Ye Shiwen

I am not a big fan of swimming but I really must admit that this girl really is AMAZING.

She placed 2nd in 200m and 400m medley in Dubai (2010), year after she was crowned as a winner of World Championships in Shangai (2011) in 200m medley.
In London 2012 she won Olympic gold with new world record 4.28,43.
The last 50 meters she swam faster faster than mens Olympic gold medalist Ryan Lochte (29,10) as she swam 28,93. Also she swam second-to-last round faster than Michael Phelps.

And she is just 16 year-old, she is born in 1996. Which means she was World Champion at the age of 15 and won silver at the age of 14.

I think this is just damn amazing.
practice makes perfect
Yup, China has been practising genetic-manipulation for decades, now it finally shows results!

Your move US & USSR!
Or maybe it is just result of hard praccing?
Yes because the other athletes don't practice hard at all.....Everybody beats their personal best in swimming by 5 seconds each time.

Oh come the fuck on, either doping or genetic modification, it's just too hard to believe?
China has way more harder practicing methods than Europe. Her old record was from 2010 so it was two years to practice so 5 sec isn't that big considering she is going through changes on this age. She passed tests. It is funny how people say it is doping when someone from China wins instead of USA/Western countries). Michael Phelps dominated years back and everybody just thought that he was good. Bolt is pretty much dominating, perhaps Blake can challenge him. Two Jamaicans + others Jamaicans so dominate in 100/200m, that must be doping! What about Jan Zelesny when he was still competing? He has five longest throws of all time and the longest 98meters is five meters more than the second longest of all time from another thrower. Do you think these guys dope too?

Also there was another 15 y/o Lithuanian girl who won gold in these olympics.
Agnel was not too bad either :>
have to watch a replay!
I saw your mother :o

image: bbw
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