Hey xfire nerds LAN?

Yo dawgs whats up on my crossfire homepage, heard the next lan event will be soon and some ppl are still mad and cry because the master of desaster will arrive.

image: 531636_3072285386364_1301685883_n

I still looking forward to meet the real ET players like Ross, Snuble , mAus & Co.
And not these newcomers shit players like testi or the Wesley Snipes for poor ppl koop.

Im really looking forward to that event and especially to meet some guys, hope we can do the same party shit like we did on Lan Event 2 and 3 when everything fucked up, mesq allmost ended up in hospital, lioco piss in his pants and in the house, Ross dont have the money for shoes, or pansy drinking like a boy. Or Lavod acting like a bitch when he was done and puge on everything (forgive me bro :D). I still try to contact my bro Iron Mike Kuraigu not responding yet, no offence against razz anymore after we beating kamz he was screaming on comms NICE 5 MAN ARTI HUMMEL WOWOOWOWOW you save the day, now he said i spend you 5 beers for that on lan, i said ok thats a deal he can be lucky otherwise i knock him down.

Some interviews about my lan project

Germany stRay:

Im looking forward to visit you again Daniel, nice that i can play with a such experience player like you, winner of eurocups in CoD4 and champ on ET. And i hope really that this lan i can fuck a chick, i try my best but with you on my side nothing can go wrong.

Turkey FiREBALL:

Yes now its time to kill the czech guys, i dont need to give alone headbutts anymore that lan event will be the best one since ages.

Germany kReSti:

Im really looking forward to play with hummel again hes one of my lovely players,
i will bring my bling bling ofc again and if someone didnt know me, im the lionel messi
of enemy territory.

Germany Blade:

I phoned daniel alot when he was in the jail over the last 4 weeks and after he came out we arrange a deal that he joined PDEG im quite happy about that, and he carry us alot vs kamz and stuff with his support actions.

United Kingdom deryn:

Im really looking forward to see my lovely german boy on lan, flop is nothing against him, forgive me gav but i will visit him and i hope you enjoy aswell that he arrive.

United Kingdom Ross:

no fucking comment, i love this guy.

United Kingdom koop

I know that im a bit black but that has nothing to do with hummel arrive the lan, i spend 24/7 hours on solarium ok?

United Kingdom razz

I hope i dont get punched so hard, but i like hummel since i played with him a great comeback for the ET szene <3 :D.

Finland olBaa

I know hummel since 2007 when i played public and i ask him for his config and he said to me i can come to his teamspeak then he created my first ET CFG after that i went to lan and won everything im quite proud to be known because of him, i know i look like golum but i will shake his hands on lan if he want and that makes me proud.

That was some short interviews with some players.

Shoutout: to my muscle partner mind, to deryn and sqzz my lovely welsh guys, to all my germans stray,kresti,blade, attaturk and the survive crew, to ross and night ofc looking forward to the event. And i hope that snuble will arrive that we can drink smth on his new father life :) And ofc the biggest shoutout goes to Butthead from Lost Soldiers i enjoy the time on lan with you.



i will shoot u

cuz all of you morrocans have knifes in their frikandellentasjes right?

Nassim ^^
haha nee toen ik 12 was wel :P
Haha gangster :D Draag je nu geen nektasjes meer dan?
ahaha nee laatste x dat ik er een droeg was ik 12/13 ofzo

e: alle marokkanen lopen nu met dit

Ook te lelijk. Leg mij ook eens uit waarom jullie allemaal met trainingspakken rondlopen? Is misschien wel fijn, maar het ziet er totaal niet uit.
ahaha is een trend geworden ofzo man, zelfs negers enzo doen het
Sommige nederlanders die denken dat ze marrokaans/neger/turks zijn doen 't ook. Trek gewoon normale kleren aan man ;D
ahahaha ja klopt :P
finally a new flame journal. was about time. haha

cu LAN!

mike wont come alrdy tried to convince him :(
QuoteAnd not these newcomers shit players like testi

Actually looking forward to see Testi! I heard he's a cool guy! Also, y u act so cool :{ Not nice to call people nerds and tell them you will knock them down y0
peace bro cu there
"master of desaster" :D

HumM3L dein Englisch ist viel besser!

Always love reading your posts, welcome back....now bring back so more old schoolers!

p.s Hanover ist total scheisse! =/
So much hate in here.

See you on LAN :P
comeback of pussy chin
If you are against koop you are against me
good to know :)
Stop acting so cool, not like you're going to hit koop/testi/goku in the face at lan.
Did i say that ? :)
Quoteotherwise i knock him down
Threatening behaviour is not accepted at lan and you'll have to be removed if you cannot act like a mature adult.
ok sry for that hahahaha du clown
Accepted, I suggest you don't act like this at LAN either.
Do you think im not acting on lan like this? im totally different from online > lan, the most players knows me, i mean everyone knows me how i act on lan : ) just ask around, but im not one of these ppl who saying not really any words on lan and open the mouth online harder then a little bumblebee :D Dunno if we meet each other allready hahaha
I have seen you at LAN before but never spoken to you as I have never spoken to you online. I think you and your mate fireball have probably got the wrong idea of what LAN is about. It is not a place where you can try to bully people because they are from another country, in this case cz, it is a place to play games and socialise. I act like a dick most of the time, yes. Even when it comes to LAN I would say I was a massive dick BUT I only do it to people I know and in a friendly manner.
haha when we did smth to other ppl? it was only 2 times when FiREBALL headbutt keran because he insult him alot and when i hit down chaoz from SF because he send me a later to my homeplace with full of shit and thats all, we are also very friendly on lan and that journal is full of sarcasm dunno if you realise that, like i said ask around whats happen on the cdc 2-7 when we was allways there, it was a hardcore party with everyone i organize a drunken nationscup, where almost all cabins was on ours and drunk like shit. crmbs the uk and be guys ronner and everyone we had allways fun, sometimes you better dont listen to my comments.

I know you have a lot of sarcasm in your post but I am saying after last times shit with greenclon + his team you need to calm down. I don't know if you are aware, but I have been to every LAN since cdc4 so I know what its all about.

So you are saying that the beef you and fireball had with the interaction team is no more?
First of all i had never beef with them, i will never kick asses of kids like them.
To me they are very friendly online, and with FiREBALL that wasnt really smth thats all getting pushed by some online nerds, the same with testi i must lough alot after the lan when i heard he talk around he wanna hit FiREBALL for that with the czecz guys, jesus then do it on lan you had the chance and not talk after some event. I was a bit dissapointed that also the czecz guys saying nothing on the lan event, went home and making a journal how bad is fireball and his bavariour, if you has smth to say then eyes to eyes. And there is no beef at all.
Ok then thats not a problem. But you will have to understand from an outsiders point of view that you don't look like the "good guy" right now which is why you are receiving quite a bit of flame. Anyway, good luck at LAN and will see you there I guess.
yeah but really i give a shit about this online page :) yeah would be great to meet you there, have a nice day.
like u behaved at lan, mad?
I am always good. U just mad because you low-

image: Devourer
haha you fucking retard
nice one explaining...
Hummel real gangstah ?
You look like a frog and you have no jawline at all, lose some weight you fat fuck.
l second that
Was los du Kachbar, mach mal Platz für den Baba!
Alles Palaber, die wahren Jungs stehn an der Konstabler
:D:D:D Beschde
1.capo beste ^^
2. das wird kahba geschrieben ;D
Ewoah, mein Fehler. :D

Navy Seals seilen sich ab von der Kuppel
Abdi asahbi - sniper alle runter
Eren "KaZer" Baba?
Nee, net ganz... was geht ab, y0?
nothing besides work ._.' u?
Quotethe real ET players like Ross

ich freu mich so :>

lg Beavis
Ich auch das wird einfach der knaller dich wieder zusehen : )
Stark gekontert!
Unter die gürtel linie : )
du dullie alter xD erstell ma nen lebenslauf hier damit wir dich noch besser kennen :P xD
who puged?
hummie happy :D
muss ich wieder 2 mäuse mitbringen?
QuoteYo dawgs whats up on my crossfire homepage, heard the next lan event will be soon and some ppl are still mad and cry because the master of desaster will arrive.

The only thing you master is spelling/english, for sure! :DDDDD

Im really looking forward to that event and especially to meet some guys, hope we can do the same party shit like we did on Lan Event 2 and 3 when everything fucked up, mesq allmost ended up in hospital, lioco piss in his pants and in the house, Ross dont have the money for shoes, or pansy drinking like a boy.

You are talking about cdc4 not 2 or 3 here.



How is seanza these days? We need a gentlemens conferance on skype some time soon.
Just busy as fuck, man. So many things to organise for October. You know me, I like to get things sorted sooner rather than later. Then I can relax!
Safe manz, give me a shout if anything is up y0.
np bro i will do that , money is not really a problem here.
I love how you have made razz's English even worse than what it actually is :D
QuoteYes now its time to kill the czech guys, i dont need to give alone headbutts anymore that lan event will be the best one since ages.

dafuq is this shit
coole Schwangerschafts/Dehnungsstreifen :D!
ahjo meine haut reisst auf : / ich trainiere zu viel im moment 5x mal die woche, habe jetzt auch low carb abgesetzt und gehe wieder auf kohlenhydrate : )

Hab ich aber nur im unterarm und an den schultern :D paar mal solarium und du siehst die netmehr hahaha
alles klar noch bisschen masse rauf vor lan oder wie siehts aus?:D

naja en Kollege von mir hat auch welche, wegen zuviel gewicht (der hat aber auch testo gespritzt)

E: 5 mal die Woche is schon ein bisschen viel wenn du nicht schon länger trainierst... musst ja bedenken die Muskeln wachsen in der Regenerationsphase.
Ich nehme garnichts, testo hat sich auchn freund gespritzt 1 Kur aber nur und der hat herzrasen bekommen und schwitzanfälle usw keine lust auf bullen hormone :D

Ich hab genug masse muss das nur richtig umwandeln (definieren).
Hab ja noch 3 Monate bis zur lan hahaha
Haha alles klar :D
culan h00mm3l!
culan bratan!
inb4 Testi makes you cry like a little bitch...
lol digga du bist so aggro
I will hide in the toilet !
Yes now its time to kill the czech guys, i dont need to give alone headbutts anymore that lan event will be the best one since ages.

I am voting to ban Fireball from lan and hummel too because he is a fucking subhuman piece of shit
Stop breathing already you useless fucking numpty.
dreckiger :D cu thera hahaha
Quote by stray
And i hope really i can fuck a chick

i hope really for you too
the only thing about you that could be titled "desaster" is probably your face..
"fatih, kreuzfeuer, fatih!"
wo isn fireball waere noch viel lustiger in here dann :( :)
Glücksbärchi strikes again. :')
scheisse bist du freundlich drauf ...
It's all about the teacher.
Can somebody slip some cyanide in his drink and make the world a better place?
fighting is for lowlifes
nice glasses
nice boyfriend
Meanwhile you are at LAN, I'll be at your home fucking your mom and your girlfri.... oh wait.
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