Thanks Fanatic - et.tourney

I normally dont care but this is such bullshit .. and im really dissapointed about you fanatic mate...

Since not many teams try to train for events and tournaments we are dissapointed that we focused that much on the et.tourney and got fucked now by following the rules and Poland fanatic reacting that shit coz its his own cup...

Short story : we GermanyXLIBRES had to play yesterday (sunday 21:30) vs Estonia jukud in the 4th div of et.tourney , they had 1 player which wasnt allowed coz he wasnt on the rooster , since we follow rules we didnt allow him whats right in my opinion. They didnt want to play with 5 so they left the server.
Estonia Jukud just messaged Poland fanatic 21:20 ( 10 mins before the offi started ) and wrote on his BNC becoz Poland was on Lan and not online this time, without telling us anything...

We are dissapointed that the praccs we made and taking this tournament and ET serious as not much teams to reach the best achievment in this division.

We dont even get the chance to play it again , which would make the most sense now..

The Log : 1 click :)

Thanks Poland Fanatic , i liked your et.tourney cups rly since you looked like a fair admin but this is just shit for me and our team and im dissapointed (yes im MAD) ...

He's Polish, are you really surprised?

No offense to the one Polak out of a hundred who is a cool guy.
i just wasted another 3 minutes of my life reading this...
that took you 3 minutes to read? I'm disappointed
yeah i suck D:
no topic on this reply.... just making it 4 minutes :o)
Fanatic strikes again. He forced our team to play on a day where we were not 6, because our opponent could't play on the original matchday.
where, which game? i force games that are behind a schedule because i can't wait for everyone and delay cup for ages. if i had to wait for every team to have all players without at least 1 merc, I wouldn't finish this cup in this year. :)
Pgs vs el fusion
we had to play on wednesday the 18th, That night they said they couldnt play and they wanted to play the next day. On the next day we couldnt play, nut you forced the match to the day they wanted
I am going to the beach for 2 weeks, so the cup will be probably finished.
If somehow we manage to win, reb will do the sheduling stuff, he knows what do to"

so you were away and cannonize was mercing

Manager: rebbb (Requestee)

he was the one who did a request so i didnt force you to play at that day, prolly i had a chat with him and we set that date. so wtf are you on about.
The el fusion match was already sheduled, rebb had to organize the other matches. The match was requested for the 18th, they told they couldnt play and you said: ok play tomorrow, but we couldnt play on that day and had to use a random lineup and we loose.
pretty fucked up situation, this is why it's a good idea to have more than one admin!

rematch is a definite solution unless the cup is dragging out. this isn't your fault and in fact, more your opponents fault considering they didn't tell you they requested an admin to add the player.
the worst thanks ive ever read
Don't understand why you would try to get a forfeit win in a 4th division game in the first place, especially if you pracced that hard for it surely one guy that's not on the roster shouldn't be causing you trouble.
For me it wasnt any problem but for some other guys which dont have the expirience maybe and try to go this way to win , i dont know im just dissapointed :)
well i think fanatic will make up his mind and allow a rematch (which should be agreed within this week or forced to the next sunday or something!

gl all
that would be a fair option.
lmao action from polish m8
will bash them in final for u <3
haha get a life
what else do you expect from retarded polaks
I think fanatic is a good guy, I'm sure he'll let the game be replayed!
I don't know what I read but perhaps it would be healthy to not take 4th division ET too seriously and just play :)
But people are not so much responsible :)
Jukud in 4th League

image: 1340400381394
no bro they still have to pass my team :xd so
fanatic, you are idiot. :)
Rematch time!
Dont take ET too srsly... 4th div, pracs :DDDDDDD
hehe nice journal :) i wouldn't mind a reschedule if your mate ekto had a better attitude against me. some time ago he claimed that I edit my own rules to fucked up his team or something. ah it was about a decider, and your team forced opposite team to play your map as a decider even though it's clearly written in the rules that it's a cointoss. i should have kicked you out of the cup back then ehm? :-)

22:58:39 _Ekto • come on fanatic, i looked up the post at crossfire after the 2nd map
22:58:45 _Ekto • and there was nothing of the cb rule thingy
22:58:49 _Ekto • i mean i dont really care
22:59:10 fanatic • no no no
22:59:13 fanatic • its always there
22:59:15 _Ekto • yes, and u know that
22:59:18 fanatic • i didnt add anything in the meanwhile
22:59:24 _Ekto • i looked up the "kicks off" and trhe "reminder post
22:59:32 _Ekto • so im 100% sure it wasnt
22:59:47 _Ekto • as i said i dont really care, but stop trying to say it was
22:59:51 fanatic • it was always in Some Simple Rules
22:59:56 _Ekto • nope
22:59:58 _Ekto • and u know that
23:00:01 _Ekto • but anyways
23:00:04 fanatic • ok you know better what i write
23:00:04 _Ekto • since they accepted it
23:00:07 fanatic • stop with this bullshits
23:00:15 _Ekto • i looked it up not even 30mins ago
23:00:18 _Ekto • and it wasnt in
23:00:22 _Ekto • but ye anyway
23:00:28 fanatic • if i say it was always here, it must be true
23:00:50 _Ekto • since germany is playing on thursday, and the final is on sunday, is it possible for us to play our next game next tuesday?
23:00:53 _Ekto • sicne we cant play on mondays
23:01:01 fanatic • yes
23:01:07 fanatic • because of euro you can play it 1-2 days later
23:01:11 _Ekto • ok thx
23:01:31 fanatic • 22:56:04 psiquh • nice editing the news
23:01:31 fanatic • 22:56:05 psiquh • :D
23:01:33 fanatic • one more word
23:01:37 fanatic • from somebody from your team
23:01:41 fanatic • and its a forfeit loss
23:01:51 _Ekto • rofl
23:02:00 _Ekto • ye as i said i got my opinion and now we know thats the way
23:02:06 fanatic • i will not let people to make an idiot of me
23:02:13 _Ekto • same goes for me
23:02:14 fanatic • ok go
23:02:15 fanatic • ask an admin
23:02:19 fanatic • for crossfire logs
23:02:23 fanatic • if the newspost
23:02:24 fanatic • were edited
23:02:27 fanatic • in last hours
23:02:28 fanatic • go for it
23:02:34 _Ekto • why would i, i wont chaneg my mind, u wont change urs, its fine
23:02:38 fanatic • no no ono
23:02:41 fanatic • if im right
23:02:43 fanatic • you lose by forfeit
23:02:46 fanatic • and im sure im true
23:02:50 fanatic • so you already lost
23:02:51 _Ekto • rofl
23:02:51 fanatic • :_)
23:03:46 _Ekto • i wont, since it doenst bother me
23:03:52 _Ekto • they accepted they lost
23:03:55 _Ekto • and thats it for me
23:04:11 _Ekto • i will tell psi not to talk to u anymore, and let me make it instead
23:06:18 fanatic •
23:06:31 fanatic • its even in my old newspost from 3rd march
23:06:35 fanatic • and i took rules from this
23:06:44 _Ekto • its done for me
23:06:50 _Ekto • i wont reply for this anymore
23:06:55 _Ekto • we both got our minds
23:06:59 fanatic • :DDDDDDDDDDDD
23:07:04 fanatic • bitch please
23:07:06 fanatic • i hate guys like this
23:07:15 fanatic • its your fault
23:07:22 fanatic • and now you are trying to make me look stupid
23:07:25 fanatic • because you cant read rules
23:07:28 fanatic • and im even sure
23:07:30 fanatic • you didnt read them
23:07:36 _Ekto • ITS OK
23:07:39 fanatic • so gtfo with your bullshit storries
23:10:56 • _Ekto is now known as _EktOFF

considering your behavior back then, why would I do you a favor now? 8)

e: just a little detail, name of your pastebin file "logspolak", where is the respect for other people? i can't see such a word in dictionary like polak, its POLE , so really go to school and learn something about how to treat another people, especially when you want something from them.
That doesn't mean that you can't be nice? Hating on old stuff and not letting them play?
This all was your fault due the all respect
ok so I should accept all the whine and insults towards polish people, and then nicely behave to them like nothing happened and even do them a favor? xD
Exactly , fix your mistake.
why would he have to be nice? he could just simply do a proper admin job on this case without being nice
23:07:28 fanatic • and im even sure
23:07:30 fanatic • you didnt read them

ye and this is your good behaviour as an admin??

your making a fool out of urself as an admin, dont even need me to do that, but np
if you say to me that something is not in the rules and I'm 100% sure that it's in there, you should read them again (or for the first time). so i gave you a good advice to read the entire rules, so wtf are you talking about? xD
well to tell you this again, i read them, between the 2nd and 3rd map we played that evening

i read your "et.tourney kicks off" and the news before

it wasnt there at that point

but even if thats wrong, u as an admin of this cup, should have a better behaviour

e: and somehow ur right it was our fault, we shouldnt have lost a map against nbs there!
dont bother this guy seem to be retarded to oblivion lol
Its was 1 mistake we did and we never did it again , i allways respect you and i showed it last et.tourney series where i played it with Germany MYserious in the 2nd , we allways had good speaks and i was suprised that someone finally is a fair and good admin which do all the effort and work for the community and you know that im sure. so more respect is not possible from my side . Sorry.

Im just mad and not any kind of racist to clear that fact fast. Im sorry to wrote polak.

But bannish a whole team because we got 1 stupid player isn't fair at all mate , you would react also if that would you happen with your team in a important match. And yes the match were important for us we want to play a good final against the hardest oppo we played in this div to clear this as good pracc for us for the lan.

Please think maybe 1 night over it and fuck all the shit out and lets play us a clear tournament.

edit: about the NBS thing , i told also my team that we replay a 3rd map against them since i everytime follow the rules and accept it but the NBS guys were nice and accept it which wasnt really our goal :)
Thanks fanabro really!!!
What an e-Drama in July!
i checked replay to see the chat between teams:

image: 1vkv
image: 3hyh

it's all I wanted to know, they said to you that he was added to their roster, as you both knew I was at the LAN so how the hell I was able to add him? you should have just trusted them and play the game. if he was lying you about him, it would be a forfeit win for xlibres anyway, but since you were aware of a fact that he's in the roster and despite that you refused to play, then i'm waiting for the opposite team (jukud) to agree on re-match (it would be their good will if they agreed to play again against you after such a crazy actions towards them), otherwise the score will be no different than 1:0 for jukud.
i already told u that i dont blame you for not adding him, since u couldnt obviously

but in their case, when not having 6 players on the roster they could have told us anything

why would i believe people that constantly kept flaming us

but i dont even care anymore, let them get bashed in the final

retarded idiot
i've just agreed for a rematch if its fine for jukud, but instead of thanking me or something, you decided to whine once again. this just shows that i was right with my decision. if you dont care anymore, the case is closed and the score won't be changed. bye
well i hardly doubt that they would agree anyways, since u can see in ur screens, that they constantly flamed us aswell
I can see in these screens that they flamed you after you declined them to play, in fact you said they can play with 5 instead of using the 6th they told you they asked fanatic to add. :D

I thought when scatman made this journal that you were right, but now I wouldn't even blame your opponent for taking a forfeit considering your attitude towards them in this match. :)
well as i said ina comment somewhere above

in teir case, they could have told us anything, so that they can play

and how are we supposed to know if they are right or not

ofc we could have just played it, but sticking to the rules in et has always been trouble only, same for cb/esl/other cups we ever played on

and our attitude? we were just sticking to teh rules, and he wasnt in the roster, or atleast not obvious for us, since we cant guess what is written in a pm

and they flamed us, we didnt flame them, so they attitude was the one to talk about not ours in my opinion

but as i said, let them get rolled by underrated in the final, i dont care anymore
"and they flamed us, we didnt flame them" means nothing when yuou were provoking them.. seriously you would react exactly the same way as they did and you know it ;P
i dont rly see the way we "provoked" them, since sticking to the rules isnt provoking in my eyes

would prolly be a bit mad aswell, but wouldnt insult them tbh
adding a player takes one message, why would you believe they didn't take this little effort :D
just play your match, cup-admin will see if the players were all added to the lu when adding scores
Holy shit you guys tried to get a forfeit win in 4th division match by not allowing opponent to play with 1 random merc and now you make a complain journal? This game has the most retarded community ever, wonder what will you nerds do when its finally dead :XD
"wonder what will you nerds do when its finally dead :XD"

probably most will play another game. they won't escape forfeits from trying to take mercs though if that's what you're implying x) you obviously never played some CB competition in CoD4, million times worse there.
ye I didnt, no wonder its dying as well if its even worse than here
if the rules state possibility of forfeit, you can expect this to happen in any game. and the more teams there are, the bigger chances of this happening. look at the RTCW cups during 2008-2010 really tight community and admins knew almost every player. there were no bullshit forfeit wins/losses for stuff like this. only in the last rtcw cup was there a forfeited final coz Team NL didn't wanna play vs UK (obvious rape) and they ignored playing the match for like 2 months, so UK just decided to end the tournament. pretty sad when this stuff happens but it clearly occurs more in the more active games.

entirely depends on the rules of the leagues ofc! possibility of forfeit in any game/league = sad players will always try to take it.
I agree with the CoD4 part!
seriously I also remember in like 2007-2008 watching from MerlinatoR's PC when he was playing on the 2on2 CoD4 CB Ladder with crumbs, the amount of kids playing cod is RETARDED :D I think if anyone was aware of how many cheaters, whiners, bad losers and guys trying to fuck up tournaments played the other games, no bad words would be said about the ET community and crossfire. :D

I've tried browsing hltv/cadred/tek9/esreality etc and honestly, the bigger the userbase the more bullshit. :D unless of course you combat it with more strict adminning, I guess that's something ESR for example doesn't have? the kinda shit I see get posted on there some times is just ":D".. 9/11 jokes against usa guys and stuff that take days to get deleted if deleted at all. :d
and if that's fucked up,try playing on some random public server like netsky...the amount of overexcited kids playing that game is unbelievable, unless you play on "academy-invite" level,that's one of the main reasons why CoD4 is quite dead on clanbase atm
cod and other really modern noobfriendly games will always carry the most kids with it. games like quake generally got more mature players so it's a much different atmosphere, games like CS, well, everyone's played CS. even guys who went to my school, in fact one of my best friends from school and my college after that was a cheater in CS and even cheated against me in public when he wanted to play with me. :D

btw I noticed CoD4 was kinda dead on the ladders except for 2on2 - I noticed at the same time that CoD2 is EXTREMELY active on the cod ladders? :D pretty nice I guess!
i dont get why everybody says "omg in 4th divison", sry that not everybody in et is playing 1st division lol
Oh dont get me wrong, even if it would be 1st div final its still retarded as fuck, 4th division makes it just a litte bit more sad
unless they add some EC player last minute
would be a different story but not the case here
actually it was close to be.. they wanted to add subbi last minute :)
Anna shoutout someone maybe ?
Sq**l ?
:D thats what i was thinkin about
Uh xlibres just respected the rules there and said that they won't play against jukud if they don't have sixth guy in the roster. It is completely understandable. Jukud couldn't show any valid proofs that fanatic allowed this one guy to merc so xlibres did the right thing there in my opinion.

In my honest opinion this match should be scheduled again so it would be fair for everyone.

Also fanatic, don't let personal things affect on your decision making. It is known that internet is full of big mouths and internet thugs so there's no need to get upset if someone goes trashtalk-mode.
Just be calm and think about the best solution and don't be biased because someone was rude on you.
Letting things like these affect on your decision making is just unprofessional. Anyways, keep up the good work you've been doing with et.tourney!
You are the big mouth here. Hello squall we r gonna get stomped in second div shit game can u carry us so i can put golden pocal second division summer achievement?
I didn't have anything to do with inviting squall to our team. Also it isn't against the rules so why not?:P
wonder why you didnt allow a random merc to play, i mean its not like they were going to use an EC player or something to carry them,that would have been comprehensible,but not allowing a guy which similar skill to his mates is just retarded on my eyes. match should be replayed tho
Ummer drama! In the meanwhile domi was crushing polish bus in warsaw brrrrr
couldn't give a fuck
just wanted to say that this ekto guy is pretty dang retarded.
what do u expect
its a polak
Never trust a polak,what you were thinking?
what u expect? that's why none of the good teams play in his cup
0/5 boring read

I think fana is a decent admin and Im sure what he did was for a reason
im back from Wacken Open Air & have to read this journal....

have no words.

perfectly answer, what Kamz said.
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