Anyone still uses this funny site?

As in topic name...

There are ppl still browsing cf, eventho it became shit???[wont point out who fucked it but i heard he made some et lans in the past]

I accidentally click the bookmark every now and then, and close the site shortly after that.
Seems like you do
I browse it way less than I used to
I didn't touch the site!
I dont actually know or care who's idea this was at the first place, but the mastermind behind this utter crap of a website must be glad, i can bet that the daily login/browsing peaks has reached the numbers beyond infinity.
well its kinda boring I have to search shits and stuff but it looks nice, thats all :s
and the search functuon doesnt even excist :D
2nd worst decision after making et 5on5
not anymooooore :)) clicking it every now and then by habit but that's about it. meh!
Daily routine:
5 journals mostly about lol hon craps
50 comments a day (30x 'gl" though)
5 forum posts about lan. Won't lead anywhere but yeah, it increases the activity
Logged in 2nd time after the change, and i gotta tell ya, it looks as fucking disgusting as it did the first time i saw it.

Over and out, ty for the nice years now dead and gone.

Quote by ensamLong gone are the days of glory
nobody gonna miss u anyway .thanks god u are gone ,waiting for the day when u gonna die.make sure u email me your address gonna send some flowers to your kids.oh wait
Not hard to see who is behind that nick, none else writes as retarded english as u subhuman mongoloid do unfo <3
As an ex-graphic designer, this site hurts my eyes.
Can't even migrate my account.
Messaged admins on #crossfire like 10 times but nothing ever happened.

Just now and then. Used to be daily.
Q: who's the biggest asshole in esports?

relevant comment
not so much since CF4.0
is it just me or does the site load really slow now from time to time?
every time I check the site there are no new journals created
absolutely nothing to see here anymore im afraid, dunno if it's been so for past few years but anyway
not so much...the site is slow as hell and to bright and shiny

504 Gateway Time-out
its one of the worst site updates i have seen...even esl website is better than this now

image: nothing-to-do-here-template.jpg.scaled500
getting 504 gateway time-out quite frequently.
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