polaks mad xd


polaks scared of kamz because they're afraid to get rolled

so funny that people want forfeit wins when the game is almost 'dead' + a NC match ':D'

anal bum rape must of hurt in 6on6 final even after we 'allowed' them a merc.
they trying to get back at us thru forfeitz ;'[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

haha hah ha ha

shoutout kamz
Sure but rules are rules.
no comments yet, people prolly dont give a fuck

e: SK nerd
what do u expect, they are polaks :S
looking at comments kamz trolled em hard before match?
Verdict : both sides are retarded
kamz and trolling? haha

He only made one succesfull troll, and that was years ago when he proclaimed to be better than 90% of those back then in EC.
" hype on 16/07/07, 21:16:31 PM | Reply

Don't wanna sound arrogant but I'm better than the majority of players playing in this game, and alot of other people are too, and I don't just mean aim-wise."
hehehe thanks for that link was looking for it some time ago, really shows how good i was at trolling everybody back in the days, but isn't it funny how i went on to captain uk to 3rd, be one of the better players for the uk and play for so many good teams with talented players and also achieved great success outside of ET.

i'm always right :( and everybody who argued there was wrong
would rather call his recent trolling attempts immature trashing as a form of massive attentionwhoring :>

edit: haha seems like someone got banned when "trolling" on this comment :DDD
rulez are rulez but skill is skill
3on3... almost gave a fuck
Very interesting journal.
haha hah ha ha
scared much yes???
Deactivated6970 much yes
Kamz making a fool of himself (which tends to become a pleonasm) by delivering what he considers to be smart replies. Hurray for that forfeit, I don't think he is mad about it, that's too bad :(
Quote by ESL ET Country Championships 2012 Play Offs Rules1.2. No Show

If your opponent does not show after 20 minutes, you must enter the result as your opponent did not appear in time. Do not enter a default win for yourself. This applies for cups too!
lol nothing new xd
Who would be scared of that lowskiller called kamz in a 3on3?
that's what i said :D i'm not even that good 3on3, but still they were afraid to play against me

dunno, been playing quite good recently.. maybe they been watching me
You are for sure mad :D
Lick Kamz more pls, Rules are rules and you know it :)
rules are rules m8,

you know ... them rules that nobody been following for the last 3 years? ye them ones m8 :xx
haha hah ha ha

It is a good feeling to Kamz 8D
I just can't understand taking a forfeit over playing! Its a game for fun afterall!
its about making people annoyed, which they very well succeeded in x)
The very opposite of mad

Just found it really sad to take a forfeit especially after UK allowed them merc in the final
We did not take gnajda for the final, kamz would be his uk comparison.
ye ye sure, kamz bitched, poolaks thought they'd play his game and this is the result, end of story
im confident we would win anyway. hope kamz mad a lil ;)
only thing that happened was that u showed everybody u were scared to play me heheh people even messaged me on irc saying they are ashamed to be polak :D
kamz got pwned ez time gj
u mad, not polaks 8D
[pl] chlopaki jak juz macie czelnosc grac pod szyldem Team Poland, to mala uwaga ode mnie, ze imo na takim poziomie sie meczy forfiterem nie wygrywa [/pl]
to tylko gra komputerowa XD
[pl] Widze ze jestes new, wiec wytlumacze Ci cos. Gra sie przeciwko komus, zawsze i to sie nie zmieni, jesli jedna strona nie potrafi sie wywiazac ze swoich obowiazkow, flejmi jak bardzo tylko moze i w tym samym momencie prosi o przysluge, wtedy musisz sie zapytac czy bedziesz grac na warunkach jakiegos idioty z drugiego konca swiata ktory do tego rowna cie z gownem gdzie nie moze. My zdecydowalismy ze nie damy soba pomiatac w taki sposob, zagranie tego i wygranie nie tworzylo problemu, ale utrzymywanie sie takich ludzi jak kamz co do takich meczy, w ktory lamie reguly, wysmiewa je i prosi o to by dac mu przysluge nie nalezy do zachowania, ktore mozna pochwalic.

shortwersja: jak jestes taki smartass to polecam przyskilowac, wejsc do teampoland i grac to i jak sie chce, ja sobie nie pozwole zeby jakis karaluch plul mi w twarz i mam mu jeszcze w tym pomoc, wygranie z kamzem itp nic nam nie dalo bo sa marni jak mappol nbsa, get it now? [/pl]
"Widze ze jestes new"

"scared of kamz"

i know right!

first time in my long et life, i'm buzzinG
You are fucking shit in 3on3 and in ET generally. Maybe the polaks just didnt feel like wasting 30mins to rape your ass off in supply and goldrush.
that is also true ;)
fanatic told me Kamz was giving them shit in the game so I guess they got no reason to do us the favour of playing. :)

tip: hold tongue, works like a charm.
actually no, they already said they didn't want to play vs me before the flame, infact i wasn't even flaming them, i was just joking about saying how i'll play one handed if u let me play, etc

the only reason is that they were afraid of losing, simple as. they can say whatever else they like.

you were wasting your time convincing them, all they were waiting for was an admin to say officially that i cant play and the 20 min time to end.
You're not Kamz
CARE, attentionwhoring uk faggots
shoutout to ocdiv2 runner up kamz
Koop's so mad, not even trying to hide it. Get some manners first boy.
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