was asked to make a morning journal. =)

Morning all!!!

So the reasons why I wasn’t here for a long time was, well very easy I crushed my pc and didn’t buy me a new one till now. Atm im at laptop, but this one is da shit to play a game. (decided to get one for 800eur when I find some decent stuff)
so I do a lot of party still :o berlin berlin my love :);
I started to make music, produced 2 tracks so far (not the best) and started with mixing.. seems its working since I have 2 request for online radio shows whoop whoop. And I got a new job since some music related was needed, so ill work from august at myjuke as accountant im so happy atm about all :D

Questions of the day:
Hows life?
What are ur summer plans?
Why do u love ur city? / Why would you leave ur city?


Shoutouts: Carla (aww :* <3), wsk & nOOr (TEH boys), Andrew, Thomm!!, Michael, CONFO(!), mica (lips), flooflooo (miau), dialer(kikoo), Estaloth, Jooooaaaaaaaaa (nice hair), marko, .ee & fins =), the GANG, the #bd channel, m!das, tAliiiii, hentai!, fakyyyyy, EVO PAUL SEX(ton), KARTOFFELPoffel!, severus, estaloth, ALAN, _him and my buddies

over and out, have a nice day all <3

image: A9EK5
och yea, double shoutouts xx !:D
i wanted to comment first so here are the answers:

life's great like always, am still breathing and so on
don't have any particular plans for summer, will just do my best to avoid heat ;D
i love my city because i born and raised here so am familiar with people and spots. basically its more nostalgic aspect. i would move to another city but not in poland and still - just to earn more and come back in couple of years.
breathe in breathe oooooooooooout =)

even to a country which language who cannot speak atm ?
yea i don't mind, unless its german speaking country xD don't get me wrong but those long words and weird grammar makes me scary :O
same for me with russian language just cause i cant even read it .D
is this some new change that im not allowed to start my journal with " good mornin... " says there was alrdy a journal like this :o

was nervous they toook my posting rights away :D
it says that if there already is a journal with the same title imo
nope title and body it says
yes but it only means the title tho, i just tested it out :P
i changed title and still i couldnt... :/ well whatever i finally did it :P
Life is gooood, can't complain.

Nothing special, mid-summer-fest next weekend, rented a cabin with friends, pics etc here,

Summer is awesome at Oulu <3
loooks like a nace place to be!!!
It should be, got everything we need, hut for bbq, sauna right next to the lake etc. Only thing we are missing is TV, so I can't watch football :/ Unless I get my phones internet to work there... :(
sauna next to lake!!! sooo hf enjoy =)
We will. Here are some typical activities to do at finnish-cabin-trip,
hf thomm =)
Me for this summer i'm going to New york with Classmates and then we i'm back to Belgium i directly take a flight to Spain :)
You found a buddy! /!\
festivals all summer long 8)
sounds perfect =)
morning schnee. I must admit I missed u. oh and thx for the journal :) so little good journals on crossfire these days

woke up "by nature", feeeeeeling sooooooo good. same routine as always when I'm home: pub, coffee, newspapers.. in the evening going to my uni town to put some grades into my index. also cro went home from EURO, coz of nazi referee. that sux. the most important thing is we made Amigos midgets shit bricks heheh

1. life is good. hope it lasts....

2. work and party

3. first of all it's not a city, it's a small village with 500 people. why would I leave? it's very simple... coz it's filled with fucking stupid, limited and uneducated people who will forgive u anything but success. so if I wanna make something out of myself, first step is to get the fuck away from the ambience that limits your capabilities and drags u to the bottom. I see I got carried away a little bit :D

on the other hand my village is great. good laugs there, good drinking buddies, slutty girls etc.

image: 1zgvkmr
rly nice girl :D
That a girl you know from your town, or just random google?
I'll tell u, but u must admit my chicks are the best. I don't post much of them, but when I do they rock. I post real women from head to toe, not some shitty teens with innocent faces like razzah did
Haha, I'll give you that. That is one saucy woman.
she's a model who goes to uni with me, but she's a year older. her facebook profile is in your inbox ;)
Nice, thanks. Not bad at awlll.
awwwww <3 i wasnt that far away... tbh i just never read interesting stuff here so i decided not to post anything. well due to some reasons i decided to be more here (cause ive missed some who i dont have at fb)

i totally understand about ur prob with small village thought im living in small place but well its around 13k ppl here so not that private. problem in small place after a while u know all girls :D
Life is pretty good.. We got nice weather since 4 days, so we got some nice beachpartys going on and football ofc :))

My summer plans are pretty boring: i have to do an internship for university (12 weeks):/ so i can only party hard @ weekend:(

I love my city cause its at the lake of constance and its really beautiful here. I also got all my friends here :)

But i have to leave my city in october cause of uni. But ill stay nearby (in constance) so its nP!

Greetz to you schnee :*
hi2u ;)

constance is rly nice was there some years ago and i loved it although i guess it would be too boring for me as party girl :D
Well... Actually there are 2 or 3 really nicr clubs and 4 smaller ones i guess.. Dunno what ur clubs in berlin look like but for me it is a big club if 5k people fit in there :- )
i dont care if they r big as long as there are enough different to choose :D i hate those big "discos" :D
Hows life?
What are ur summer plans?
Why do u love ur city? / Why would you leave ur city?

1) Life is good, although work is getting a bit boring. Colleagues are aewsome though, so will probably spent my summer here and then move on.
2) Going back home for a week, going to Bretagne for a few days and maybe a few random trips here on the Emerald Isle.
3) I loved Antwerp because I grew up there, I knew everything and a lot of people, my favourite football team is there, it has a very pleasant vibe surrounding it, beautiful buildings.
I left Antwerp because I was unemployed and received an interesting job opportunity in another country. Always dreamed about working/living abroad for a while, so I thought why not! Haven't regret it for a second and even though I really miss Antwerp, I won't be going back soon (only holidays).

Currently thinking about new places to live and work. So far I've found job opportunities in Estonia Tallinn, Hungary Budapest, Spain Barcelona and South Africa Kaapstad. Looking for a bit more options, but South Africa sounds mighty exciting and exotic. We'll see, I still have 3 months to find something proper :)
Beter ga je gewoon Barcelona -_-'
I know, I know, that is probably the wisest decission. But South Africa just sounds so exotic.

Lions! Elephants!
Het is echt verschrikkelijk crimineel hè >.< en jij vroeg je al af of je veilig over straat kon lopen in A'dam. Lekker de olifanten en leeuwen bezoeken als je op vakantie bent! Barcelona is echt een geweldige stad :)

Overigens waar schnee woont, Berlijn. <3 Geweldig. Als je daar iets kan vinden, moet je het doen!
Wat Wesbo zegt klopt wel, vrij crimineel daar.. Vriendin van me is pas 2 maanden daar geweest als vrijwilliger en denk niet dat ze nog snel terug gaat :D Maar als je avontuur wilt lijkt me dat wel t leukste!
I know, I know.

What did she do there?
teaching English to South-Africans ^_^
May I ask what your job is?
I am working as an IT-customer service agent, Dutch/English. Nothing fancy, fairly basic job. Looking at who my colleagues are, everybody can do this. Hell, even I'm quite succesfull at it!

But you have this kind of jobs everywhere in the world, so if you speak some languages it's not that difficult to find a job abroad.

Currently trying to improve my French and English to give me more opportunities.
Neat.. I'm going to study to be a foreign language correspondent.. Hopefully I can get some nice job abroad too :)

BTW try duolingo.. depending on how good your french is it can be quite helpful..
did u make a lot of friends there now or just colleages? was it easy to come "home" at a new place for u?
im still not sure about southafrica. id prefer some spanish speaking country! :)
Most of my friends are (ex)-colleagues, but my best friends are people I met as roommates when I came here last year in december. Too bad they left a few days ago to go back to their homecountry (France). There are so many foreigners here, it's unbelievable. And I don't mean Turks/Africans, but Brazilians, Spanish, French, Koreans, etc. I's really great to meet so many people from different cultures and backgrounds. I can confidently claim I have friends in all parts of the world now and if I ever wish to go to another continent, I can always find support and friends.
Funny thing though, I've been living here now for 7 months and I still haven't made a single Irish friend. I haven't even met with the Irish ET-players (sol, flushje, etc) even though we've often hinted at it.

I did have some trouble adapting in the beginning, but I always have difficulties in a new environment. It has more to do with me than with Dublin or something else.

Barcelona is really nice, yes. I've been there for a few days on holiday and it was amazing. But I don't speak Spanish!
spanish is easy to learn imo!!!

i can believe it isnt easy to get in touch with new ppl or well maybe for a talk but its hard to become friends. although it is for sure easier in a small place than london for example. gl finiding a goood place for u :)
Bonjour, nice Berlin's pic.
was an open air 2 weeks ago. :)
Looks freaking cool! Is it like that the whole summer?
usually the pool is open in summer during week in winter it image: WinterBadeschiff_Aussen_1

the ppl dancing around is well every weekend like that. sometimes for free sometimes u have to pay entry for. quite nice to chill there whole day n night :)
morning Estonia Schnee and Anonymous crossie-mates!

Hows life?

pretty good right now, even though my holidays are coming to an end. came back from italy last friday and had a good time doing nothing, just relaxing, bit of sight-seeing, good food, 2 books... boring but relaxing!

What are ur summer plans?

no further plans besides going back to work on monday, and studying for fernschule so I can finally make the abschluss in october...

Why do u love ur city? / Why would you leave ur city?

"city" isn't quite the correct term if you don't live in a big city like berlin. our area is a collection of small towns and villages with saarbrücken in the middle of it. there is nothing special about it, still I dont miss anything. we might not have 3902829 clubs and bars as big cities, but we got some. and a lot of concerts, too. I cant see myself leaving from here until its really necessary job-wise... I'm a smalltown boy :D
+ prac hard for SC!
oh yeah how could I forget about the SC!!!!!!
hello ;)

id like to have time again to read a book. reading one since 6month now due to missin time :P
gl with ur fernschule :D isnt it hard to disciplin urself?
yeah I only read books on vacation, no time when I am home :P

it is very hard to disciplin yourself... I should be finished for 1.5 years already :D
Good morning :)

How's life?
Not sure right now... alright I guess.
Future is still wide open, university is getting the best of me and work.. well work is work. Bleh.

What are ur summer plans?
University ends in July, after that 2 weeks of work and then spending 2 months with Mr. Panda. Also going on vacation at the end of September :)

Why do u love ur city? / Why would you leave ur city?
I don't necessarily love my town but it's nice living here. Common or garden, you know. I need nature around me, can't see myself living in a big city tbh. Why I would leave? Because of obvious welsh reasons :)
hi my love.

2month!!!!!!!!!! im so happy for u both i hope u come to berlin or do i have to stak u?! :)
if u would have a future (job related) u rly would leave to andrew?
Thank you sweetie <3
Depending on how much money we have for spending this summer I thought about a weekend away, Berlin seems like a good idea to me :) Need to talk it over tho.
I would definitely leave, yes. It wouldn't be a head over heels thing tho, guess there would be a lot of planning involved, but I wouldn't mind :)
berlin muss drin sein, wenigstens fuer nen we :D ich muss mir das glueck anschauen <3
good morning schnee

im in a rush :D

some relaxing stuff for you:
hi2u :)

an absolute alltime fav <33
How's life?
Good. Got better from illness. Got my school degree, gonna buy my own place soon. Summer is calling.

What are ur summer plans?
2 Months to South-East Asia, 2 weeks Florida (love that place <3)

Why do u love ur city? / Why would you leave ur city?
I love my city because i know a lot of people here, i feel at home. / I would leave my city because it's not really a world city, and i'd like to live in a major world city for a few years.
thijs wordt groot :):):) waar ga je wonen?
Jaaa het gaat allemaal door he ;) Waarschijnlijk Eindhoven of Den Bosch :)
mooi mooi :) veel succes al vast :P
how can u pay for so much hols?! :o
jealous me is =) but enjoy!!!!
Saved for it? Asia is pretty cheap really... only ticket is pretty expensive. And my aunt has a travelling agency in the US, so I get that ticket for free, and i already seen most things i wanted to see in Florida, so i can save my money for beers and food and stuff :)
saved for it... and 2nd sentence u r saying u got the plane ticket for free. and the plane expenses are usually the big part, if u dont have to pay for it i call u lucky guy :)
I didn't explain it clearly i guess. I pay for the ticket to Bangkok myself (same goes for the whole Asia vacation). I get the ticket to the states for free though, which is pretty nice indeed :)
ah ok thought ull get every ticket for free. would be awesome. anyway a free trip to usa is fucking nice!!!!!!!! =)
I wish :p But indeed free tickets to the US now and then is already fucking sweet <3
Hows life?
Pretty laid back right now.... Working twice a week before I start studying after summer. Finally had some more successful intercourse with the opposite sex last weekend after some time. Maybe something to look forward again if I don't fuck it up like I usually do :D
What are ur summer plans?
If I can afford it some vacation in the land of opportunity might check out Noisia while they are over there...

Why do u love ur city? / Why would you leave ur city?

It's a love/hate... I live in pretty big village but everyone knows everyone which can be good or bad..
Would love to see more of the world and get the fuck out of here but I need some dollas to do that so yeah I guess I'm stuck here for a while
I wanna go to the US too :( but no $$$$$$ at all
let's go together. plane tickets start at 400euros :D
haha as I said, I have to work in between festivals this summer to just be able to afford them.. atm I've got something like 30euros left which I'll have to buy new headphones with :/

I'm deffo going if a good friend of mine doesn't spend all his money on drugs so he can afford the tickets :"D
should be nice man :D i'm defo going abroad aswell this year. hoping for genk to have european qualifier vs a team in a nice city!
i never get a shoutout :(
heulst du grad?! du bist doch sooooooo tief im herzen das schreit immer nach dir <3

alles gut?! ;)
gay doesnt fit eh?
Why not, eh?
gay are 2 men or am i wrong?

3. often used to describe something stupid or unfortunate. originating from homophobia. quite preferable among many teenage males in order to buff up their "masculinity"
still doesnt fit cause i cannot see something stupid or unfortunate in here...
Quote tief im herzen das schreit immer nach dir

no offense
wo ist das problem?

internet serious business
deine jimmes wurden aber ganz schoen gerusteliert
ist das deutsch?! :o
ein bisschen
ich versteh kein wort
Man muss nicht alles im Leben verstehen
doch wenn du mir repliest schon.. .
Quote by Levinquite preferable among many teenage males in order to buff up their "masculinity"
What is love?
the opposite of hate... =)

id like to be more on the love site than on the hate/flame site
baby dont hurt me
Oooh Berlin!
Soon for me! :p

Life is gut. Waiting for my results so kinda stressful..
Summer? Student job, travels, be bored.
I hate my village. 600 people, most of them are farmers. Plenty of retards, low education level, lot of barakis as they are called in Wallonia (my new neighbours (well I actually don't have neighbours but they live close to my house) spend their days reparing their mopeds..).
Not that I "love" Brussel either. I like to live there as a student because I don't need car, you can drink/eat/buy whatever you want whenever you want. But people are also strange, they don't have the same mentality and it also feels good to sometimes find yourself lost in the middle of the country side.
QuoteI hate my village.

Quotein Wallonia

Sois calme, mon frere! Je rigole...
tired of clichés
+1 I feel ya bro :)
we have office in brussel but was never there. never were in belgium anyway :O

cu in berlin :D
I'll be in Berlin from 9th - 14th July :). Going with my girlfriend, we're going there because its a shame we live only a few hours away from berlin and both never been there -_- plus we heard its a really great city, and now here you are, promoting berlin aswell and shit!

oh and i love the city im in aswell, I live in Haarlem, The Netherlands, and wouldn't want to live somewhere else! Mostly because of the people who live here.
Hoezo niet Hasselt maar wel Berlijn ?!
haha we zaten wel nog te denken aan een weekendje Antwerpen!
berlin is a must imo if u not only doing the usual sightseeing
nothing bad about this but if u like music u should defn go out for clubbing

cu here =)
helllo jimi <3

hip hop never was and never will =)


schnee <3
ive installed et yesterday... and ts and vent and mirc ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!

u know what this means or.... :)


:DDDDDDDD not today anymore. tomorrow im busy as well. but tuesday ive got time. wowowoohooo looking forward neeed to call botte :x
tuesday iam working till 22:00 :/ but sure after it and can be a little online.
wednesday is better working till 16:00 then :)
ok! we get this reeeeeeeeeeady :)))

i will pm u tuesday in irc.

take care x
same jimi =)
Guten tag! x)

Hows life?
Right now it's goooooooood, I finished all my college course for this year so a lot less worrying with exams etc as I passed everything :D All I need to do now is find a part time job to save enough money so I can hurry over to Germany to see PaRzi x)

What are ur summer plans?
You already know, but staying @ Germany, wish it could be forever though, but so far ~2 months! Looking forward to it a lot already.

Why do u love ur city? / Why would you leave ur city?
I rarely visit our city, I'm so close to the country side and our national park I have no reason to go there. I'm not really a big fan of the concrete jungles unless it comes to shopping every now and then :D
As much as I like the scenery and nature here, I would like to leave to the better place almost 1000km away! So much better landscapes, woodlands and well... everything is better x)
"wish it could be forever though" this makes me sooo happy and a big smile :D

i alrdy said to parzi, berlin is a must....!!!
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Hows life?
Life is fine, finally got something done with it

What are ur summer plans?
Mid-summer festival in finland next weekend. I'm going to Helsinki to see couple friends who I see like 1-2x per year and gonna be drinkin hard with them. Dont have any other plans for summer so far.

Why do u love ur city? / Why would you leave ur city?
I live in a town called Liminka, population 9270. ~25km south from Oulu. I dont love this place, moving to Jyväskylä in ~3months. I used to like this place alot when i was younger like 14-17. Now i dont reall know anyone here since everyone moved away
finally got something done with it and what?! :D

hf at the festival. and yeah at the place im working everyone is moving cause there are so less companies.
We'll ive been trying to figure out what do I REALLY want to study for like 4years and i realized like 6months ago that I want to be a chef. So I applied to school and got in wich means i'm finally moving out of my parents place(im 20) since the school is ~350km away.

Also I'm finally getting my driving license after being a lazy bastard for two years.

I'm glad i get something done really. I've been sitting on my ass for like 8months now @home 8)
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