Crossfire blocked @ work

Hi there CF, how do you do today? :-)
I'm great, tired a bit, but great!

How are your feelings about Crossfire 4.0? I can't wait for it's release to be honest ^^

Here's my question of the day
Why do the computers at work often block Crossfire and other non-workrelated websites and at other times it doesn't?
It says the following:

QuoteAccess Denied (policy_denied)

Your system policy has denied access to the requested URL.

For assistance, contact your network support team.

I can guess it filters on a specific word (gaming, forums etc) but why can I access Crossfire, Youtube, Webchat, Twitch, etc.. sometimes? Is it badly coded or anything?
Maybe a good thing to add; I can always access to ESR, which is a gaming community too.

Can I change something about that myself?

Thanks, have a good day Crossfire!!

my first guess would be that they as you stated run content filters. maybe it's not directly about crossfire itself but about linked content such as pics, that it triggers on the url of those?!
you could for instance try using a web proxy instead, if those are not blocked too.
or just not browse crossfire when at work :l
one got to waste some time sometimes. not everyone is busy at work :P
one does not simply ignore corssfire
or crossfire
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Every place I worked where CF was blocked, proxies were blocked too :P If you've got your own server you can easily setup a proxy that won't be recoginised as proxy I guess, some kind of vtunnel or so ^^
Maak jij is eentje voor me!!
i totally forgot about 4.0
Search "cmd" -> Type in cmd: tracert -> Copy the IP of the site -> Paste it in the browser -> GO!
Won't work will it? If it uses filters, using the ip instead of the address won't help I guess :(
And I can't use tracert anyway, says unable to resolve target system name
its . but will only help if they filter on the dns-name of crossfire itself, not content. and since you were stating that you are sometimes able to open the site it's not the case.
too much sexy pics on this site
what HIRVI said or use a proxy/ssh-tunnel
Can't access proxy websites :(
Download ultrasurf. It's a little program which has a proxy list inside that always updates itself. Worked like a charm for me at school/work. Or the best solution: Get a cheap ssh-tunnel (it's pretty much like a proxy). SSH-Tunnels have the advantage of encrypting your traffic which means the network admin shouldn't be able to see what websites you are browsing.

Will have a look into that, thanks!
Quotewhich means the network admin shouldn't be able to see what websites you are browsing.
except that some appliances are intended for just that, decrypting traffic to inspect it. and if they can't they drop it :P
i appreciate this is a non flaming/hating journal.

afaik it isn't possible to access these sites. agree with ssap about server content had same in office. just live with it or take ur own laptop which isn't connected with companies lan :)
Implying I only make flaming/hating journal; you're confusing me with Robaciek

Anyway, how am I supposed to go online with my laptop at work? :P
Either via mobile phone or the company's net. But read my comment below.
umts sticks?! imo u can use them as well for ur laptop it wont connect via company net (afaik)
Das Problem ist, dass das in der Regel genauso wenig erlaubt ist. Würdest Du als Arbeitgeber erlauben, dass jemand Laptops mitbringt, mit denen man Daten klauen kann und noch mehr? Außerdem, wer will schon, dass seine Mitarbeiter ständig surfen? Das ist ein nogo.
natuerlich wuerde ich es weder erlauben noch wuerde ich es machen. nur wollte ich ihm ja alle moeglichkeiten aufzeigen. im endeffekt ist er alt genug, um selbst zu wissen, war er macht u was nicht. und was das fuer seiten will ich garnicht wissen, weil trotz content filter auf arbeit, kann ich alle seiten sehen, die ich besuchen will :o =)
Hängt halt vom Filter ab. Muss nichts schlimmes sein.
i didnt mention anywhere in my sentence that u are only doing flaming journals eh?

cant u just read it positive w/o thinking smth bad :/

laptop has to have own umts stick or i heard about using ur smartphone as hotspot is possible too.
I just feel like you don't like me :(

I do have a cellphone which can be used as hotspot, though unlimited mobile internet does not exist in Belgium.. I have 1GB/month
1gb is enough to browse a site or do u want to watch pron at work??1
anyway u should just wait till u home and browse the sites which u cannot get into at work..

browsing besides work is ok, but im still wondering which sites arent allowed at content filter. in my mind are only pron, racist, and some dl sites =)

and no i never mentioned that i dont like or i that i do
1GB goes fast with all the images that are loaded here, same if I want to watch youtube, twitch, or any other media websites
If the filter blocks crossfire don't bypass it. It is a violation of your contract with your company (99,9% sure that it is). Most companies fire you for compromising the security. Also don't bring your own laptop to work. That is treated the same. Use your mobile phone if you want to surf the net. It is not connected to your company's net.
Unlimited mobile data doesn't exist in Belgium, so that would cost a lot :P
And as I said, sometimes it's blocked and sometimes it's not, so I'd like to give it a shot
It's not like I'm watching porn or doing illegal stuff on their network ;)
That does not matter.
Quote You wanna loose your job so badly? :O

It is blocked and your employer won't care why it is blocked. If you bypass a security mechanism most probably you will get fired. Don't do it. I can't tell you more than that
But I am bored :(
Browse news websites like cnn or so. Have a chat with a colleague. Drink a cup of coffee. Do something everyone else does :)
Fuck social life
implying that all companies treat these breaches(if they are actually considered it as such) all the same.
It was blocked in my old job for "Gambling"
You wanna loose your job so badly? :O
We are allowed to surf the web as long as we do our work
They just ban people abusing it I guess :P
lol you j3lly bro!
hello goku,

you can change something about it yeah! do it like I did! work you way up in the company until you're in the position to edit the word-filters :D

that is all, bye!
Inb4 "lost my job because I was browsing Crossfire" journal.
if your bored maybe start to work. if there is absolutely no work, which i doubt, go make some coffee or clean the floors or toilets. whining wont change a thing.
If people don't call I can't force them to do so can I?
Had coffee already, and there are people who are paid to clean :)
And I am not whining, just asking for help, so shut the fuck up if you got norhing to say yo
give number i call u
0032 2 233 23 45
What are you supposed to do at work?
Working seems to be the best answer you could give me. So work. And enjoy your sunday at office. Mine is over so now I can make a fool of you. Haha!
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