Awesome summer

in my bed for the last 3days already, not not with a girl but sick 2 my shit

what have u ben up to while i used up more paper towels / tissues then u virginity ppl

why why why this jrnl, teammates pls
image: game33835

can u get some1 else to play, i dont rly feel like it.. i can still play but ... cba playing sick:D pls ;D

u're sick coz u're in bed all the time moron
weekend with the girl, restday today, tomorrow weekend with friends till sunday..
then life over & study hard :)
i studied psychology damn its all based on a theory so stupid and u have to know it Rofl, yeah hope i get better till friday ;D

how was ur yacht party?
you have to be really stupid to have to study psychology
Not even going to answer.
Psychology is based on many theories & it is supposed to be that way :)

Not going on yacht week probably :(
yeah, i knew that the first time i read some notes a mate did from his class ;D :D but what i was trying to say, anyone with a 5min of free time, can um... talk his way and make the theory sound... crap? anywa its really fun to "study" it :D

bah! ul get another chance next year ;P i might come if i get rich over night;D
Think you are a virgin too!
haha, potty is a virgin!
I suppose I am one of only a handful of people with proof im not :D
thoes kids arent urs

GOOD JOKE BRO. It's a shame you don't know your real father AND THAT AIN'T A JOKE BRO OLOLOLLOOLololOLOlolOLOLOLololLOololOLol
how did u know that?
Saw you skank.... I mean mother on the JK show.
in my bed for the last 3days already, not not with a girl but sick 2 my shit

where the awesomepart in this sentence?
3days in bed fucking great but not with someone is truly sad :P
i was skyping last night with a girl in my bed :P and i was naked! :D

there is no awesome part... i lied :/ sowiiie :$
story!!!! =)

ooooh daym :(
things got hot and i had to take of my t shirt, then my shorts, and then my underwear, then i flamed her for talking so naughty to a naked man.
isnt naughty smth gooood?
im confused now :/
we both have a twisted / sick humor :D
aiaiaiaaiaiaiiiiiiiiiiiii =)
where have u ben hiding this week from the heat? (dunno about u but 30°c here ):P
work only atm :( and tbh its first day its hot here again. every day weather is changing here. not rly summer neither was swimming so far :/
well atleast ur not sick like me :DD

i was almost swiming today, under my shower :P
sick is indeeed bad BUT im always sick in my mind hehehe
today wait ill have a look it is 26° outsde. hope it will stay till weekend! =)
:P why so you can wear really short skirts and some nice shirts? :$
"virgin" u're stuck in ur shit since ur birth

get lost, oh u're alrdy
get a fucking life mongol
you're an ugly motherfucker. a retard too :D

why dont you just kill yourself? :P
Why are you trying so hard to make us believe you have a life and capable of studying psychology? Are you the son of spree?
im studying psychology only for fun :D (not going to classes)
but thats no answer
why would i anwser to a question u already know the anwser if i can make myself look cool and smart at the same time
but, its not genuine
the world order is based on asumption ...and ur questioning me, my intensions
cause i wanted to
what exactly ""write/talk slowly ;$
Why are you trying so hard to make us believe you have a life and capable of studying psychology? Are you the son of spree?
asking me the same question the same question i refuesd to anwser at first, gave it a second try i dont belive in second or third, my life style moto is second is the first looser so i refuse to anwser, but i will tell you this

life is immortal, death cant stop it..

So i would ask you to rephrase that question to, do you have/give a fuck ?
I just got an interest in people and their reasons of doing. And i like to have conversations that actually make sense but what do i get.. some random guy trying to look wise :((((((((
spree was funny:)
but also a bit crazy like this dude
spreee the stalker =)
no i was the stalker, thats why he left afaik
remember the stories implying him,his dad,u in front of hos house,police etc..or something like that :D
Yeah cause his dad said he knew people at the police. I found out how, he had to go to jail xD
i am avi for that :)
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