Meanwhile, in Japan


LEAVE IT TO THE JAPANESE TO LAUNCH a 4.5 tonne gun equipped robot and make it controllable by smartphone.
It is the smartphone bit that gets us, it just seems a little too easy. According to a report at the Guardian, the four metre tall robot called Kuratas can fire 100 rounds per second. And that is rounds of ammunition, as opposed to hands of Bridge.
It is not all bullets though, Kuratas could also work as a cleaner, although we worry that it could find this beneath it, or as a firefighter, if anyone wants a one million yen fireman.

Video over here:

Who wants one for Christmas?
omg i follow you so i see this journal instantly quick!
toss when is my flag coming back?
Fuck your flag.
ahh yeah i love it that much too. keep it safe tho
i have a weird random list of people that i follow, how about you?
after sex, i get thirsty real bad like ive been in a desert with my mouth open. how about you?
usually i have a drink near to me so i can drink while having sex :p
When i have a cold i think i rather be sick than have a cold and visa versa, how about you?
Its nice when things work :D
except the edit profile setting that changes my flag
still wondering when I will be able to search in my PM's again!
i think he already regrets posting something like that
Didn't they already build a small sized army of robots (droids), 3 meters high and equipped with heavy armor and weapons? At least, no weapons were equipped as of yet on them to make sure nothing went wrong or so but I do believe they've positively tested them.

Iron Man's, Transformers, it's all real :O
pffff hahahahah xDDDDDDDDDDDD
"Who wants one for Christmas?"

missing 5months + making plans on buying firearms robot @ christmas

people these days ..... they crazy man they fucking crazy
can you have sex with it?
So.. it has finnally began.
world will get domitad by robots =<
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