Crossfire 4.0

New polish community-site or what? Where are the so trusty admins with their rules ... every journal , news or whatever 50% + polish outlandish shit comments...

Crossfire getting worser and worser day by day..

Do something or they getting more faster as rats.. !
says german :XD
jestes gejem szpyru
Off topic, would there be a place to fit a picture to that top area behind the logo and ad? :o What sort?
jebac policia
With grammar like this, your journal isn't any better than what you are complaining about.
better then this polakish :D
than* sorry mate xD
ty kurwo zajabana ;D
QuoteDo something or they getting more faster as rats

Im sorry but

image: 23973012
I know your noob name from somwhere:

I think it was flag fullhold at supply :S and u quited :S back in the days u noob werent talking so much :S
thats like the shittest clip ever, no one ever shoots to you, just backrape on planting engies or reviving medics xD
hahahahahah thats not the point, the poitn is, that this twat dnl got stabbed in the face and your wannabe o6 so raped, u never deserved their name
someone is mad that he never played in any half decent team
:D someone is stupid little polak
whats next gonna call me poor ? :D Go back to watching old demos noobie, maybe you gonna find another frags from warmup on o6 :D:D
I only remember this because i remember your stupid wannabe o6 clan which never achieved anything :D I always laughed when i saw some random guys taking up known dead multigaming clan, and wear tags while getting nothing from multigaming..
And i am not playing anymore so go play pubs and practice a bit maybe you will achieve something in ur et career , same goes to DNL the fagget who thinks he has won in offis :D
Ye I always laughed when mad noobs playing this game for 8 years werent able to get above low+. Those rape officials dnl is talking about had to have a huge influence on your poor brain :(
would like to see those offis post link please

here u are, first example ;D u were lucky u havent played there but i think i know why, u were just so shit u didnt even fit into their noob squad XD cu mate
haha thats even better cuz u are still bag of shit and isnt :)
and i thought we were talking about 3on3 :((( because i dont remember loosing against u there, atleast when i was playing, tho im fucking med skilled max :D:D
you look so stupid now rly :D:D:D
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relax poltard :D if im very honest with you, i dont care about this shit, flamewars are always nice for me, entertaining
rofl this guy is telling me he's owning me @ 3on3 pracc

image: nothing-to-do-here-template.jpg.scaled500
wrent u high 5 :S? or o6 back in the days, i remember beating ur polak ass in 3on3 offi, and in pracs u egoquited because u were laughing so hard i think :P
LOOOOOOL look at the lineup, we let our 10th backup play this offi coz we knew how bad you are :D:D
Please stop posting before you look like a total tool (oh wait its too late already xD)
its the same as our 6on6 was u retard :D random lineups everywhere
rofl that had to be some troll, cause umbra and venom stopped playing in 2005 and match is from 2009 :D and verso havent played any offis if im right :D looool i know, some nerd of u hacked our cb account, made that cb win for u and randomly chose a lineup :D:Ddd gg
yes its very hard to put fake lineups on CB yourself :D:D
why would i do that, im in almost all of 250 matches we've played as this team :Dd
oh yes now i remember, there wasnt much to talk about since we used to pwn ur silly, as u said, back in the days ;D:D won offis so easily we were laughing @ vent mate ;:D:D but im glad u won some praccs mate :D:D gratz mate
get face and muscles first
inb4 this journal gets deleted
dunno what you on about
Lost much respect for admins when unforgiven returned. How on earth can he be let back onto this website with his track record? Check his youtube account where he tells skeit he deserves to have skin cancer and hopes he never gets better. It's fucking awful.

13:30 UNFORGIVEN • since u got my posts revoked and i can t reply to u anymore on cf,till i make new account in the mean time ,enjoy
13:30 Thomm • i did what?
13:30 Thomm • i am not admining there anymore
13:30 UNFORGIVEN • i hope u get the hint u fuckin cunt that will die sooner or later in the years that will come we will meet somehow
13:31 Thomm • oh right
13:31 UNFORGIVEN • dont worry this year,5 years or 10 years from now we gonna meet
13:31 UNFORGIVEN • you your wife your kids and all your family will die from my hand
13:31 UNFORGIVEN • a fuckin promise
13:31 Thomm • didnt mean you to loose your account, sorry for that
13:31 UNFORGIVEN • dont care bout jail
13:31 UNFORGIVEN • bye
13:31 Thomm • bye
13:31 UNFORGIVEN • enjoy the song cunt
13:31 Thomm • good song

Good morning to everyone else too :)
13:30 Thomm • i am not admining there anymore

??? when did that happen
when CF4 happened
Oh man, this guy is priceless. I swear down he has some serious issues he has to take care of soon before he shoots up a school...

More like brainless
Some of the things that he says you just couldn't script! I think he should make a comedy tbh.
what happened to that guy in the first place?
I guess he had a big blow to the head.
u so fat even ur english is greasy
dobra, scartman quasimodo
who cares about a 8years old site full of mad nerds
You, otherwise you wouldn't be here.
i care about the game, not the site :)
Then why are you here? You know there is shit loads of other websites related to ET.
i dont know that :D
you obviously cared enough to sign up the the site 7 years late.
well i signed up because 2years ago my clan died and i just wanted a new team that why, and i got some "friends" here so thats why i'm here sometimes.
you cared enough to sign up to an old site though.

image: 2083921-sp_1411_clip05
watching that episode now :D
the real problem aint the polish contribution. it seems just to be more since all other content/contribution has fallen down to a level close to zero. all non polish content is more or less provided by those benelux kiddies.
well if admins start moderating again that means no more kamz which means no more entertainment for hundreds of community members :(
well if admins start moderating again that means no more seareal which means no more entertainment for hundreds of community members :(
where can i search ? :s there is no search , or maeby its just me who haven't find it :s
we need more pokemon
has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
just accept that everyone is polish nowadays :) polacy ;))
viewers peak is not higher than 130 every day... this site is dead... i m also not really checking much anymore since 90% of journals are about GoKu and his buddies, which i neither know, nor care about
You don't know Goku? He's from Dragon Ball Z man!!!
If you've never watched dragonball, you had no childhood

FAGGOT :---DDD :D xDC:XxxdxX:~:DDW
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