ET LAN question

2mins to load the site.. Waiting 20mins to signin, superslow posting speed, and lets not talk about the refresh on the page please... and its like this for a cuplle'o days already.

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Hey, i was wondering.. you know, this game is awesome and ppl like playing it right..
and thies conversations date back to 500 b.c, no b.s i swear

Why are you making online seeding tournaments, ppl are already complaining about spending 300euros, because they love the game, because they love to play, and they end up sad and heartbroken because they only got to play 3times i think the seeding tournaments could be organized offline, at the beginning of the lan, so the girls, the boys, and the mongloids can play more games, thats what this game is all about, playing!

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good idea but it will take too much time :(
well that is stupid
you would have to run the lan an entire week then x) unless you make it 8 teams only or smth
if thers a will thers a way.
not really. and lower skilled teams are well aware of the amount of games they are going to play at lan. and also there is this consolidation tournament so every team that didnt pass the group stage gets to play ATLEAST two more games. some of them even 5 or smth if they win it. so i guess its pretty fair as lower skilled teams actually get to play pretty much the same amount of games as higher skilled ones.
yes i know,but common 5games.. in 3days:P with more pc's and with gaming time from 09.00 till 23.00
shouldnt be that impossible :)
gaming times are from 9:00 to 5:00 actually. atleast from my experience ;p and more pc's are quite impossible as there is a limited amount of space and money. more pc's would mean a higher entrance fee which would result in the whole idea being useless. i think the current system is pretty much perfect. atleast from the idea and the amounts of games played. from what ive seen, the lower skilled teams are enjoying these events the most anyway because they dont have any pressure and arent upset if they get knocked out. so just keep it the way it is, if it was bad, people wouldnt pay for it anyway. if there is no interest anymore, then you can start changing x)
how manny teams can play @ the same time @ wzzrd?

//y ofc lowteams know they wont play more then 2-3games but they just deal with it, and are not complaining or flaming the tournament, but they would want to play more. ppl love this game alot, with smart heads put together in a room, im sure they could make the tournament more enjoyable (not saying that its not already) :)
2 games at a time (4 teams)

setup + playing 3 group games generally takes 4-5 hours.
hers an idea from the top of my head

40-60mins max per game (2maps) 4teams (no decider, just two maps)
an hour for 4teams to play 2games
two hours for 8 teams to play 4games
3 for 12 and 6games
4 for 16 and 8games

+setup time around 10mins at that time so it should take more then 7hours to get it done, or to make it a bit interesting,
they play a map against one team, and another map against the other team.... it would look more like a seeding tournament and not fun/warmup games :) and if thers any time left at the end of the day, around 20:00 there could be some fun wars going on
you dont understand that they actually play the same amount of games as the high teams ;p

every team plays 3 group matches. if a high team loses the first 2 playoffs matches, they are out. the lower skilled teams get to play the consolidation tournament where they also play a double elimination from what i know. means they have the exact same amounts of games as the high skilled teams which is fair imo x)
i heard about the consolation tournament but i have never seen it :P
its just a play off bracket where all the teams are in that didnt make it through the groupstage
YEEEEES i know that, but i have never seen it in action, i even heard the consol. games was a fail for some reason last time
last time there wasnt any consolidation tournament on adroits.
Quote lower skilled teams are well aware of the amount of games they are going to play at lan

Higher skilled teams obv don't, some people get mad and rage out of the lancenter :{
you stay one the server after u win/loose?
Online is a different story than offline. I do ragequit once in a while online, but you cant compare it.
ofc u cant, every second you stay in another country ur loosing money, the faster u gtfo, the less ammount of money u loose.
Dafuq? Nice fucking retarded logic xD
if you cant understand that...
in west europe you dont pay per hour to stay in the country
hotel checkout, food, travletime is priced

staying longer in the country would mean spending more and more money eventually wtf is up with u smartasses being stupid n shit
most of time you crash somewhere anyway last two lans i went to i had my hotel for free. but forevermirinbrah was talkinga bout ragequiting and then you made a smartass comment so yes
There is not even enough time to play some funmatches at lan, so there wont be any time for seeding TOURNAMENT at all.
thats because they lets the "pros" have computers 24/7
to play the tournament? damn those pros

there isnt ever any idle time - there has never been like a 4-5 hour gap and 'good players' have been allowed to just sit idle on the PC's.
dignitas praccing 1hour before a game, playing 2on2s against eachother on ettv etc...
Because they probably set up much quicker than their opponents did.

Lesson to be learned, quicker setup team = more warmup time!

abjection , speculation
they did get better monitors tho
ive been to AEF
teams like rockit had a computer for 4/5 hours straight, they even went to eat etc
while the "lows" were told to hurry setting up
AEF had far more PC's then Wzzrd - its a bit of a poor comparison.
aef had 40 i think
anyway, its unfair to let the lows play offi only and the pros can prac all day
I agree but as stated this has never happened at wzzrd, simply because it cannot.
Not really. I was at last lan and all the "pros" didnt even behave like pros. They let everyone on their computers to check facebook, Crossfire whatever or even play some minutes on publics during their breaks. It has nothing to do with the "pros" ...

There is just no time for funmatches. You need 12 free computers for at least 1,5 hours (set up computers etc and play 2 maps). With only 30 Computers at the Wizard Lancenter, you have no chance for funmatches. I dont know if you were at any lan, but usually it isnt really about playing ET. It is more about chilling together outside or at the bar. Most of the players spent most of their time at the hotels with other teams to drink some beers tbh.

Look at me. I played 3 matches and maybe only 1 map with 6 players in total, because my mates prefered smoking weed or drinking too much alcohol. People just dont really give a damn about ET at lan :P or lets say at least it isnt as important as chilling around at the sofas or in front of the Livecam... :) .... (ofc ET is more important for the anexis-nerds than for MCG)
Quoteive been to AEF
teams like rockit had a computer for 4/5 hours straight, they even went to eat etc
while the "lows" were told to hurry setting up

ofc lan is about chilling but if i pay 60 euros i expect more than 3/4 matches
we should respect this guy more, i dont think he is retarded hes a genius in disguise
dont fuck with niggers blowing og smoke
L.L.I is dead

no more flags :(
If there is a consolation tournament - there is nothing to complain about.
Seeding tournament at LAN would be stupid, most of the teams see the seeding tournament as a good practice.
yeah thats my point, no one is complaning and online seeding is also a good idea, but im just thinking out loud, if thers any chance to make the seedings offline (same as on quakecon) way more games for the teams on lan :)

no1 complains if he plays only 3games, but they would all want to play more :P
Seeding tournament would be perfect offline since it would actually determain the skill based on offline, instead of who can get the better merc and the worst internet
should have a 2nd tournament for the teams which dont qualify from the group stage.
tbh im not going to lan to just play, im actually happy when the games are over and can have some drinks with all the peeps, so the amount of games are aright, it actually just lacks of timekilling between waking up till games starting (atleast at the last 2 lans)
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