Next CB EuroCup

as you all know there is an Enemy Territory LAN on this October 19-21, it's also time for next edition of Clanbase EuroCup which will be announced soon. due to Adroits offline tournament, and the end of holidays I guess that activity will be increased, especially some top-skilled teams/mixes will be created for LAN. So I encourage all high skilled teams that want to play on LAN, to sign-up for EuroCup as well so the prestige and quality and level of EC will be higher than few last ones edition. it will also be an opportunity for all of you to get some high quality pracs. also I will try with Goldorak to make EC like 10 or 12 teams only (with 12 teams I would go for 2 groups 6 teams each, top4 goes to playoffs which would be SE) to make it even better for teams & viewers = almost every game will be a top one. EC should be announced at the end of August I guess, so you still got some time to think about it. So forget about some boycotts, madness etc and all top-teams should take part in EC 8-)
Also together with Goldorak we've been thinking that maybe if schedule will be tight and on time without delays, and Seanza agrees of course - to make an EC final on LAN (if both teams attend ofc).

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Would be awesome to finally see some good matches again. Good luck with it :) FANATIC FOR CB ADMIN!!
This will be fockin awesome :D
Eurocup has lost its glory for a while now but I would be open for the invite only idea if you're not the admin since I don't want to get a forfeit loss every war.
tell me when you stop with editing your comment so I will be able to make a reply
I couldn't care less about your response. My team will not play Eurocup with you adminning after your actions in the ESL 3on3 NC and also from what I seen in other journals about you handling et-tourney.
if you don't follow the rules, you will lose in EuroCup no matter if i'm an admin or not. and about et.tourney so far only 1 or 2 teams complained in journals about something and like 88 teams took part in 2 editions, so not that bad 8)
Claiming forfeit wins in semi finals of tournaments is not something I can approve of with the state of the game as it is. You took the easy way out and claimed a forfeit, whilst ruining enjoyment for those wanting to spectate the match, because you thought it would be funny and make us mad.

Take a look at how Evo Challenge is organised. We asked mpg if we can use xylos as sqzz had to leave, they said no problem. We played the war and had a great match. In future, if mpg needs a merc we will also allow it because of sportsmanship, even if I don't like some of their players.

So like I said, if you're not admin, I'm in.
Quoteeven if I don't like some of their players.

it wasn't just my decision about not letting you play in ESL game, since I was the one who was replacing stexx as a merc just for officials I said that I didn't care about you or anyone else and I was neutral like I could whether play or not. but since you are a jerk and everywhere you have to post your stupid comments it looks like some other people do not like you as well and are not that kind to do the favor for someone like you =)
1 game before uk-pl we let team-estii use like 3 mercs because they just wanted to play a game instead of letting a forfeit win for no-show, so I am open for everyone to use a merc if only he show some respect towards another people.
I won't be an admin anyway because I have got a cheat&abuse profile on clanbase so don't worry
So you have proved my point. You and your team thought this was a nice chance to get one over on us, just because of my troll comments that some nerds take seriously, etc. Yet you didn't care about the game and the competitive element as well as all the people watching.
You and one of your 3on3 friends had acted like retards towards us even long before that game was supposed to be played and you never stopped insulting us so why would we do you a favour? Lesti was studying that day for his final exam taking place the next morning and we expected that, with your retarded behaviour, the match would be prolonged a lot because of you pausing the game as much as possible and doing more stuff to annoy us.

So learn from your mistakes and remember- words do matter. And we're not the guys who act nicely when the likes of you try to spit in our faces.

Btw. at least today you can say that you had a chance of winning. Playing the game and crushing you would have resolved all the doubts so we actually left you with a feeling much nicer than it would be now if we had played the match.
I don't even know where to start with this one..

I couldn't care less about lesti studying. No idea what you're going on about the pauses, you just made something up for no reason. I just wanted to play the match, not annoy anybody. Infact I had to leave a war twice (ask sGp) because I thought the match was on.

You are just trying to justify your actions. All you did in this game was embarrass your nation as everybody said you were scared to play vs us, even people I don't even know pmed me telling me that. And I think we would have beat you. No offense but you've played for 0 good teams. Myself and koop are more decorated than anybody in your lineup and I don't think I've ever lost to a team with you in it and lost count of how many times my team has beat tmoe. And I think you knew that, hence the forfeit win. And no offense again but I never even knew your name before this official :D

In the end, it has looked worse on you. You now have the reputation as a "forfeit win team" and now it has bit fanatic back on his quest to gain admin of eurocup and earn respect from the community. Remember to always think before your actions :)

I'm sure you didn't understand any of this anyways.
You were also sure our match was going to be played and look how that turned out
The best thing about it all is that you got knocked out in the next round..

We had a good laugh on comms :D
Not making it to the next round surely got you a lot of spare time to do crazy things m8
You've been preaching fanatic for not having the decency to play just for the viewers yet you're announcing that you won't take part in the whole tournament due to personal bickery.

Are you any better than him? As a matter of fact, what you're doing is even worse, boycotting for no feasible reason at all.
Fair point. However, how do I know if he was admin that my team would be treated fairly? It is this insecurity that makes me not want to play it. So there is a reasoning behind it unlike their justification for claiming forfeit wins.
Well I got the impression that if you're actually gonna go through with this it rather out of spite than actual fear of being mistreated. And correct me if I'm wrong, but I also got the feeling that you wish for this cup to fail to make fanatic look bad.
Before making rushed decisions it should be remembered that fanatic will be a referee at max (like he stated 'cause of his C&A profile) and his decisions can be overruled by an admin, but also that's decision to claim a forfeit win wasn't necessarily his. I don't know the actual facts nor do I know about the et.tourney shit and perhaps fanatic insulted you somehow, but still I don't see it justified to drop out of the cup simply because of personal (even mutual) hatred as it will affect by-standers as well.
You are mainly wrong I'm afraid but everybody makes assumptions I suppose. The fact is after claiming the forfeit win, he and all his other mates have gloated about it afterwards. This is the reason I would not a play a cup he admins. My reasons are clearly justified, there's no spite. It's all simple.
I'm only basing my view on the comments above. But it's quite clear, or at least should be by now, that fanatic won't be admining this cup which makes me wonder why you won't be attending.

But yeah, I agree, taking a forfeit win isn't very sporty and having lost a sc premier final that way I can understand the bitterness.
wall of text. nerd mad?
Bet you read every single line of it
thought that's your job lol amirite?
well, you're wrong :)
You do realize you just proved how much of an idiot you are, right?
We will miss you

Unless you mean "we" as a spectator.
participant, if u play EC anybody can play it, and i played the last season no offense but u're not jesus at ET.
well every active guy has played the last few EC's, they don't really mean much tbh
bullshit, most active teams atoon pracced against were in OC.
oh Manj, you so crazy. fanatic is just a ref and any supervisor can overrule his decisions.

none of them will do, they are all scared pussies :XD
Well normally the admins don't say anything if the two teams agree. Now if I went into a tournament vs a team with fanatic and the other polish guys (can't really remember their names, begin with l), I have no trust in them in the scenario that for example, something happens to one of my players and we needed to get a merc, which is quite common nowadays with ET.

There's a lot of players and teams I don't particularly like - MPG, OVERLOad and so, but if it came to a situation where they were stuck and needed to break a dumb rule to field 6 vs us, I would allow it. It's called sportsmanship.
....... same as usual you dont know what you're talking about, are you still jealous or something ?
what you on about mad boy?

how are English classes going btw?
better than your ego
what ego? I no has ego
good news :)
holy fuck ur butthurt rofl
fanatic ec admin, bitch please
licky lick :XD
I guess you should make the decision about the number of teams in ec after the signups to avoid the lowest ec ever whine or the situation where good teams are placed in 1st div.
Why the fuck you wanna be an admin? Leave it to less active ppl who know what to do.
(pl) w sumie racja po chuj mi to tylko by potem na mnie bylo ze cos poszlo do dupy, albo caly spam by na mnie spadal:D a tak to tak jak w zeszlym ec pisalem do goldo moje sugestie co ma zrobic co i jak ustawic gdzie kogo itd i prawie zawsze sie ze mna zgadzal i ttak bylo :D
no widzisz.
+po chuj na wlasne zyczenie marnowac czas na uzeranie sie z daunami, zostaw to ludziom ktorzy chca byc kims na tej scenie a nie potrafia grac xD
ale fanatic sie dobrze ustawil, uzera sie tylko z jednym daunem, caly flejm idzie na supervisorow, a on spokojnie ze spota refa odsyla do nich jak sa problemy.
tym bardziej nie ma sensu zmieniac nic
he knows what to do and i know what he can do or not and we talk about this post yesterday evening
You're to good in hiding things for public, it would be bad if you became a part of the CB crew.
he cant be part of the CB crew but i trust him for his work and words more then everyone in here, and we work closely in any case.
This might be wrong but, I don't care about your opinion about him. He has been hiding things towards me were money was involved. Reason enough for me to give that comment.
You've stolen a Computer case from Spire so you shouldn't be one to talk about these things.
And you obviously have no clue about what you're talking, otherwise you would've said something else.
Interesting. The list of things with this guy seem to keep on piling.
looks like he was hiding the fact that they played on LAN with a banned cheater and would have attended Adroits with him too, but Rickk disliked this idea (?).
they never actually hid it, just never mentioned it to Rickk
haha wtf are you talking about, afaik we haven't done any business so stop spreading your bullshits. you were talking to us some funny stories about some "multigaming" that want to take us if I give you whole money we win. hah money involved? in your imaginary multigaming that we didnt even know the name of? xD
Whatever you say, I could copy&paste you some e-mails with this organization. But after I received various information about you defending someone in the line-up who was still serving a ban it was clear that there was no business to be done.
it's still a LAN and we were talking about LAN team ONLY so if he was allowed to play on LAN and can play normally whats the prob?
Problem was that you've not been informing the person you should inform about those kinds of things. You did hide it on purpose.
why would I give you a details about our team for someone who promised so many things but didn't have any proof for his words :DD really this conversation is pointless so better just go away and stop reply to me mysterious manager of mysterious multigaming :{D
There is no mysterious multigaming, in fact they asked me to keep things confidential untill further details were given. Unfortunetately I found out about your line-up by some people who have been gaining information about the team. Thats why I didn't continue my search to get a organization for you.

Also you did provide me enough information, and you've been spamming me for quite some time in order to get the organization for you.
yea yea like you said there is no mysterious multigaming because it doesn't exist i guess. :D anyway you've got another ET lan Adroits, so go to your multigaming and get them some team that attend this lan, i'm sure that any et team will be glad to be a part of such a great multigaming with such a great manager X-D

and iirc i only gave you info about what we want + how much money we want and that's all so I wouldn't call this "spamming" or "much info". so maybe you mistake me with robaciek fag who told you some bullshits even though he is not connected with us in any way.
Robaciek fag told me more information about you then you would ever know. Besides that, you would never become a part of that organization with the attitude you've been showing past months.
when oc/ec signups?
Sunday 26/08/2012 - Open Signups.
Sunday 09/09/2012 - Close Signups
And allow your mate blk to play in some of CB cups? God, no....
u mad & jelly cuz he pwn and won lan?
nah, im not talking about lan, couldn't care less 'bout it
so if he pwns at lan 2 weeks ago, and cheated like 3 or 4 years ago whats the prob if he take part in online competition or not? he's still banned in cb so he won't play anyway. also it's not like 50% of the community is ex cheaters
well, if as an admin, at first you include in rules: no cheaters/ex-cheaters, then deleting it and allowing one of ex-cheaters play in tournament, then something is wrong here
where in which cup? XD in polish draft? there was a rule about tzac bans because it wasnt a cup hosted by Cb/esl. im sorry that i tried to do something for pl community and i allowed everyone (ok almost everyone because iirc some people that have 10000 tzac accounts and bans were not allowed) without tzac-ban to play in this cup and have some fun. same shit goes for lans and other fun cups like allstars etc
3-4 months ago*
ja wczoraj czitowalem na publiku i co z tego? poco sie tu znowu wpierdalasz z ta morda niepytany
does this mean you will also admin EC now?

god, there goes ET
technically he admined EC already
you'd want goldorak to run it alone then? :D I don't really understand why people have a problem with fanatic as admin, personally I think that he is one of the better ones
I don't have a problem with fanatic as admin, I was stating it, since if old admins wouldnt quit new ones wouldn't be needed, I was stating this as in why the old EC admins went away, then to need new ones..
my team will be ready : )
na lana lepiej badz ready :XD
juz nie zesraj sie z ta krzywa morda
mocne slowa jak na pizdeczke ktora siedzi na lanie przestraszona jak ktos przejdzie obok
yep, bylem maga przestraszony spasionego kolesia w okularkach ktory chcialby byc 'cool', z tego powodu przyszedl na komputerki z dziewczynka. poza tym to nie ja sie chcialem sie zesrac ze szczescia po kazdym fragu na przeciwniku, to ktos inny darl sie na cala sale.
czytajac takie slowa wychodzace od takiej pizdeczki z raczkami jak zapalki ktore najwiekszy wysilek widzialy przy graniu cala noc w giereczke jest mi troche smutno. nastepnym razem odezwij sie kiedy bedziesz obok zamiast spuszczac ten zjebany ryj w dol slyszac jak ktos cos na twoj temat mowi bo widze komenciki leca ostre a na nastepnym lanie bedziesz chodzil znowu zadzierajac krzywym nosem o podloge i modlac sie zeby nikt obcy nie podszedl
good chicks
I dont understand why people hate on you, you do such a great job for this community.
Cuz every community has his retards, and they all need to show their retardness.
when is NC?
this community doesn't deserve admins like you, back out before it's too late.
You did but there was that one moment with teams forfeiting matches to get easier oppo's, which is happening in the olympics right now :(

But LION would make proper old fashioned cb reports for every match, that's friggin dedication right there!
ESL has even moar moron admins
Let me fix that problem for you

image: EaC3W

Thank me later!
good CB admin? not in ET :D
not nice to joke like that. :(
Hi Gary, what's up? :)
Living life how its supposed to be eh :p
Please run it so that it ends before the LAN (or possibly at the LAN like you suggested), last EC totally failed as some of the best teams went inactive after LAN while EC playoffs only had just started

I like the idea of limiting EC to fewer teams. Hopefully all the top teams coming to LAN will also participate.
will try will try :) because as you said after LAN teams usually slow down with pracs etc so most of EC (if not whole cup) should be played before LAN. with lower amount of teams and strict schedule this mission might be accomplished!
cu there

as an ec top6 player Xddd
Think i let someone else to win it for once
Knocked you out of EC twice then I went inactive and you won EC, beating TMOE in the final. GG. Lowest EC ever.
Say that to my pocals.
according to ure amount of comments its normal to have a few pocals
Best reply ever xD
I though EC could not get less prestigious and then you've idea of decreasing the teamsize. cmon, atleast make your pair of half brains function like one working one.
Bye bye EC, was fun to play at least once! :D
this journal smells virignity
team pakistan might make an appearence ..... LOL JK

or am i?
this just underlines the current state (+1y now) of et and the desperation of admins to adjust cups to be more attractive for players and watching ppl. its just sad, but it is how it is. this development isnt new after all, just hardly accelerating recently.

wish you good luck your plan will succeed in an increased activity and maybe a rising reputation of EC.
EC in 9 month ohh plz....
Schedule EC after new year when every nerd is behind his screen cos there's nothing else to be done around that time,shitloads of snow and faulty weather ehh maybe holidays and yeh boxing day.

EC -1
in 9 months? in 2/3 weeks
I've meant 9 month as a coming month of September,not in 9 months!
ah :D anyway there is a CB NationsCup always at the beginning of the year so we've got 1 major comp from CB in the winter
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