First Journal

I hereby abuse my admin powers to create the first journal of Crossfire 4.0

Move has taken forever, not my fault, I was done at 15.45cest

What do you think of the page? I love the notifications, but apparently they sometimes don't automatically disappear when they should, but for the most part it's great.

Will be interesting to see how quick the page is under load, was performing quite nicely during testing (even when loaded with full data)
1st comment in CF4
I hereby abuse my right to reply as first
fu, I refreshed the page for like 2 minutes straight after I saw 19 cest on dot just for trying to do this :<
not first comment
looks weird :/ profile site doesnt look sooo nice :(
i guess i neeed some days to get this massive change =)

its very slow :O

Highly active super awesome contributor!

Can hardly keep his mouth shut!

Active contributor to Crossfire!

say what?!
Are you surprised? :( Spammer!
yeah well no but why its on my profile?????
yeah well no but why its on my profile?????
u cannot see who is online of ur buddies am i right???! im confused a lot right now
test test 7 6 5 asdasd asdasda asdasdad asdasdasd
tell arni to reply to my pms!!!!!!!!!!
shitty site son
I like it, looks nice, can tell that a lot of effort has been put in this. Don't like the constant moving on the right tho, the switching from recent to events to polls. Would be great if one could turn that off. Other than that not too shabby :)
+1 about the moving :-)
wtf is this shit

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