8 years

What state is ET in today? Still cups and LAN events going on? Its a shame ETlive was never realized :(

edit: new crossfire page sucks ass. change it back...
slovenija moj doma
lots of progamers today, they're winning all cups and LAN events. regular gamer stands no chance anymore.
wait what?

please,tell me about ETlive since im new.. :(
what it was about?
why it isnt?
If Quake Live had been financially successful for iD, they had talked about making something like that for Wolfenstein (an RtCW Live, or --more likely-- ET Live). But, Quake Live (as I understand it) wasn't too successful in terms of actually making money, so it's unlikely they'll ever make an ET Live.
8 years idd
new xfire killed et, and xfire as well.
would love to see statistics about activity before and after the new CFpage..
it's just boring to view cf nowadays. activity on journals is also way lower as before. its like everybody is on vacation or smth, but in fact its just everybody feeling the same thing when they open cf
ET never been alive as now, CF never been as good as now and ETLive wouldve been shit.
i want to be oldschool:(
im goigng to rape your anus sueproyg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
people still don't use your camtrace tutorial/advice (when they should)

You can find 3o3 all day, also 6o6 every day(Easily at popular days such as Sunday)
Also new cups!
got 2 days for 8 years.
new CF page is the biggest mistake since 5on5
are u kiddin? 5n5 was by far, and i mean really, REALLY far, the worst decision ever made. nothing can stand alongside that.
tho sadly your ofc right :/
hey superboyy

i really liked you fragmovie 6 years ago or smethning
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