Dev lan needs 6th !!!!

So here is the probem
Rockskin has 2 stick to the hospital two more days and so wont be able to make it for cgs!
We need a 6th smg able to play eng and somewhat decent!
Contact me here or ask for me on ir will give u my phone to figure out stuff, u gotta pay ur hostel but its alrdy booked.

Hf noobs
thats bad :(

good luck for you guys'!
Get me there and I play :)
sure... :DD ryanair is not comin to kce but to krk. so i bet he ll come to krk
dev.lan going horrible wrong !
Nice dodge
whoah :< good luck guys and take Robert :XD
Booking my plane ticket right now, I'll be there in 14 hours. I will do anything for you Tomoyo chan! :D
you cannot play on pl lan
subakk not allowed at lan
przynajmiej bym Ci pokazal ze nie gram na cheacie :)
hahaha nerds what's up with rick? and gl finding a 6th guys! have fun x
apparently he thought he had a later flight than he did, so he was rushing and didnt eat anything so he passed out :-( now hes in ospikal
oh that's shitty.. well let's hope he gets better soon, you going to lan with the dev boys?
nah savin up to go travelling hopefully next year so not gonna spend my money on lan :p although i just got a new job its not like i couldnt afford to haha
That cant be a reason if he didnt eat anything for like 1-2 days, sup for real?
hes diabetic
thx, that explains it
expected domi in jail or smth
landoging to the max
im back to business!
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