Impossible is nothing

I proved that today by winning bronze in Finnish junior athletics championchips (girls/boys aged 16-17) by jumping 6,85m which is my new personal best with whopping 46 centimetres (old 6,39m). I was ranked like 9th before the competition started.

Tomorrow I'm going to have my main event Triplejump. I'm ranked 2nd there with 13,75m and I'm really looking forward to tomorrow.

so here's my question to you people in CF4, Have you ever overexecuted so much that even you were really amazed?.

wish me luck


Alex "haxlex" L.
brb shining bronze medal
gratz only jumped about 6m when i was the same age as u
outran Bolt once on the 100meters, nothing major..
cu in olympics?
congratulations,but real champions don t post their own performances.we read bout them in the newspapers and history books
I'm pretty sure that in Romanian newspapers they don't have a section with results from Finnish junior athletics championchips.
image: jacb5c

inspired your title from here?

no,we in Romania don t care about junior Finnish athletics.We only care about Nadia Comaneci.
I'm pretty sure that in Romanians don't have newspapers since they can't read anyway...

And if they could what would they write about? Romania??? That country is only known for nothing but gypsies
good stuff man
and for how many years you've been in romania to judge this counrty retarded piece of shit?
Oh yeah I'm sorry they also have Dracula
relax he is just trolling.he knows we got more history than his country will have in more than 2000 years from now on.Canada ,a french colony,who fought hard to gain their freedom only to end up hated by US and mocke in animate series like South Park.Anyway,Canada is still a dreamland for many romanians ,due to very good paycheks and higher life expectations.Obvioussly they did not had to face 400 years of war against Ottoman Empire,Austrian-Hungarian Empire,Nazi Germany,Comunist Russia,only last 45 years of communism had pushed us back at least 100 years .
Neither did you have to face 400 years of war and 45 years of communism.

Also most US Americans envy Canada for their free health-care and such, get your facts straight thirdy
is it the point here if i had to face or not?u was talking about my people not bout me.

about the envy part,i think that s only your oppinion.
You are quite wrong. Don't want to mix myself in this useless discussion but.. your argument is: "Canada is being mocked in South Park" - WHAT? :P They fought hard to gain their freedom, well they got it right? + They are doing great as far as I know. And the fact that your country had to face communism indeed pushed you guys back a little, but communism still lives in the hearts of the older people in Romania, atleast that's what I felt 3y ago when I was there.
& Please, if you are going to answer me, don't be a badmouth :)
stop voting supply on nbs
That's a real triplejumpers map to be honest.
made delicious dinner
gz alexL
Gratz! What was the winning result?
7,19m 6,97m and 4th with 6,69m
Congrats and good luck tomorrow!

yes. when i was young there was a footballcup with 20 different clubs. There were special talentscouts who searched for the best players in this cup. This day i played amazing football and scored a lot goals. 1 month later i received a letter that they picked me as one of the best players of the cup and i had to drive every week a lot of kilometres to train with the other guys. this was my chance to become a great footballer, but i decided to concentrate on my school and left the "pro"team after 1-2 years
big up rabit
grats! i never jumped further than 4.80, but was enough go get mark 1, i was happy with that result as completely unsporty guy ^^
Won against KRP bear/drunk team
Congratulations. A nice achievement, but I wouldn't describe it as impossible to start with.
making a title so impressive that it makes you read my journal was my main goal.
You know you can't do anything that is impossible !

48 cm more to old record is quite impressive :P
banned over 6 times from

once I was idling this chan for few days, im proud
lanproof this guy please
I thought I could never do a 1080 degree spin panzer frag, but I did. :>
amazing dude, just wow! You have to put this to your achievements in your acc
yep in et, still cant understand why am I so gosu
Once I almost won against a professional beachvolley team - not even being a standard volleybal player myself. (I grew up in a volleybal family tho, played it everyday from age 4 to age 12 or something)
more ego pls

i jumped 6,93
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