Getting high for the first time

Yesterday night I got high for the first time, ot at least I think I got high. I was chilling with my friend and two of his friends. My friend was smoking along with his friends and I was just sitting with them talking and shit. It was pretty fun because we were talking about some pretty interesting stuff. Anyway, they finish of their first blunt and start smoking a second one, and as they finish that one they decide to take a little break till they smoke the last one.
So we are just sitting and talking and it's fun because they way they act is so funny. Soon enough they light the final blunt and start cyphering. So I'm just sitting and my friend is like yo try it. I've known this guy for 12 years and I never smoked even though he asked me before I wanted to. So today, I decided to take a hit. I pulled it in and held it for a good 5 sec and blew it out. It tasted like shit, but I didn't get "high". So they keep going in a circle and they ask me again, and I did. And this went on for 5 pulls, and I was done.

Still nothing happened and I was just walking around. I started walking away from them and just started looking around. I didn't feel high but I just felt like I was paying really close attention to everything, detail wise. I could hear them talking in the back, but I wasn't able to pay attention. I felt as though I couldn't do two things at once. My reflexes started to get slower and I went back to them. They told me not to smoke anymore as they finished the weed. As they finished we just stand there and keep talking and they keep asking me if I "feel high", but I didn't. Anyway for some reason one of them said something and I start laughing really loud, as I try to stop they start laughing and I start laughing even more, I try to stop but it's so funny that I just can't stop and I keep laughing. It was so fucking stupid, because my body was telling me what they said isn't funny but I kept laughing, and they kept laughing aswell. So I'm trying to explain to them how it's not funny but I just can't help laughing and I start bursting into laughter again, I laugh so much that my stomach started to hurt. So my friend ask me if I want another hit, and all I imagine is him spinning in circles peer-pressuring me into just taking one more hit, it was so funny that I leaned aganist the car and I start laughing. Tears come out of my eyes and my stomach hurts so bad but I can't stop because it's so funny. They are laughing just as much and we keep going. After a while they are like alright man sit in the car and wait, which I do.

When I sit in the car, I feel as my reactions are still slow, like I can't pay attention. I forget the most previous thing that just happen, the image of the last thing I just saw doesn't stay in my head. I don't feel sick, just weird. So after that we go home and I'm sitting in my sisters room and we are just talking. She asks me to get her ice-cream and I do. I don't know what happened but it wasn't funny at all but I start laughing like a maniac, and I can't stop. She looks at me and laughs a bit also, and asks me what's so funny?
Then I go sit in the living room for a while and watch TV and the feeling goes away after a while. I must say it was a unique feeling I got, but I'm not gonna do it again. I can tell why people love it, and I don't wanna get addicted. Awesome time.
Holy fuck tl;dr walloftext
go to rehab
cool story bro
wouldnt have read this fucking wall of text if it was someone else
hahaha man thanks
u would have read it if it was from me
AIGHTTTTTTTTT, fucking cool i know this is bro so now!

i appreciate the input

didnt read more than the first few lines tho
cool man u so cool
Please don't ever comment on my journal again, you fucking hacker.
you cool man
Imagine if everyone in the world wrote a wall of text for every time they got high.
If it was the first time, I would read.
Thats why I was reading it while smoking :D

The first time can be really nice and fun like yours or people start tripping because they are not used to it, eventhough it's not a huge druggy feeling in my opinion. The first times are the best after u did it for a while the huge laughters and munchies will go away or happen just accidently.

If u decide to try it again play some ET! U will notice every sound and start tracking through walls but it's hard to hit a thing :D but awesome to play fops on supply and rape with arty's or spam rifle nades. Only reason why I still play this game.
was doing the same :$
Man you are making me want to do more!
cool story bro!

Didn't like it the first times either, but nowadays it's different.. and I love it :D

Haven't smoked for ~~ 1 month though coz I'm focusing on poker now. have a listen to this when u're high!
not gonna smoke again mate :P
dont wanna get addicted
but listening
It's cool to smoke now and then, some of my friends smoke everyday and it has ruined their lives :/

but ye it's better to not smoke at all if you get addicted to things easily. :o
well i also smoke everyday and i have a nice job and all i need, some people cant handle it but others can.
yeah thats true.. maybe it's not good to use it everyday if you are lazy even without it.. my both friends were rich and lazy before they started :p
yea i also know a few people like that, for me it became a habit to smoke a joint. But i can quit with it anytime because i did some volunteeringjob for 5 months last year in Nepal and i didnt smoke there and didnt have any problems with it.
that must've been a really big experience! respect for that! :)

what did you exactly do there?
i had a class of 55 childres from the age of 5 years and i just had to keep them busy when school was over, play some games with them etc, was really fun :p
You can't get addicted to weed because it doesn't include anything that would hook you.
first of all, you can get psychologicaly addicted.

second of all, nowadays its "hard" to find proper and bio weed (i mean not poor stuff like synthesis, chemichal and so on) then yes, there is a risk to became addict !

but ofc you wont get it before a verry long times, thats the same for the cigarette (eventho in both case, there is some ppl being addicted way faster than others, everyone react differently for everything)
this is not true :/
Apart from getting psychologically addicted you can't get addicted to weed since it doesn't include any substances which would have such a effect.
what do you mean you haven´t smoked for a month because of poker? ;:S --> I dont get it?
Coz I don't manage to play at all if I smoke, I just wanna eat, chill out and watch some series :D
vittu sä olet vammanen
En sentään tuhlannu koko kesälomaa Lollia pelaillessa..

Grow up kid.
getting addicted of weed

oki bye
first of all, you can get psychologicaly addicted.

second of all, nowadays its "hard" to find proper and bio weed (i mean not poor stuff like synthesis, chemichal and so on) then yes, there is a risk to became addict !

but ofc you wont get it before a verry long times, thats the same for the cigarette (eventho in both case, there is some ppl being addicted way faster than others, everyone react differently for everything)
I believe you'll smoke someday. It's always like that but it actually makes you feel the freedom, especially when listening to music. I smoke a few times a year, usually with music on and that feeling is just... damn good
I want to man, but I'm not =/
did read the whole novel but

WTF IT WAS YOUR FIRST TIME? lol you know whats next ipod ;)
next thing is sex :DDDDDDD
First time i got high i was walking home drunk from a night out when i saw fellow United KingdomRastastics foot hanging out his window, in my drunk state i decided to slap it! As i did i found out he was still awake, so we put on tropic thunder on pirate dvd thanks to the little chinese g who does the rounds, got high smoking a fat blunt and thus the legend that is g5 was born. PLAYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. BIG DICK BABY

When I smoke, I actually feel like my reactions are a lot faster. Noticed that when playing ET after smoking one. Anyway, the addiction levels of marijuana are quite low compared to nicotine or even alcohol, so don't think you should worry about that. Respect your decision though mate. Stay safe!
read my previous answer.

also nicotine isnt hard at all to stop!
Well mate, from what I've seen (never smoked cigarettes), nicotine seems quite addicting and hard to stop. Can't be sure though as it's not me. As to weed, people get ''addicted'' as some of them feel the need of feeling ''high'' everyday. As to the quality of the weed and it's implications, I have no idea really, afaik I can be smoking lettuce and think it's weed :D
you know that in cigarette there is lot of more addictive stuff than nicotine?

there is the feeling to get high idd, and as i said you cannot get good weed nowadays (probably same in netherland eventho that weed could be a better ratio quality/quantity/price than the average you buy on the street since its legal in this country)
Just out of curiosity. How old are you and how old is your sister?
Too long, did read though coz you wrote it
weed not effective for me: s
next time you smoke but this tune on & play it on big speakers

then turn the lights down

& enjoy
That is a pretty cool story that I didn't read I just wanted to remind you that you're now destined to burn in hell for eternity you infidel.
I bet you wrote it while being high low ass american :DDDDDD
cool story bro

haven't smoked for almost 2 months (holidays, living at home blablabla..). I feel some kind of envy now..

e: oh no! last time i got high was 1 month ago. Though I don't remember as we smoked at 7am after a night in Brussels' pubs. Bad idea..
haha nice read! :P
i love to smoke with first timers, always tons of laughs coming in :D
gl with ur non smoking resolution, i doubt it anyway:P
I thought you had finally made your way to ET's top level :D
image: 53-nigga-high-ya039ll-1240506799730

haha ipod got high typical black person

now you can finally understand me i hope cause our relationship was getting pretty bad<3
Just get some mandy man, getting high on mandy > all
cool :D
my first time was during brake at highschool, i just couldnt stop laughing in the class and my eyes were bloodyred.
5 joints a day keeps the docter away
first time i got high was before class when i was 15, that class was so fun

"I don't wanna get addicted."

you got mad high :) i get kinda the same feeling when im high. but my friends dont so im all alone who likes it :<
only time when i got high,when i was out of money to buy cigarettes,so i took a newspaper,roll it,got some lefts from my trash old smoked ciggaretts,got the left tobacco inside paper,roll it and stick it with my saliva,light it and smoke it.hard shit trust me
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