UPDATED! user script for CF 4.0

I made a small user script that changes a few things in the layout of the Crossfire 4.0 site:

  • darker background
  • minor tweaking in colors (mostly making it darker)
  • changed the font (requested by Clown)
  • removed some annoyances (sidebar rotators)
  • added boxes to the comments (easier to follow the comment tree)
  • added back-to-top button

Screenshot (clickety-click for larger image):
image: cf4_preview

In case someone wants to try the script or tweak it further, you can grab it from userscripts.org:
Crossfire 4.0 Theme

No ads were harmed in the making of this script. (They are just not visible in the screenshot.)

More tweaking done and also added a back-to-top button.

Quote by ChromeGo to the script page, click Install.

Quote by FirefoxFirst install Greasemonkey add-on, restart browser, then go to the script page, click Install.

Quote by OperaCreate a folder for your scripts, then download the script from the script page by clicking Install and save it to the folder you created. Then press CTRL+F12, select Advanced Tab -> Content -> JavaScript Options and choose the folder where you have the script.

UPDATE 26.08.2012
If you are having problems with replying to comments and hide tags, GreaseMonkey was recently updated to version 1.0 and they had added a new metadata block for the scripts and the old script didn't run the jQuery part anymore. Those who have the auto update enabled on GreaseMonkey should get the new version of the script automatically, but you can also re-install it from the link provided in this journal.
looks much better!
edit: im not browsergeek, is it work with opera?
works with chrome and firefox (with greasemonkey installed), not sure about opera since I don't personally use opera
Thank you kind sir.
i appreciate this
Very nice, thanks!
it's.... beautiful
Finally my eyes can rest
Does this font scale correctly on non-Cleartype/smoothing setups?
as far as I've tested, it seems to scale pretty well, although I had to do some small tweaking on some classes (personally would have left the font as it was and it can easily be edited from the script)
I like this font (or any other font) better to be honest, it was completely illegible and scaled horribly if you're not using Cleartype/smoothing. Is it possible to slightly increase the font size of the smaller buttons (for instance "post comment" and "preview")?
increased the size of the font on the small buttons, now they should be more readable
Perfect, thanks!
In the coming updates we will remove some white on the left, but it won't look as dark as this.
i'm still waiting for an xfire 2 theme
dont lose your hopes man
Cheers, much better already!

Request to stop the animation on the sidebar! :P

edit: Changed the header from 060606 to 1F1F1F as I felt it was a little better personally.
I will change the font back, rest looks fine, thanks. Let's see what the update brings mentioned by Exc1te.
What ads?
:p when I made the user script for CF4 Beta, there was some controversy from some admins (won't name who) because the ads that are on this site were not visible on the screenshot, so this time I put the disclaimer (ads are still there, who sees them and who doesn't, that's not my problem)
Just use adblock?
that's what I do, the disclaimer is there mainly for the admins (who don't like it if these kind of scripts remove their precious ads from the site)
I don't care about what the admin says, I hate ads so I am using Adblock already for like 2/3 years on CF.
same here, been using adblock for years, just hate all the blinking things (flash included) on websites
Hehehehe :P Poor CF XD
Is it possible to readjust/remove div locations with this?
well, this script doesn't move/hide divs, but in general it's possible to move them around, it just requires more work
If you could remove the ''recent/events/polls'' and ''event'' it would be great!

Is there some guide on how to do this specific action?
I removed the recent/events/polls switcher on the latest version of my script with this line:
QuoteaddGlobalStyle('#sidebarSwitcher, .sidebarSwitcherContainer { display: none !important; }');
Thanks, I couldn't find the div name:)
nice :]
absolutely brilliant!!!!!
nice, but add a little orange strip at the top!
I found the orange border annoying, but you can get it back by removing this line from the script:
QuoteaddGlobalStyle('#logoAndAd, #footer { border-top: none !important; }');

or if you want the border on top of the page, but not on the footer, just remove the #logoAndAd from that line
Anyone knows the color code of the original cf background?
Steve Angello - Knas (Peppermint Private Rework)
The original background is a texture, however it should come close to: rgb(238,238,238)
Can anybody explain me in details (with links espacially :D) how to install greasemonkey on Google Chrome?
I'm such a newbie when it comes to manipulate something on a computer..
Google "greasemonkey chrome"


Go to the link antman gave. Use it.
you don't need greasemonkey on chrome, the script works on chrome without any addons, greasemonkey is only needed for firefox
took me 40 minutes to figure it out..
You are a gentleman and a scholar, sir.
much better, thx
I like it :)

good improvement, thanks a lot!
awesome, thx!
I'm using it on the browswer called Rockmelt and its working perfectly. However is it possible to change the font from the journal or topic to the ones you use in the reply's?

image: 2kmrcy
the font is the same, just different size, but it's been fixed now
My my own based on yours.


Borders look shit, but ye better than the original eye cancer one.
Nice thank you!
Well done :)
Thanks for not harming the ads, they are what drive the improvements after all.

Might use something like this in future stylesheets users can select from.
The theme he made is really good, prefer it over the original one.
you might save this site sir....

well done
Nice one antman sexay as fook now.
how to stay wild the old font? id like to change everything else but not the font? help since im nooob in this.. which size was it before? what i have to edit to get the old font back. everything else im fine with and got it work.
if you want to keep other changes, but discard the font changes (just keep the link colors), just replace the whole fonts and colors part with this:
Quote// fonts and colors
addGlobalStyle('#footerMenu .item, #copyrightBox > span { text-shadow: none !important; color: #fff !important; }');
addGlobalStyle('#footerMenu .item:hover, #footerMenu .item:focus { color: #ef7812 !important; background: #363636 !important; }');
addGlobalStyle('a, #content .content a { color: #ff5a00; text-decoration: none !important; }');
addGlobalStyle('a:hover, #content .content a:hover { color: #000000; }');
addGlobalStyle('.title a:hover, .author a:hover, .type a:hover, .time a:hover { color: #ff5a00 !important; }');
addGlobalStyle('.bb-container { text-align: justify; margin-right: 5px; }');

or if you want all of the font and link color changes removed, just remove the whole fonts and colors part
thank you but how can i edit urs? :/
My eyes can relax again. Thank you, kind sir, for your work.
Updated in the latest version:
Removed the sidebar switcher (the rotator of recent/events/polls). If you want to have it enabled, remove the following line from the code:
QuoteaddGlobalStyle('#sidebarSwitcher, .sidebarSwitcherContainer { display: none !important; }');

Also added a bit darker background and borders to the comments, so it would be easier to tell one comment from another.
Thx a lot for this! and especially the opera-adoption. but i can neither turn my background nor my header darker...

help appreciated
if you don't want the background and header to be so dark, just remove the first two lines in the backgrounds section of the script, meaning these two lines:
QuoteaddGlobalStyle('#pageBody { background: #363636 url("http://dl.dropbox.com/u/30121964/cf4/bgr_waves_light.jpg") repeat-x 0 0; }');
addGlobalStyle('#header, #logoAndAd { background: #060606 !important; }');
ah alright. will do when im back home ;)
thx. looks better
well done thx
Wow you are the man,thank you :)
it's looks great!
How i install this? :D sry im ubernoob^^
Go to the script page, click Install.

First install Greasemonkey add-on, restart browser, then go to the script page, click Install.

Create a folder for your scripts, then download the script from the script page by clicking Install and save it to the folder you created. Then press CTRL+F12, select Advanced Tab -> Content -> JavaScript Options and choose the folder where you have the script.
I have done the steps for chrome you mentioned. It doesn t work.What you assume I do wrong?
You probably just need to clear cache on the browser (although it should work without clearing it).
On Chrome, after the downloading, it says that I can add your script only from the Chrome Web Store. I went there, saw a text explaining why I need to use the Web Store and then nothing. And when I click on the file I downloaded and want to install myself, I have an error msg saying something like : undefined document, Error in executing Microsoft JScript. Any help ? :|
for chrome, I went to the download link and clicked download. it automatically asked me if I'd link to install it. :)
nice work
There is a bug with this script I think..

The /hide command doesn't seem to work, e.g. on peoples profile etc, it just takes you to the top of the page
which browser are you using?
hide-tags work perfectly on firefox when this script is enabled, I'll need to test them with chrome and opera when I get back home from work
this issue has been fixed now (there were two lines of code that work perfectly in firefox, but don't seem to work in chrome and opera and were causing this issue, just removed those lines and now the hide tag works in chrome and opera)
Should have been more clear, my mistake! But yeah it was Chrome, seems to be working now, good job! :o)
Should have been more clear, my mistake! But yeah it was Chrome, seems to be working now, good job! :o)
now CF looks way better, I hate white color everywhere, thanks!
so much better now! thx
much better! tanks
ur the man.thanks .much better now
Wow nice! finnaly my eyes can stop bleeding now!
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