Car repair question

sup cf!

yesterday i scratched my car into a wall (yea yea haha).
Now there are a shitload of scratches and multiple dent in it...

anyone have a clue how much it costs to repair? (it's not only the door so buying a new door wont solve it).

i tried to google it but my scratches are not "park damage" :D

Car type: Audi a3 Sport


ps: flame will probably not fix my car.

EDIT: pictures:
buy a new one dude
i got this one 2 weeks ago (can't afford a new one already)
how about going into shop and asking this instead of crossfire journal?
because estimating the price also costs money in belgium.
Maybe some cf guy works in a shop, could give me some guide number.
:D You have to pay for an estimate?
upload a picture, can give you an idea if you don't get a reply by this evening but that would be based on our prices and UK!=BE
i added some pictures in the post, thx!
Better tell me how much a used (but not many miles) Triupmh Daytona 675 costs in the UK.. I want one :P
Anywhere from £3300 up to £5500 I guess.
Guy on a local forum bought one recently replacing his ducati. Had the 675 for much less because it was stolen recovered :P

image: 20120415_164007
Hmm I expected it to be cheaper. Can get a used one for ~5000€ here as well.

Thought about flying to the UK and driving back with the 675 ;D
I don't really check any bike ads so could be under 4000€ for them, can possibly have a browse if you want?
Ye would be nice. I only know of pistonheads but haven't rly found anything ;S
wow that is rly cheap :o If I am right then this is also the "special edition" with quickshifting and more carbon. But the colour sucks on the special edition :(

The same bike in Austria: 15.000 kilometers, all serrvices, 2006, 6000€

Thanks !
Plenty more on that site if you look also x)
i need a postcode :o

@edit: hmm there are 2 more but 3150 miles and already ~5000£ = 6200€. So less miles for the same price but I also have to pay NOVA and petrol and 7800 other things.
It costs much. Depends pretty much how bad the damage is.
wow dude, jeez.
Go check a few repair shops for a quote.
It will differ greatly between each garage and the job you'd like done on there.

Depending on the damage can take longer then pulling the dent out, merely filling it in then you have to prime>spray>lacquer>polish. How bad is damage? Got a pic?
how the fuck are we supposed to know without a picture
added some pics
Scratches & dent, just drive it x)
Depends how deep the scratches are. Just get a bit of wood filler, you will be fine!
If you can afford Audi's car, you can afford the estimation. One more reason for why belgium suck :(
Extra driving lessons will do the job. Seriously why would u repair a old A3, just take it as given and watch out next time.
well, the key lacquer appears to be okay, so if I were you I would simply keep driving like that :p
wild guess ~1,5-2k€
what the fuck, are you out of your mind
obviously depends on how good you like the outcome to be
1,5-2k € is furnishing the whole car here in germany :o
yea well that's basically what you gotta do if you want it to be perfect, re-paint half of the car + repair the damage
You just would need to refurnish the 2 doors, and that shouldnt cost more than 800euro..
shouldn't but it does
it must have been a blue wall
I guess around 700euro, working time for getting the dents out is around 4-5, if the dents arent too big and you let it spot repair isntead of re-furnishing the whole side..

oh and inb4 asking, yes, I'm a car furnisher :)
700 XD what? @ main dealership maybe or are all your garages so damn expensive there?
well, one hour of work is 75€ at the garage im working, I've seen a lot of similiar crashed cars like this and I guess total 8 hours of work + around 30€ for paint is normal, isnt it?
For here it varies from every company, our garage gives a free quote/estimate on the job and price up the paint etc then as metallic and other 'rare' colours may need specially mixed up, depending on how well the person wants the finish on the car or just a blow over on some areas, they might want to have paint rubbed down to start over etc. Every car is unique in such cases so it's hard to say to someone how much it would cost based on a previous quote etc which is why he should check out various repair shops around.

I believe our garage charges 40€ per hour x)
I had similar damage to my car once, was only on one "section" of the car though. Cost me around 600€
haha, i doubt that works.
I do use a product called simonis wich camouflages the scratches a little bit, but still that's no permanent solution.
i would be greedy and keep driving like that till you wrecked it and start another journal asking how much it would cost just for fun.
i wouldnt care about it that much if i have no money. looks more gangstar! u neeed to stay positive :D
woooaaah, its a miracle y r still alive...
u dont need a car during summer
image: 885
It's not like every country has the same prices. Repairs in Italy are like 1/3 of what it would cost in Austria/Germany.
It say at least 500
repairing a key-scratch over 3 panels of my car costed me ~900 euro

keeping in mind that i did not have any dented panels... i gues this would be around 6-700
that must have been a really deep scratch, usually you can polish that out without a problem :o
Repairing some thing as simple as a key scratch where I work costs £80.00 per panel and yes thats to repair it and paint it, not polish it out.
aqute u going lan? time for some atzen time with vegi and faky? =)
someone drove into the back/side of my car (above the wheel) and that costed him ~€800, but i got a VW Polo, probably a lot more expensive with an audi i guess..
700 ~ 1000 euros
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