Vote help


I was asked to help my friend a bit so here I try. It's basically a competition between roofs and the winner gains some amount of money. He's currently 1st but there's another guy getting close to him. It's like a battle only between them two. What I'm asking you for is to simply vote for his roof. There no need to register and that's for free, of course! All you have to do is:

1. Visit the site:
2. Press "oddaj głos!" on the 4th roof/house (IRENEUSZ BIZAŃSKI, SKARBIMIERZ OSIEDLE)

That's it. I hope you can help him out, it's just a 15 secs of job :))
Thanks in advance!
done rafekm8
thank you so much!
Eeh what? Those are just normal roofs, what is the idea of contest? Voted anyway.
Well, I have to tell you that my ded asked me for help as it's a friend of him. And that's true that those roofs are just normal, nothing really unbelievably amazing. There was written in the regulations that the winner can win like 5k euro, then 2nd place gets like 3k euro and the 3rd place gains 1,5k euro. That would be a helpful amount of money to finish one of the parts in the build he's having. I've been reguralry voting for a friend of my ded's roof for a week and what turned out today (unfortunately after I posted this right here) is that they changed the regulations. I was pretty pissed off because I never share such stuff, I rarely take part in such things and so on. Now the winner can only win a kitchen equipment. That's quite a joke going from 5k euro to a kitchen equipment but whatever...

@ all
Thank you for voting guys, I really appreciate it and the roof's owner surely too! :)
Well, kitchen-stuff is quite expensive, now he can get some nicer stuff there.
i dont know for what i voted but done :D
Done. Looks like an easy win :D
acutally i voted for wieslawa's house. np
I tak Cie lubie
Damn that language! Done tho!
Yay thank you guys, the votes are almost doubled now. It was very kind of you, thanks once again!
Well I hope it does not get too obvious that the votes were not coming from proud Polish roof owners only. ^^
I was thinking about it but well, as if they checked it out... or maybe? :P
Guess it should be ok. But you should not gather too many additional votes or it gets suspicious. :)
No, I don't trust it. Often these things download child porn to your HD and email the FBI.

I refuse to be caught.
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