early morning and you

Morning all!!!

got day off today but the craftsman (?) is here.
this is soooo early. im soooo sleeepy but i turned on the music and made a coffee :)
soooo yesterday was really nice day, in the afternoon i got request to do a monthly dj mix for an online radio, so i guess its a good start for me to become known. im so happy!!! doing this 2month and now alrdy on the radio :) a big dream came true tbh. im such a music addict so it was a logic consequence to end up somewhere in this business. this is what im doing. if u like deep house enjoy ;) http://soundcloud.com/schneee

Questions of the day:

so what is ur big dream? 2nd dream beside music, is an own bar somewhere
whats ur fav for this em? germany ofc =)

song cause its my summertune: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMPYmNINxrE

Shoutouts: Carla (aww :* <3), wsk & nOOr (TEH boys), Andrew, Thomm!!, Michael, CONFO(!), mica (lips), flooflooo (miau), POTTER :D, dialer(kikoo), Estaloth, Jooooaaaaaaaaa (nice hair), marko, .ee & fins =), the GANG, the #bd channel, m!das, tAliiiii, hentai!, fakyyyyy, EVO PAUL SEX(ton), KARTOFFELPoffel!, severus, ALAN, _him and my buddies

over and out, have a nice day all <3

image: xHV7

Early morning for me too, second day in a row... Had forgotten that there is 7am. Big shipment coming in today.

so what is ur big dream? Hmm, don't really have any. Live long enough to travel and experience, and ofc have wealth & work which allow me to do that.

whats ur fav for this em? germany ofc =)

Got my new bike yesterday <3 Except in army-colors & badges.
nice bike u got there!! =)
And gratz for the radio-thingie!
thank u im fucking proud about myself :D
Are you serious about the bike? Do you need it for work? It does not look like one you would use to cruise around in the city with.
Ofc I am serious with it! Got it for 52€, wouldn't pay the real price :)

At summer, cruising to the beach, got lots of ice there, filled with beer & sausages & stuff. Will be awesome.
Haha I admit that is awesome indeed! :D
Have to test-drive it soon, try how much beer I can fit in to it. I guess 7-8 24-packs x)
Just make sure that the brakes work! And please post some pictures in a morning journal when you put your plans into action. :)
Will do. Got lots of pictures I should be publicing anyway, starting from AEM. Lost my usb-cable there and haven't been arsed to get a new one / search my backup yet.
I "lost" my ipod usb cable (found it in my backpack weeks later...) and got a new one on ebay. Never ordered something there before and was amazed how cheap it was. Payed like 1,40€, no shipping costs and had it two days later. What I'm trying to say is: you have no excuse not to post these pictures! :p
Nice bike ! It looks special and very convinient to carry all the beers you can drink for a day.
I am also going to buy a new bike this weekend, as I need one to go to work everyday and my current one is 35 years old !

I still need to make up my mind between those two :
image: electra--super-deluxe-3i-heren

or this one, less convinient but so good looking :

image: electra--boney-finger
Both look sweet, though the latter one seems like childrens bike :/

image: 20110930_001
I have updated thepics so the second one does not look so small anymore.
I bought the first one, should receive it next week, I am so happy :D
no shoutout, kk.

But anyway; Big dream -> live for a few days in the woods, learn the basics, go to finland/whatever european country with big forrests -> go to Canada to survive for 2/4 weeks on my own. OR visit Peru (incatempels) + sandsurfing for a week.

dreams are what keep you going, you don't even need to plan/excecute(?) them. So beautiful
edit to the edit :)

dreams are what keep you going, you don't even need to plan/excecute(?) them. true and i didnt plan anything myself is moving this way if i want or not :)

sandsurfing hurts for sure :O nice idea with the survival trip!
thanks, and btw, congratz with the new job! x
Good morning :)

Should actually prepare my presentation which is in 6 hours but I don't wanna :( So I'm just going to print out a text and be as unprepared as I always am. Weeeeee :))

so what is ur big dream?
I guess my small big dream is to finally get Karl back on the road. Trying to save as much money as I can so that maybe next year I can drive him again. Guess my real big dream would be to have my own book published one day. Or at least to find a steady job. I'm too bitter for extraordinary dreams :((

whats ur fav for this em?
Tbh I haven't watched a single game yet.. so I guess nobody :3

My coffee is done!! Huiiiii
hey girl. yeah i can totally understand about karl. will it be that expensive??!
i had to give my car away since it was like more than 2000 euro to get it rdy again and this was way too much for a 20year old car. plus im soo happy about my audi now ;)
The thing is that the actual work that needs to be done could be done within a week and yet all the shops around my area calculated the overall costs around 3000€. It's such a rip off. Their main argument is that it's an old car and that it needs "special treatment" and everything is so difficult to work on and therefore more work hours are needed which is a bunch of bullshit. A bug is such a simple car, there is nothing complicated about it. Especially not when all you have to do is remove rust. I made so many bad experience with the shops around here... still hoping I can somehow get Karl to Wales where he could be repaired for less :(

I just can't get myself to sell him, it's simply not an option. I love that car way too much :(
kennst du keinen kfzti???! wenn du nur die teile kaufen muesstest und die stunden billiger kriegst waere ja net schlecht...

verkaufen wuerd ich den auch net, das ja deine seele =)
doch den andrew, deswegen soll er ja nach wales :D
aber ansonsten keinen.. mir fehlt auch was seitdem ich ihn nicht mehr fahren kann muss ich ehrlich sagen :/
soll ers halt reparieren wenn er hier ist ;)
An nem Käfer kann doch eigentlich nicht viel kaputt gehen und die Teile sind doch noch relativ human zu reparieren. :) Meine Tante hat selbst einen den ich auch schon öfters fahren durfte, aber i.wie kann ich dem nichts so wirklich abgewinnen. Schöner sound und jeder dreht sich um, aber die Schaltung ist harkelig wie sau und mit 34ps tut sich auch nicht viel. :P
auch bei nem käfer kann der motor kaputt gehen :P
Käfer fahren = beste der Welt! :D

Meine Schaltung läuft super und mit 55PS kann ich mich auch nicht beschweren :))

image: 395484_351380721542160_1171615459_n
Wie macht der Käfer?

Jedem das seine, wenigstens fährste billig. ;)
10l super pro 100km ist nicht grad billig :3
Dann machste was falsch :P, ne ich meint eher versicherungstechnisch, haste schon H-Kennzeichen? ^^
Könnte ich, lohnt sich preislich aufs Jahr gesehen aber nicht wirklich. Ich bezahl an Versicherung etc. soviel wie für ein Mofa :DDD

Der hohe Verbrauch lag an den zwei Webervergasern, die sind jetzt runter, also wird's hoffentlich weniger :D
Achso na dann. Webervergaser sind toll, vorallem soundtechnisch. :) Was haste denn mitm Motor angestellt, dass die (erstmal) runter müssen? :P

OT: Hast du eigentlich noch was mit Andy (arClite) zu tun, ich kann mich noch dran erinnern, als wir immer auf eurem TS geschimmelt haben. :D
Motor ist von heute auf morgen kaputt gegangen, beim Anlassen hats geknallt und da war er hin :D
Hab mir einen neuen zusammenbauen lassen und da passen die Vergaser leider nicht drauf. Ist auch besser so, klingen zwar super, aber bis du die mal richtig eingestellt hast, hast du auch keinen Spaß mehr dran.

Haha der Andy, ja klar :D Allerdings arbeitet der jetzt immer und spielt doofe Spiele :( Aber die ein oder andere Beleidigung fliegt immer wieder rein :D
If your bitter you can escape in series like True blood, hi2me.
Got drunk last night, my boss called me awake 5 minutes asking where I am.

Stupid Diceys.
hahahaha so did u take a day off now?
No, I arrived 2 hours late at work.
You live in that place!
I do, I do. You don't evere come there?
No, not that much, once every couple of months maybe
Sounds like it's about time to go again!
Na man, it is good for cheap booze, that's all. Welans, flanneries, Coppers, the Workman's blub are the places I usually go
You often go to Coppers, me and my friend have been wanting to go there for months, but we always end up somewhere else instead.
Packed with sluts, same as flanneries
Irish ones, or foreigners.
Irish mainly
Woke up. No work today so I wanted to do some work around the house but its 24°C and its gonna get even hotter (34°C) so I doubt i will do much actual work.

Big dream: Being a personal manager (For "big stars" - Think hollywood where every actor has his manager). I think i'm good at managing people, but here in Slovenia I don't really think this is possible. Other than that I dream of travelling, especially the old wonders and places like Macchu Picchu and other old settlements as im very fond of history too.

Whats your fav team this EM.
Don't really have a favourite, but if I have to choose its ItalyItaly.
u could be my manager when i become big hehe :)
i like ur dream about ur travelling places :)
So many friendzoned men in one journal
its only a morning journal pala =)
hey gooood morning =)
when i read summertune, i guessed it could be that song, cus it is awesuuum, and my guess waas right yiiiha
hahaha yeah my fav tbh. i love it :) and everytime im at the club im so happy when this is played there. =)

woke up early and pissed. gonna go to the swimming pools today to see some hot bitches and just chill the whole day :)

also got drunk last night and spilled wine all over my laptop. now my keyboard is ruined, had to buy external keyboard or whatever to call it. new laptop's keyboard gonna cost. god damn it.

1. my dream is too be rich, don't care how
we have such a shitty weather today... :( so i have to stay inside but well i make music anyway :) enoy the girls ;) hipe this helps about ur frustration :)
didnt read

what are the questions
Woke up, went to pc, realised my hard drive died with 250 GB of music in it.

Good day starts good.
I know that feel bro :<
oooooooh fuck. know that problem but i still hope i can recover my hd :/
Drank too much last night slept for four hours been awake since 5 am :( No work though today :D
lucky guy =)
In work since 8, watching the UK office yet again
work at 8 im so happy that i can start whenever i want

I woke up around 11pm last night after sleeping about 23h, woke up couple times while that, first time i browsed the internet and realized im still tired and went back to bed.

Second time I just ate two slices of bread and went back to sleep 8).

Now I feel tired and im going to sleep in a minute. Leaving to Helsinki tomorrow :)

so what is ur big dream? To own a bar/restaurant somewhere warm near ocean
whats ur fav for this em? Well I was cheering for netherland and specially for croatia but since both are out already I guess its time to cheer for italy and germany :)
well if u slept sooo much u should stay awake now to become a normal rhythm again :P
exactly what i tought for the last few days, but im 2 lazy not to sleep 13hours a day .D
had this also a long time as i had no work. but i wasnt motivated to do anything :)
dat feeling when u wake up in the morning and feel so good in bed that u want to stay there forever <3 :D
been awake since 3 am
No breakfast for me never eat it

I have no dreams but i guess i'd like to move out of the city and live on a beach somewhere
since 3am wtf??!! i usually eat brekfast at lunch time :)
Very unhealthy!
ya ya... i go clubbing every weekend and smoke and drink all unhealthy :D
Went to my gf's house yesterday and fell asleep there (had football pracc before that), woke up this morning at 9 and went home :P

What set-up do you have for mixing music?
I got a CDJ850 a few months ago (it was kinda broken but I managed to repair everything) but I dont have the time and the passion anymore to make music.
haha guess she was very happy about :P

atm im using ableton only but i want to switcch to vinyl soon just need to arrange bit space for this in my appartment ;)
next ill buy is this http://www.prodj.com.ua/images/img3_id/20090707162339.jpg <3
I'm using traktor, bought it together with a friend plus the S4 from Native Instruments.

Vinyl is cool but tbh, these days everyone can do (very) good music and become pro/known with digital music, too.

If you dont want to invest shitloads of money try Serato Scratch Live first, it combines the Vinyl feeling and digital music.

What you can do with the midi-con
i just get so many promos and vinyls for free thats why i decided to start mixing. heard aboout serato didnt try so far. gonna give it a try. i do love ableton. so many possibilities there since im also using it for producing not only mixing.
Never tried Ableton, was starting with VDJ (Like almost everyone :P) and after that went to Traktor Pro and sometimes when chilling with a friend or helping him (he runs an event management/tech company) I'm messing around with his Scratch Live.

Scratch Live is, from what I heard, also quite nice for producing.

Can you give me some samples of your music?
haha vdj same here :P


im just a beginner!!! new 2 mixes are done but im not allowed to promote till next week cause they will be played at radio so i have to wait ;)
A little to "slow"/progressive for me (the first Song there) but the sound is pretty damn nice (only clicked a bit through it).

Keep it up!
yeah next is more pushing. but atm i dont have so much time :D thx anyway =)

university in some minutes

so what is ur big dream? dont really know, but i like to travel all over the world and learn and see as much as i can

whats ur fav for this em? germany ofc
travelling is always gooood =)
true, i hope i can make some money after my years of studying and go on some nice trips :)

searching a ncie tune for you brb
still searching a nice tune for me hahaha :D

here check this http://soundcloud.com/mattfear/mh-md-by-your-side-matt-fear
my computer crashed some time ago and i lost all of my bookmarks :( i still miss many many songs
outstanding max coooooper <3 one of my favs :)
omg you know everything :D
:DDDDDDDDDDd max coooper i got on vinyl hes one of the biggest for me and yes i do :P
well at least a lot. music is my life :o
most of my generation dont even have a clue about artists like max cooper
when my friends are here they have to listen to stuff like him :D
they should be grateful :D
mostly they are. sometimes its just too much music :p
i hate schwüles wetter btw
4:20 here (damn jet lag)
I want to be a writer of fairy tales :D
where have u beeen?!

i rly like ur dream!!!! nice one! nothing usual!!
I'm still abroad (USA) :)

Yea, it is my little big dream. I somehow always loved fairy tales, maybe because they are just more then a simple story about brave prince and horrifying dragon. Maybe one day I'll write for my little kids :D
like alice in wonderland. i like the new edition of it. very freaky stuff but still fairy like =) gl!
had the best sex early in the morning today, had trublz falling asleep, then some1 wakes me up, and 3hours l8r im online, hungry as fuck tho :D
hahaha :DDDd
any other day i would have said, go away bitch im trying to sleep, but i was to tired to talk :D

my big dream, change the world, the laws, and make it a better place for everyone, maybe even unite all countries to be represented as one...

& plenty more, cuz imma dreammmmaa
this one fits better, if you try and picture a world where thers pure utopia and nice ppl

image: 419422_228234207272022_1376864084_n

but yeah, thats why i call it my big dream, cuz its noway the world can be change... ppl are 2 corrupt and selfish to try and help : )

Wat about ur dream, where would u own a bar, somewhere high up at the hills where the snow never stops and with the view that streachz out for miles and miles to-on-forever , or somewhere hot where boys are wearing tank tops or no tops :P
id like to move to a spanish speaking country so dunno where.. i hope i can visit southamerica next year at least its my plan. gotta see. but i need a place which is full of music.

and having dreams isnt bad i dunno how to stay positive (when i do read news) w/o having my dreams =)
Can picture it right next to the beach while sun is going "away" with a nice red sky :P
would u work at ur bar, or just run it like a baws?

i dont watch the news, Poorly written speeches for politicians to feed us bed time stories...

Tho, my dream what i want for myself, is to write a big suxsessfull movie and never work again : ) Dreaaam my life awwwaay :P
i want my own bar with all my boooks i got so at day u can drink a coffee and read a book (i dont have only german books) and at night there will be djs who play music :) THIS <3

i try not to watch news since i cannot change anything. i just try to do myy part to make this world better
Ouyee : ) build a bar here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqsxraa3IAQ&feature=related

Id say its both a curse and a blessing, to be able to find peace with urself even when thers chaos all around u :) but if u can do that, im sure u can do anything!
sooo nice but dont want on an island. prefer a big country :)
paradise http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1G4isv_Fylg

well u can always expand :P make a chain of world famous bars all across the most exotic places on earth(No shit on mars?) :P

and if u need any help runing it

im yo boai! , il take the one on the island! :DD
hahah at first i try to push my music career ;) gonna see what will follow.
u just have to keep going, the most importiant part in the muziK bidness is to have fun and love what ur doing :)
indeeed and i love how music brings ppl together. met so many awesome ppl alrdy. made new friends due to it and so on :) its passion
yeah i know what u mean, same here, first when i started making music, i was alone for a year, was like the most awesome year when i was learning and when i got the hang of it it was like the best feeling u can ever get :D then i started to talk to other ppz and my music started to grow like lightning fast, talking to other ppl about ur music can help u in so much wayz :)

plus all artist are crazy as fuck and so fun to hang out wid dem :D
same old story today...

study...eat....study...sleep, repeat tomorrow
and one day its work...eat...sleep... work :/ hard life isnt it :)
yep but I have atleast 4, probably 5 more years of studying ahead of me so working is in the distant future :)
what r u studying?
translator dutch/french/english and possibly a 4th language (and less french) next year!
wow!! :o take spanish i adore that language they have soo nice words
haha i have a good learning prog and i have a lil boook with all the spanish words ive learned so far after my last hols. do u know the word nube? means clowd in english. i love this one :) and so many others
Haha you know, I've always wanted to learn spanish because I'd be able to communicate with most countries of the Southern America. So when I was reading your comments I thought I could finally do it on my own. I've already googled for some beginning phrases and words and got to know a bit. I hope to become better and have some basic knowledge but first of all I have to get to know the alphabet :-)

PS. the pronunciation of the word is quite funny (nubi) - just when I heard this I imagined myself the times I'd been quite a newbie playing ET and calling everyone a noob, noobish and and so on
hehe yeah. miercules for example is wednesday they have so nice words.
for learning try rosetta stone. rly good prog to learn a language
Thanks for the tip. Maybe one day I'll speak spanish with you!

Adios amigo :)
hehe muy bien. adios =)
possibility tho i've always wanted to do chinese.. i'll see next year! Spanish should be pretty easy tho..! Then I'd be able to speak english/dutch/french/german and spanish ^_^
u got my full respect for this
Zit daar veel toekomst in? Ik zit te overwegen om ook talen te doen, maar ben niet zeker.. :(
Bij mij op school (in Antwerpen) zeggen ze van wel, de Europese Unie bijvoorbeeld is 1 van de grootste werknemers voor deze sector en die vragen er zowat altijd :) + als t moet kunt ge na de studies ook nog leraar worden etc..
Welke talen hebben ze dan nodig?
Ik spreek/schrijf 100% perfect nederlands en frans, 95% engels

Weet niet wat kiezen als andere talen.. Spaans zeg je? Hebben ze dat nodig bij de Unie?
Ik denk dat ze zowat alles nodig hebben. Als je serieus geïnteresseerd bent kan je altijd even langsgaan bij info-dagen bij de scholen (ik zit zelf op Lessius). Daar leggen ze het wel goed uit.
Is een secundair diploma een MUST?
jep ik denk van wel, ik moest t mijne toch afgeven bij de inschrijving.. ben er wel niet zeker van
Meh meh meh.. 'k informeer me wel; thanks! :)
Ik denk dat ge beter op de callcenter van de Carrefour Bonuscard blijft.
:O)) ben al verhuist
Toering Assitance nu
Hahaha epic die kerel :D
I have no dreams, I have plans. And my biggest one is travelling the world.

And Germany ofcourse =)
the world is beautifull but ppl forget about that, all they care about is making their own life better at the cost of some1 elses getting worse
good morning

going to pick up some of my clothing from my gf her place i start to see im running short on them. im kinda happy today :) shes coming back 2 weeks earlier from Korea so we can go on our first (real) holiday to France to see some if her family amd stuff

mybiggest dream is to make a worldtrip :) to go to alot of countries and witness thr beautifull things of the world

my fav for euro2012... after NL got knocked out im cheering for Italy and France
hope she brings some kimchi with he from korea. i love that fooood =)
we eat kimich alot ;D but shes eating alot of kimbab lately its pretty good aswell
is she korean??!!! oh damn i want kimchi nooooooow =)
no its kinda funny shes tahitian (1/4 chinese 1/4 french, 1/2 italian) but she's studying korean and had the oppoturinity to go there for 2 motnhs for free
sounds great!! so enjoy ur time with her =)
jou vriendin lijkt me echt super cool
gewoon tahitian (1/4 chinese 1/4 french, 1/2 italian)

misschien ben ik wel een beetje jaloers
aww... :)

schattig zijn meer tahitian xD maar driekwart van die mensen op dat eiland zijn echt van die halve...
toch spijtig van dat deel frans (ben ff boos na slechte examens :P)

woked up few minutes ago, had toast+nutella, enjoying my 2nd cup of coffee right now, listening to great music http://vimeo.com/2886614

nice to hear your music-dream is kinda becoming true, even though I have to admit I don't really have anything for that kind of music :D

Questions of the day:

so what is ur big dream? 2nd dream beside music, is an own bar somewhere

dont really have any extraordinary dreams... maybe buy my own house sooner or later. gf and I have been thinking about it without making a plan yet really. besides that I just wanna stay healthy til I am old and have enough money to lead a 'normal' life. had a few family members way too young...

whats ur fav for this em?

germany, what else!

tonight I might go for a concert, but I can already feel lazyness rising up inside of me so I probably will prac hard instead (ET)


some vacation shots from sardinia:

image: 7385837340_f97aa8dea9_z
image: 7401629202_50a76846d9_z
image: 7401628026_787ab06c04_z
Hard prac tonight, ja? I might go drinking though, depends about tomorrows work-wake-up.

12:54 @HMPF • [ » Thomm » (Jackpot) (Jackpot) (Jackpot) » WoW! Du hast den Jackpot geknack! (21836) » Jackpot: 0€ » Gewinn: 1.385.994€ « ]

yeah even though mad caddies are quite tempting to see... in zeh garage!
i have to go to sardinia heard alkot about nice pics :o

nutella <333
it's kind of nice place, really great people and nice landscape but there isnt much to sight-see (at least in the north, where I was). no big cities and such. also they have crazy prizes, even though I was in the cheap part of the island - one beer 5 € :D
so what is ur big dream?

Online :
Play with the legendary United KingdomJoe "niSmO" Weasley one more time this summer. Find my old finnish m8 Finlandaksu who disappeared on the battlefield.
Irl :
Teaching physics/chemistry dunno yet @ university

whats ur fav for this em?
Always been a supporter of France but really ridiculous those last 6 years, bunch of retarded kids
haha i alrdy played with all id like to play.

france is playing very bad atm.... so dunno if i would support them ;)
Teaching physics/chemistry dunno yet @ university

Haha je dois voir ta gueule putain :D
Biggest dream, to become a professional tennis player, but this won't happen, so basicly would like to train somewhat good players, to make them achieve what i wasn't able to do :D
or get some kids and force them to become tennis players even though they dont wanna play, like all those other crazy parents :D
I'm too kind to force anyone to do this, even more my kids i think :(
didnt u neeed to learn that to become a trainer? dunno. gl though :D
yeah i'm going to have 2 years in a tennis school to learn all the basics, theory and so on. Meanwhile i'll have to give tennis lessons to the new players, basicly the kids who are playing tennis for the first time and then i can go on my own :)

E: and thanks!
Biggest dream: kill all capitalist bastards and the Illuminati too.
I have no "big" dreams, If I'm happy and the ppl around me are happy, it's all good.
dream: phd at a top university
team: spain ofc (everything but germany basically).
phd means?!

Basically the non-medicine-related "Doktor" we have over here. The competition is quite fierce though, so I fear it's either not going to happen or would be too expensive. But then again, it's just daydreaming :D
da studiert man bestimmt 10jahre oder?! und das nen teurer spass... anyway gl on all ur ways =)

Stupid day today, last 2 days at college and I went home as I only go in for my mark now -,-
Glad your music stuff is going well now x)

so what is ur big dream?

Would love to travel around getting paid as a photographer, working on wildlife/nature documentaries with the BBC and others. Goal would be to restore classic cars to show standard and have my own garage or take over my dads (it's a family thing :P)
Other than that, get Germany Karl on the road as soon as possible and help fulfil other goals that I have along the way.

whats ur fav for this em? germany ofc =)
hopefully ull be on bbc one day then we can sit on the couch and watch u. would be quite nice tbh :D

get karl ready!!! ;)
Trying to sort out a way to get it over here first, my dad is already waiting to work on it x)
it is not moring at the moemt but still woke up 6am,so early considering the fact yesterday I had hard workout and came back home late again:x

team: i don't care :D
dream: become profesional basketball player one day but it's hard and long way, even tho im working almost everyday on it.
u r playing in a team? is it goood? do u have chances there?! gl anyway :D
well im trying to join semi-pro team, out from ~50 players only 15 will join the team, im spending from 2 to sometimes even 7 hours a day since i found out about recruting, workiout out like that for last 2-3 months and my body is so exhausted i almost cant even move, espepsiacly when i wake up

this 2-3 months ago i wouldnt make it to main roster of the team (i was just simply to weak) but after all of that hard work there is slight chance, got only few tranings in team till they annouce who will play for the team
gl for that! =)
ugh when i read that i finally realize how much mistakes i did but too lazy to correct em :D sorry ;p
who cares about proper english when u get the content anyway :) im not that kind of person who is correcting someone or even pointing out mistakes
you are such a nice person then :)
ofc i am :)
enough other bad things happen in our world no neeed to laugh about spelling/grammar mistakes or w/e ;)
haha true that :)

btw. about your songs - i liked few parts but sometimes it gets boring, you should make sounds more dynamic or add more vocals :P
its not easy to get vocals tbh. and it was just more an experiement than serious work ;)
next stuff is much more pushing tbh but thx for listening :D
let me know if you will have some more :)
haha as sooon as i find some time since i have to finish my mix now for this radio show first :D
at work, time to eat. I had a fight with an old bitch. I made a mistake, i told hep ok my bad and that fucking old granny began to shout like a pig because she had to fix the problem with my cashier fellow two meters away, i almost threw her damn gourmet cat food cans to her ugly face. Bitch. Stay cool. Worse is coming in around 1h, after the "afternoon sleep". Old morons.
shhhhhhhhh calm down... all bad things goes over for good things :) just dont care about randoms
shit music is shit
everyone has its own taste.... so no neeed to say shit in a morning journal. always these flame attacks on this site. i rly dont get it sry but im happy girl who like to spread sunshine not angry moood :)
computer made music is shit imo :) i appreciate the fact that ur trying to make everyone happy tho
well its not only made with computer. ok this is but my goal is to put my vinyls finally on but i dont have enough space so far in my appartment plus for the producing id like to put guitars and extra stuff on. which is not digital ;)
dream: travelling all around the globe to make documentaries. Preferably be stationed in Australia, god I miss that place.

team: Italy impressed me, but Germany is prolly gonna take it.
why did u move to nl ?
Dream: move to NA, get a nice house, a nice job, have some kids. Pretty basic, realistically possible.
Fav to win the EC: Germany
NA?! northamerica? why u want to go there?
Good morning, schnee! Glad to see your successful morning journals back! :)

Dream: Grow old with my beautiful wife at my side, the kids, a good job and enough money to spend without counting :)

And congratulations with your radio-thing! Is it a popular radio you streamed on?
heya!! =) not that ill do a morning journal every day again just had the urge to tell u all about my current life and spread bit harmony and this flaming/hating world again ;)

its nothing big but i make it popular now hehe since i got alot of followers alrdy on soundcloud and on fb. its growing every day. seeems some like my taste for music ;) and ty <3
my first flyer <3 http://picupload.org/i/2012/06/20/WsrwL.jpg how coool is that. damn proud as hell :D
When is this? you should post a link, I don't mind some electronic music!
hehe ill spam the link next week. i have 1hour mix on 26th june and a 2hour mix on 27th of june ;)
Haha so sick! :D Gratz again :) how much followers to you have? How much does it increase daily? :)
thank u. well on sc over 1000 alrdy. fb i have since a month. around 350 there so far.
increases fast. sc from sunday till today ~60 more. fb bit less but its not all but a goood way to become known and promote myy own stuff :D
lol that's fucking awesome
Good luck with your dream, my dear!
Only mixing or also producing?

Edit: nvm, just found your soundcloud and listened to the 2 tracks. Don't really like sundays, robot voice is not really doing it for me. Spoken words is pretty good, good song to chill out on. Going on my ipod ;-)
both ;)

sundays was the first i did after using one day ableton hehe. i just had this ul'ed cause i like to see when someone improves. thats why i have my first and my last mix also on this page :)

after finishing my 2new one i defn need to spend some time for producing again. just looking up lot of movie quotes like to put some nice one in the next

and thx for listening =)
No problem at all, we have pretty similar music tastes although I like it a bit harder most of the times. Is that animal mix gonna be played on the radio?
nope the one ah mixcloud u found that. nope just had no space on sc anymore :) the one for radio is here still private.not allowed to post it till the show is over so end of next week ;) ill send u pm with it :)
Alright, thanks! And a tracklist would be cool too ;-p

How much time do you spend on a mix, on average?
haha tracklist will follow. well atm i need like 3 days. cause i like to put alot of my favs in plus they must match not that easy :D and im still noob in this prog.
gonna see how it works when im swithcing to vinyl :D
Just woke up! 2days off from work now! was working till 04.00 and so damn tired atm, maybe i celebrate my freedays with some beers! : )
cheeeeeeeeeeers ;)
+ my biggest dream has always been that i could make money by playin ice hockey but its never gonna happen :< but still playin it for fun tho =)
but not every dream can come true :/
Not this one since my knee-injury =)
so what is ur dream now?
i always wanted to be a dentist, but im so impatiant. if i think about a lil child doesnt want to open his mouth... grrrr ... :) one of the reasons i didnt study this :D
Hmm.. well i dont know, im just going day by day now. i've always wanted to be an actor too :D but im way too shy for it :)

Dentist :| i hate dentist!! they are bad people!
haha my dentist is rly coool and does all in little steps so its okay u neeed agoood one if u want the perfect smile ;)
show me your teeth !
haha r u serious?! :D
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