words to live by

If a man builds a thousand bridges and sucks one dick, they don't call him a bridge-builder... they call him a cocksucker.

k bye
If a man builds thousands of dicks and sucks one bridge, they don't call him a bridge-sucker... they call him a cockbuilder.
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cool stuff
You stop posting bullshit
Well they aren't wrong, hes both ^^. But the cocksucker is more recent and has more impact then cba bridges.
anyone can build a bridge. cocksucking on the other hand is truly an art!

he should be glad people call him that!
u're that faggot that made a journal some time before to finally come out of the closet, right? sorry if I replaced u with someone
hahaha i guess you did confuse me with someone else... awesome reply tho
So what you are trying to say is: even if you do a thousand good things, but 1 bad thing, people will remember you for the 1 bad thing you did?
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