Underrated aimers?

Good evening!

I am bored so I'd like to make some discussion :P.

Post those names who you think were/are underrated AIM wise! - you must post one player from your own country too!

My list:

Belgium Ganon - the guy was probably one of the best aimers in ET history, but some people don't even know him. sad.
Germany senji - He was known because of his role in idle, but never of his aim which is sad, again.
Germany urtier - Just go watch JAETM, enough said.
Hungary menace - the guy was public only, but he was much better than any of us aim wise :D

Your turn.
Russia monkeybusiness
i was gonna name myself but thats apperantly too mainstream
Poland wssquad Sweden alexLm8
Sweden aim so good, it worked perfectly through walls!
never noticed appreciating United Kingdom Mztik
for me one of the best aiming ive seen
#1 Nightflight aka Kmble
#2 Crew aka Ile
#3 Torspo / Jafo
+1 for crew
jafo wasnt underrated imo since he was 1 of the best in uQ
Crew, before or after he cheated/
doe niet zo gemeen domi :(
just tell me how were mztik and syk underrated aimers?
Well i never heard praise from anybody towards them. If u know better thats fine and im glad im wrong.
Stuka, Crew, Lioco, Snot, Jetro, Kamz

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stuka as aimer..?
Germany TimeN had an incredible aim..
Germany sNoOp, when he was "good"
Germany mico, maybe not underrated, but fogotten
uNDEAD can shot as sick as mAus
he became shit after that lan where bf finished at third place
Swedenicecrust Norwayreenz :edit SwedenMillan how the fuck could I forget this man :Z Best aimer ever!
agree with icecrust, but wasnt reenz busted?
well he didnt cheat all the time ^^
Well as far as I know he was really bad until just before he started cheating.
well his aim was purely from cheats, and it wasnt even that good with cheats :p
well the time when I played with him, when he didint use cheats according to him :P He was a sick aimer.
id go with Czech Republicjalo :)
Drc was pretty good as well. At least in his Mirage times.
Aaah, you're awesome urtier! I don't think I could disagree with you even if I tried :D

Drc was a great player indeed, atleast back in the day. I wasn't a total noob since I played RTCW, but I wasn't really involved in ET competition. So when I got to play against him, it was probably the only time I've ever been happy to play against a good player. Might sound silly now, but I wasn't always 26 :P

Anyways, probably my favourite player in ET together with Hatred in his prime days. The reason is probably because they both had impressive aim when it came down to it, but they weren't tempted (like most great aimers) to completly rely on their aim. Great to see him mentioned :)

(online tho)
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