Icemat + Laser prob

Right today the icemat second edtion that i ordered arrived @ home
First i had to do some firmware update for the G5 Laser to recognize the surface and function properly on it.

So i searched tha big google and found the update and some site of
I did the update and indeed it worked etc bla bla.

Now here comes the problem. If i move it fastly from left to right is notice that the laser skips some action and the cursor starts to shake and stuff. So i was like hmm maybe i should look for a newer version of this firmware so on the logitech site i found v1.2 same story i keeps doing it. wtf is that shit and what to do about it.

PS with or without the padsurfers that came with it it happens. Couse at first i was like well maybe the laser is to high from the surface but not realy its a bit less but it still happens.
next time search before you'll buy a mousepad G5 DONT WORK WITH ICEMAT !!!

edit : 1st :D
ice ice baby
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