fucking emos

From my window i see the party of the neighbour kid in the backyard.
He is gay and emo, and his party is themed Middleages.
They are all dressed up looking ridiculous. + they play awefull music ofcourse.

Anything you can come up i can pull of on these faggots? :p

holla at me!

The only thing you should be pulling is the rope around your neck when you jump out of the window.
thats something for your kind of species, just like cutting wrists is.
where's the like button
Calling people faggots because of their music taste and then posting shit music yourself? You're the man! WOOP WOOP! I hope they will go all medieval on your ass and shoot you with their bows and arrows! :))
i dont call them faggots because of there music taste.
My music taste is exquisite by the way, so dont talk to me with braindamage.
shows how braindamaged you are yourself.
There is no such a thing as "exquidite music taste" - everyone has his/her own taste in music.

If you dont like their taste in music or their party theme, close your window and stop watching them.
haha you actually think im serious and try to sound smart , hilarious:D
bd spoke
I'd say go over there and burn down the house and then rape the parents
omg so fresh music mannn niggah yo wazup broda
Wigger says what.
oja jij ben een kala metalhead dus voel je je wel beetje aangesproken door dit verhaal.
Jij bent een kont
They are the ones having a party. You sit at home and whine on crossfire.
Game, set, and match.
just go out and smash his face? whats the problem
you mad they stylin on you?
call them gothics
watch this movie
You are so fucking cool, why dont you go over there and start making fun of them! 100€ on that your ass is in the hospital in 1 hour.
this dude wakes up at 11, lazy cunt.
i woke up ar 6 pm, problem officer?
I think you're just jealous of them having a good time, pretty sad BRO
im sure he had a blast writing a "blog" about his neighburs party :PPPPPP
I lol'ed. You mad cause you're alone in your bedroom.
Those kids having fun remind you your wasted childhood.
You didn't have friends. You parents hated you for being a fat cunt.
You've always had square eyes and you still don't know what it's like to share a bit of your saliva with a girl.
Cynical wigger whining about people having fun wrong 0 - 1 fucking gay emos
I suggest you to join them since a real man would:
1. do something about it
2. couldnt care less
you, on the other hand, go and cry on the internet -> you are gay and emo as well.
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