morning ladies =)

Morning all!!!

Finally its Friday. Cant wait tbh since im tired as hell and friends come and we wanna go clubbing.. hope weather will be better at weekend, cause they have planned an open air. Looking forward. Plus I neeed to finish my mix, the yput me under timepressure and im still not rdy. =)

Questions of the day:
Ur plans for the weekend? party haaaaaard
Cu lan? Yes!!!
Have u done smth crazy in ur life? Drunken on a rotary traffic & dancing

My song for u cause it says all:

Shoutouts: Carla (aww :* <3), wsk & nOOr (TEH boys), Andrew, Thomm!!, Michael, CONFO(!), mica (lips), flooflooo (miau), POTTER :D, dialer(kikoo), Estaloth, Jooooaaaaaaaaa (nice hair), marko, .ee & fins =), the GANG, the #bd channel, m!das, tAliiiii, hentai!, fakyyyyy, EVO PAUL SEX(ton), KARTOFFELPoffel!, Nickje, severus, ALAN, _him and my buddies

over and out, have a nice day all <3

image: I669

edit: i request a nintendo with mario cart for lan =)
Quotewill pwn ya on nintendo or w/e there is to play

cu lan!!!!!!!!!!
Good morning schnee, cant wait to hear your new mix!

Plans: Football tonight, after that celebrating my Abitur all weekend (offically done now).
Cu LAN? Dolphinately!
Have you dont something crazy in your life? Who hasnt?

nooooooooo pressure pls =)
mit autocorso durch die stadt?
Wenn noch wer fahren kann ;)
Moooorning :)

Just went to the kitchen to make coffee and guess what!? THERE WAS NO COFFEE LEFT!!! I'm grumpy.

Ur plans for the weekend?
University from 2 to 8 today, but will sneak out earlier as always :3
No idea what to do this weekend, should start sorting out stuff for my finals and if the weather is good will take my dog and go for a walk to take some pictures.

Cu lan?
Probably not I guess... but then again you're going... I'M TORN!

Have u done smth crazy in ur life?
I guess so :D
well if ull visit me in summer theres no need for u both to come to lan. if not you know what u have to do ;)
Ur plans for the weekend? Done with exams tomorrow, so will drink my ass off saturday, sunday & monday.
Cu lan? 95 % yes :o)
Have u done smth crazy in ur life? Had a sort of affair with a teacher :P
Plans for the weekend:

Friday evening to the pub for the football, afterwards clubbing.
Saturday evening to the pub for the football, afterwards clubbing.
Sunday evening to the pub for the football.
Maybe cycling during the day, I haven't touched the bicycle in 6 months and that is a bloody shame.

cu lan?

Maybe, who knows! Would be nice to finally see some faces.

Have u done smth crazy in ur life?

I went to a Malaysian restaurant yesterday night at 3 am and asked for the spiciest dish they had. Now my ass is burning so hard I can barely sit down. Kinda annoying when you have an office job.
:P:P:P:P i really had to laugh :D
Laughing with someone else's pain, you so nice!
at least im honest about :)

sry for u.. :P
Haha, no problem. I don't mind, my own fault anyway. :D
Weren't you Belgium?
I'm still Belgian.
Not working bro.
It is, it is, actually it's a hidden proposal of marriage to schnee, but psssssssssssst...
So romantic!
They call me Romeo for a reason!
Die Bescheidenheit in Person...
was zu beweisen waere werter Romeo....
Cmon, immerhin tue ich so als ob ich an keine Milka Torte komme, dabei gehört mir in Wahrheit die ganze scheiß Firma.
dann nehme ich einmal das komplettprogramm..........
Zu Fuß oder zu Pferde?
was geht schneller..?
Bei unserem Superhengstgaultopinvestionspony... eigentlich zu Fuß. Aber auf dem hohen Ross... hat verdammt mehr Stil.
na wenn dann der ritter mit dem pferd nicht der bauer zu fuss... stimmt...
haha 2 dooofe ein gedanke aber ich wollte nur zeigen was fuer eins :p
image: 12114314
:D Aber sollten die Flecke nicht lila sein?
neeeeeeeeee die darf der ritter dann auf der ruestung tragen :D
Und dabei wollte ich pink tragen. :'(

Ganz ehrlich, wenn ich mir den Blick so reinziehe, habe ich ja noch meine Zweifel ob das was wird...

image: o2dtrzdg
du darfst gerne pink tragen wenn du willst, aber nur unten drunter. will nicht, dass das gesamtbild zerstoert wird :'(

und es ging nur um die rasse net um dieses spiezielle pferd :D
also nen pinto einmal bitte =)
Pinto? Spielt der nicht bei Hannover 96? Ich hätte mein Wendy-Abo doch nicht abbestellen sollen...
man man man.....

image: shetland-pony-picture-7

das ich haben will x
Lass mich raten... weil's Stulpen trägt?
stell dir mal die dazu noch in lila vor und die haaare fliegen sooo schoen =)
Is'n Traum, mir kommen die Tränen... fehlt nur noch das Schleifchen im Haar und mein Wendy-Traum wäre perfekt.
die schleife kannst du dir dann ins haar binden. oh wait...................
Touche, zu so viel Gemeinheit fällt mir zugegeben nichts mehr ein, ich geb mich geschlagen.

Irgendwie haben dir die Dimensionen der Seite ein bisschen putt gemacht.
alles DEINE schuld... ! so ich bin ab jetzt lieb..
Versprech nicht was du nicht halten kannst. Sternburg oder Radeberger?

ich trinke eher budweiser :)
und das erinnert mich an dich hahaha

image: kamikaze11
whahahaha du verdammte... :X :DDD
wolltest du grad fluchen...??! und das in meine richtung!?!?!?!?

ist doch suess so leicht emoangehauchte kiffermaehne :P
Quotewolltest du grad fluchen...??! und das in meine richtung!?!?!?!?

Ich wollte eigentlich Pferdeflüsterin schreiben.

Quoteist doch suess so leicht emoangehauchte kiffermaehne :P

Nix da, Killingmachine = Muskeln + böser Blick
from my job pls. yes nooooooooow................

and no u failed but nothing new :P
Dient alles dem Spannungsaufbau.
dann bitte weiter....
Juliet, oh Juliet...
wasn mit dir heute los? =)
Das kommt davon, wenn man 35 Stunden am Stück wach ist und tagsüber trinkt. :X
uznd warum ist das so...?
Nachts war in unser WG NBA-Party und anschließend ging's in den Park zum wöchentlichen Flunkyball-Turnier. Gewonnen, aber hackedicht... ;X
oh also warst du nur nett unter alkoholeinfluss :'(/
hi :)

not working ;)
gud moaning,

Ur plans for the weekend?

nothing so far besides football tonight...

Cu lan?


Have u done smth crazy in ur life?

guess so
ach fussball hab ich total verdraengt :o
ist immer so aufregend kann immer net hinguggn :/
ich werd immer wütend beim fußball gucken xD schlimmer als bei ET noch
hahaa ja so bin ich auch :P
Meine Crew - NICE
Guck die Hose - NICE
Guck mein Auto - NICE NICE NICE
Ich seh gut aus
Du siehst gut aus
Ist schon ok man

Plans: Football, Uni stuff & probably a lot of boredom (thanks to my so called 'friends')
LAN: dodging as usual
vernuenftige musik die du da hoerst :)
Les ich da einen unterschwelligen Sarkasmus heraus?
nein ist mein voller ernst :o
hoers eher selten, aber kommt auch ab und zu vor :)
Na dann geht das Kompliment zurück. ;) Ich hörs eigentlich auch nur wegen dem Beat und der Hook, der Rest ist eher zum vergessen.... Fler halt :p
Ur plans for the weekend? Work, see gf, and go for a few drinks
Cu lan? Depends on $$$ and uni!
Have u done smth crazy in ur life? Rather a few, but none I'd be willing to share.
would be coool to meeet. fashin n stuff =)
Ur plans for the weekend? Study, watch football (on tv/live), go to Genk on Stage
Cu lan? No
Have u done smth crazy in ur life? Rather a few, but none I'd be willing to share.
cu @ lan

Would love to set up a retro corner or some shit at the event. But soooo wayyyy down on the bottom of the list of priorities :(
retro would be damn coool :) i only need mario cart or super mario with yoshii and co :D
mario cart ftw!
weekend: no plans! will chill with friends i guess
cu lan: nope, at university then
have you done something crazy: salvia is one of the craziest things i've done i guess o_o can't think of lots of things from the top of my head though
Massive headache.
It feels so goooooood to be wasted!
cu lan? maybee :D

kraziest thing iv done... in kindergarden, i was dancing "on" the glass wall, cuz i was trolling this kid, he threw a big shoe at me (my plan), and bedi ba ba' glass wall :D :xd got my police record when i was 13, as a 13-14yr old i was allowed to go somewhere nice where there is beach sea and parties, used to walk on the roof at nights to get to the wing where the girlz wer at :D , one night a security guard spots me, i jump back into "my appartment" change my pants and shirt, he jumps in all angry an shit , *gasping for air* Is anyone here with u, no sir no sir :D where did that guy from the balkony goe?! he was runing that way laughing like "Ha Ha Ha" oke bye oO also i/we used to hunt for lizzards at the same resort, did put them in/our my room like a bunch of em, cuz we wanted some pets :D then we open the closet,, they just start runing out scared as fuck... all around the hotel, burned my friends face, burned another face of a diff friend :D bit off another friends nipple (Wasnt a gay experiment gone wrong) boaah rly just woke up :D
had to pick a few of my moments.. hers sum of my early early early child hood XD

basicly, the krazy shit starts to happen when i wakeup cuz once imma sleep, shit aint krazy anymo' its a whole new level :P

plans, i guess today is the day where me and all of my fanboys fromSloveniaTeam-Slovenia get fuckd up at Sloveniasquaze's place... then discus some of our supply tactics.. we b ridin' cool 'n nerdy

at Ambasada gavioli once (huge world wide club huge huge huge), i tought HE was a GIRL (not not cuz he looked like one but cuz.. I DONT KNOW SHUTUP LEAVE ME ALONE :D ) so i start shaking my ass to her.. i mean him shit fuck

for a bigger wall of text, i give you
image: 4555153_700b
seareal at LAN, I want to see this happen.
wanna dance wid me? :D
I only read the 'cu lan? maybee :D' ;d
read it again

cu lan? maybee :D
Been drinking since wake-up, just came from sauna, ass'n'titties etc. Boys are fishing, we are just chilling. Finland nmkrj is just getting it on with a certaing girl, what a player.

Planning to shoot some darts soon, cook fish if boys catch any, barbeque anyway. Sun is shining, no plans. Until Germanys game, then stuff stops for a moment, at least for me x)

Have a nice weekend!
plans: smoke weed with friends
cee mee at lan: Satz told me he would like to go so maybe
crazy things: jumped out of the bus and my pants + underwear dropped to the floor.
oh and to get some ladies of course to stay up with the cool people on CF
jumped out of the bus and my pants + underwear dropped to the floor. :DDDDDDDDD

cu lan laurens
yes, i was wearing handshoes so kinda failed with pulling it up quickly too :(((
see you at LAN, perhaps we can play some CS:GO.
i will be avoiding you big time
Questions of the day:
Ur plans for the weekend?
Cu lan?
Have u done smth crazy in ur life?

Bang some girl today, will drink together at her home and stuff blabla.
Saturday clubbin party hard

I will come

Came on a girl's leg when she was sleeping and ran away

Why do I never get a s/o? I even thumbs up your music posts on facebook. :/
thumbs up on fb means to be in that list? :)

ill put u in next time for beeing a pimp ;)
cu lan!
Haha nah I thought we had a special bond!

Yup, greets A.j X
That song is just amazing. Whenever I start a first joint I usually put this song, makes me in the mood so much!

Other than that the rest is not really interesting
outstanding song imo =)
Ur plans for weekend?
study study study study for colloquiums and exams

Cu lan?

Have u done smth crazy in ur life?
I started with et few years ago :DD
crazy shit ;D
your life seems to be boring sir.
:D und?
uni ist für mich das wichtigste zur zeit und vorallem gute ergebnisse in meinen prüfungen :) weil danach möcht ich weiter studieren medizin/toxikologie noch net sicher was von beiden und dafür brauch ich halt nen guten schnitt. ich war bis jetzt immer einer der besten (außer in deutsch und englisch) und auch jetzt im 1. semster viert bester von 150! und wenn ich so geld sparen kann, dann warum denn nicht?
nach den prüfungen geh ich auch wieder feiern wie jeder anderer auch, aber 1monat vor den prüfungen eher selten.

omg ich bin so ein streber omg ist mir aber latte
es war auch gar net wegen deinen wochenendplänen gemeint, sondern wegen

QuoteHave u done smth crazy in ur life?
I started with et few years ago :DD

ur plans for the weekend? i hope to recover a bit, too much drinking last days etc.

cu lan? well i think am too Germany/Austria shy to meet ya -.^

have u done smth crazy in ur life? many things i guess but xfire isn't the best place to share. don't want people to think that am proud of some or just trying to look kewl.

image: jh3ec5
ahhhhh^^ u r just too azy to move ur ass :D
you're so kind :3
och dear, i wouldn't mind even if u meant that. you know i love you right?
cant be true :)
woke up, half-dead, last night was EPIC. gonna heal myself for the rest of the day

1. weekend? paaaaaaaaaaaarty hard

2. craziest thing? I wanked and came in a driving bus with people in it besides the driver. I was fresh 14 years old. ahhhh memories

I know it sounds sick and disturbing now, but at that time it felt so right and so genious :D
Ur plans for the weekend? Still unsure yet, I'm a free man now after my college has finally finished :D but need to look for a job and send out forms.

Cu lan? Who knows, but more of a no at the moment.

Have u done smth crazy in ur life? I guess plenty, but most I just consider average/normal. One of the fun things has to be bungy jumping in New Zealand x)

My first every jump
image: f

image: d

image: a

2nd jump
image: j

3rd jump overlooking the beautiful Queenstown at night
image: l
never ever i would have done this :O
It's definitely worth doing if you ever have the chance, won't regret it :P

Also done a canyon swing doing 3x different jumps (1 hanging upside down like a bat on a temporary chord and cut it, in a chair and a gimp mask) but don't have video uploaded so here's a sample
im afraid of heights tbh soo nooo wai =)
Well have to conquer the fear somehow :pp

the upside down one same as this
i dont neeed to fight agains all my fears imo :PPP
Just some of them then, heights being one of them :D
the pictures look really nice.
i did the same when i was in australia. it was brilliant, jumped out of a plane ( i think it was 10 000 feet height) and had a birlliant view over the great barrier reef :) amazing!
today -football, afterwards going to a small club
tomorrow beach party at some friends house

CU LAN! i really liked the first adroits so i 'd like to come again

craziest thing? dunno, i did a lot of shit :>
first weekend in a while were i wont be doing anything
serious bank debt, no money no job :|
flight is cheap if u boook early. just founf one for 70euro from berlin. guess uk isnt much more expensive. and rooms are not tha expensive afaik :)
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