monitor and other stuff
6 Jan 2007, 10:38
which settings are good for r_mode 6 and olny 75hz(my lcd can handle only this value) in game(fps,sens,mousehz,and other stuff,displayrefresh etc)
my english is bad :[
my english is bad :[
cl_maxpackets 76
r_displayrefresh 75 / i suggest you use refreshlock or something, it dosn't stay at 75 imo
mousehz depends on mouse, if mx300,400,500 then be sure to set it at 1000hz,
15" lcd? (r_mode 6)
if you're not playing against polaks imo you should hit people good with these settings
in one word: you don't need to overclock hz rate on mx518, it dosn't change anything and it is more what you need on default already