congratulations crono, busted again

image: bspIR
How sad is it to get caught by PB in 2012??

Also nice semi-transparent bar with weird fonts at the top, stretching entire width of screen. what is that a UI for a hack?
image: cWOu9

r_picmip 3
r_picmip2 3

u didnt know that? :X
r_picmip2 doesnt work in et
i didnt mean to type that here.. i was meaning to type it in an xfire convo about something else
no idea who it is or what u are on about, congratulations indeed
no red yawns = no cheat
do i have to know this guy?
isnt crono that retarded friend of opiate and larky? cant say Im surprised.
yea it is

i caught him last time with no blackout (by demo he made it obvious) + aiming right at people through walls in demo and 0 recoil.. not mpitch/sens toggle.. ZERO recoil...
How can you see no recoil in a demo?
You can't tell anything about no recoil by specing/watching a demo or anything.
apparently you can since I already had a video of it on youtube
Err, they look normal to me, what am I meant to be seeing?
? what is wrong in the ss?
what's wrong is the lines on the scope are the ones you get on a hack, the hack completely changes those lines when removing the blackout.. also the fact there's no blackout around the scope..
you do realize that the amount of black is not all that high on ET and the screenies of PB remain very small right? :P

To confirm this you should go sniper, scope, take PB SS and check.
i confirmed this before posting that, this is a 100% evident hack in PBSS
I've already done what you said...
yeah seen it, with a 1x1 pixel resolution, you do not see the fucking charge and health bars in a PB SS.
I hope you are not serious
there is no blackout around the scope cos the pic is zoomed in
wrong it was compared and the blackout should be partially showing in this screenshot
sneak what am i looking at.
picmip looks fine, bar is weird
Uhhhh, what seems to be the problem with these ss
That bar looks like a fireteam. There is no problem with picmip.
You need to turn your nerd level down a few notches and get laid.
fireteams don't stretch across the entire screen or have that huge font in another font style than normal fireteams

kardon would defend his fellow hacker buddies I guess..
my picmip looks the same as that, cant see any problem officer
and your scope look like that? dunno :D
high res so you cant see the black circle stuff maybe? :s
doesn't look like but ok :)
the transparent line that goes from edge to edge at top (1st pic)
no black circle around the scope on 2nd pic. Could be the sizes fault too tho
clean u just mad
I dont get it..
that's the standard crosshair, are you retarded or smth?

I've used hacks enough years ago to know that the vertical line on the bottom becomes distorted (double thickness at bottom) when you use the noblackout scopes.
ever heard about 16:9 and 16:10 resolutions?

image: vlcsnap-2012-08-05-19h33m00s84
I use 16:10 and don't have that, I know people using 16:9 who don't have it either...

And is that not a screenshot from a frag video with customized pk3s for higher detail? Who knows what has been modified.

And you can clearly see this image has a blackout around the scope unlike his. the space between the horizontal lines is also wrong on his.. it's too far.. it's the exact scope used by the hacks..
Looks like the stock crosshair to me, it's just cropped too far in to see the vignette.

image: IKgBT
can you plz tell me WTF ur talking about this doenst make any sense and its fucking stupid as hell i always have this line on my scope you fucking retard i have no idea why you dont have it maybe your the one hacking you self busted yourself b4 moron
no I haven't, and a PBSS of you isn't a "selfbust" of me dumbass..
Thats the same crosshair I have...
get of my dick sneak get a real hobby, you never busted anyone and never will you stupid four eyes dent looking parker idiot go make your YOU DECIDE videos with him why dont you just post the demo insted of these lame ass screenshots that prove nothing at all
I busted you before aiming at people through walls with sniper, and having 0 recoil and no blackout all in demo..
all skill just raw sniping for you but yea keep hating youll never get that good with sniper braaaaaaaa
and why dont you show us the video of yourself you posted long ago on youtube cheating on delivery?
I'm not denying that I hacked years ago, you're hacking this week and got caught by PB of all anticheats hahah
we can make a 1v1 if you want on valhala with tzac ill go sniper you go field ops and ill just use scope, owned parker like a bitch on that map and ill record demo just for you aswell so you can put r_shownormals 1 just like the little pussy you are
i dont need to 1v1 you to know you hack ive busted you 2x now.. and idk why people pretend that nobody hacks and its impossible to hack on tzac..ignorant people i guess
then how can i possibly prove to your retarded ass that i never hacked i mean cmon ill be on tzac and record a demo and then send it to you so you can make a post like crono busted on tzac ... again!
u dont need to prove shit I know what I know
you dont know much i presume then? acting like the bar on my scope is a hack thats the lamest claim i heard so far from anyone who think they "busted me" most pathetic screen shot u could come up with they prove absolutely nothing at all
beside the fact that he's talking bullshit this reply makes you look like an ass
How are you that dumb :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
hahahha idiots
etsneak u stupid american fat fuck
go eat big mac or something
he is american...what else you expect. ... :D
i expect some fat nerd talking on TS about how he used to watch pokemon when he was 15 year old or some retard who got busted hacking by himself and has nothing to do so now he want to caught player that are far better than him at his fucking 10 year old game
the pics dont really show anything ;[
etsneak @ closet
Let me guess, another ex-cheater hiding behind a new account? Oh so cool.
whoever that is added me yesterday on xfire.. i accepted.. today he messaged me talking about how "crono doesnt hack" and crying.. got blocked

must be crono or his boyfriend because if ytou check who he "follows" (Whatever that is) its only crono :D:DDDD:D:D:D:D:D
well you aint good @ guessing then .
go back in ur sandhut mr arabic
Can't see much suspicious, but ok.
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