all cheaters

i have a question :
am i the only one that never cheated or will cheat in this community?
pls be honest

(cheating on patience and minesweeper doesn't count)
your teh 1
i once cheated in q4 single player. :<
And your HW profile on xfire
we all have cheats!111
i never cheated in et as well! :D
me neither :(
idkfa, iddqd - hardcore!
is dit de nieuwe manier van cheaters busten? want ik vind m vrij zwak
i only got etbot, nexus n stuff :,<
lol naruto die irl.
i tried once a shit invokev 2.0 (detected by PB) on my own non PB server with my 2 friends....

what a surprise, you have played with tornis and them in overdose.
rofl tornis not using simple invokev... he working on the next generation of nexus :D
but.. I meant not so strange you have/playing with hax when u play with tornis and them !
tornis never was in my team :) btw i tried invokev 1 year before... and on jaymod :P
whatevah, tornis is a part of their cheat-gang-wnb-lan-inet-only.
i heard u wanna join TeH club too?
Belive me, I dont want to have smth to do with these cheaters.
haha ok welcome in the group m8! :)
ah sorry man, I dont think we think the same about cheaters.

Trev on 06/01/07, 15:01:45 PM | Reply

i tried once a shit invokev 2.0 (detected by PB) on my own non PB server with my 2 friends....

go make a group with alexL, pepper and chaplja instead.
i've cheated also in age of empires to..and in such games its fun to cheat xD
I cheated in pinball :[
i downloaded an aimbot 3 years ago to test how it works, but i was such a noob that i didn't know how to turn it on :D
atleast one thing didnt change ;DD, nah !
Never cheated,never will.I think it's almost impossible,but there should be some kind of anti cheating league(quality label) that does all the effort possible for checking on all the people that join it.There was a time when cheats were obvious to detect but nowadays people just have to live with the fact that there are cheaters all around and they can't do anything about it.(exept for Fusen that is :D)
I'm looking for a cheatcode for NFSU2. I was on 38% of the game, but lost all my savedgames by format.... I don't feel like playing with those uberslow cars :(
i cheated in civ2 lol =P
ur in a clan full of cheaters lol!
i attract cheaters , dunno how it comes

toen die game tegen jullie viel het wel heel erg op als je de stats vergelijk.

was van iedereen aardig bagger van mijn team en bij jou team was het stukken beter behalve jij! je was zon beetje gelijk aan ons!

Daarom weet ik ook zeker dat jij niet cheat maar of de rest wel cheat weet ik nou nog niet zeker maar het was wel heeeeeeeeeel erg.

Maar toch GG.

is er eigenlijk iemand gebust uit snd?
ik kan mij 1 wedstrijd uit de laatste maand herrineren waar ik slechte stats had en dat was in offi voor cb tegen ronner enzo. waard gij dara ook bij miss?
was de eerste keer dat ik laagste damage given had maar dat was omdat ik aan objective zat en jullie te slecht waren om erbij te komen :s
hahaha trut ja daar zat ik bij :PPPP
echt man gulder waard slecht!!!!!!!!
ik moest gewoon niets doen aan objective :D
steletje sjeaters :(
i cheatet @ gta vice city :'(
never cheated, won't even try it
i cheated in GTA:(
I cheat in every game
it was just luck!
never cheated on et and never will. Favo cheat games: GTA SAN ANDREAS, GTA VICE CITY
never cheated and never will...
rather /quit ET than trying anything.
I cheated in ET. I was a shrugger
i cheated 1 year ago on a cracked cod2 version (yes it was possible to play with a cracked version for 5 months) and deleted the game then.
I never cheated on et
IM SO SORRY!!!! :< I cheated on Sims 2 :( plz forgive me :<<<
i had aimbot @ tennis ;D
i have never cheated in ET
X'ken toch :D
voelt ge u alleen? :PP
i once got a wallhack from some guy, but it didnt work :O(
mu - online :D:D
I always typ /whosyourdaddy in warcraft 3 :(
try: howdoyouturnthison
I tried iprokka for about 30 minutes on an outdated patch on my homehost pub!
I've never cheated in any multiplayer game.
in rtcw : sniperscript ( not hax, pr0 cfg imo )

cg_aim 1 ( dident work :<, got banned by pb )

when i was banned , wh. ( on a none pb server )

anyone want more info ?
Fucking nerd-cheater. go to ur ROOM!
/give all q2 sp !
Does wallhacking in tetris count?
Never cheated, never will..
never did never will
tested 1 couple years ago on random non PB server for a laugh. was pretty funny :D:D.
I cheated on Heroes III(3)
Oops I busted myself :S
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