I will swim up your penis

image: Candiru
The candiru or canero (Vandellia cirrhosa) or toothpick fish is a freshwater fish in the group commonly called the catfish. It is found in the Amazon River and has a reputation among the natives as the most feared fish in its waters, even over the piranha. The species has been known to grow to a size of 6 inches in length and is eel shaped and translucent, making it almost impossible to see in the water. The candiru is a parasite. It swims into the gill cavities of other fish, erects a spine to hold itself in place, and feeds on the blood in the gills, earning it a nickname as the "vampire fish of Brazil".

It is feared by the natives because it is attracted to urine or blood, and if the bather is nude it will swim into an orifice (the anus or vagina, or even in the case of smaller specimens the penis—and deep into the urethra). It then erects its spine and begins to feed on the blood and body tissue just as it would from the gills of a fish. The candiru is then almost impossible to remove except through an operation. As the fish locates its host by following the water flow from the gills to its source, urinating while bathing increases the chance of a candiru honing in on a human urethra.

A traditional cure involves the use of two plants, the Xagua plant (Genipa americana) and the Buitach apple which are inserted (or their extract in the case of tight spaces) into the affected area. These two plants together will kill and then dissolve the fish. More often, infection causes shock and death in the victim before the candirú can be removed. There have been documented candirú attacks on humans, there is no evidence the fish can survive once inside a human.
sorry, i don't really know that much about fish that swim up my penor
its not funny :S
Agnor Nozownik (sp?)
n1 polish [;
in ur case, it will eat ur penor in 1 bite
i heard it act's as a replacement once it eats your penis from the inside!
I saw this on National Geographic once. I can't exactly remember where it was filmed, but the reconstruction was pretty nasty.
A man had to pee, so he does, in a river where these fish live. Naturally they are attracted to a substance similar to urine, so they hang around those spots, one of the fish noticed where it came from and made a pretty big jump and so landed inside the man's soft parts. Must be painful because it hooks itself into flesh. :P
I had to hold a referendum on this freakin fish :-<
This is not funny, my brother died this way.
atleast he died happy
i find it funny that to cure it you need to shove an apple into your penis
Quote(or their extract in the case of tight spaces)
I have a 30" wide cock, whatcha talking about?
Still, you shove the apple up your ass or vagina.
i once saw it on some channel, dno, some bonehead was pissing in a river and then suddenly BAM, fish up your penis!!!!

a doctor had to go into his penis with a litte camera

auch :(
Referring to the story I posted just half a page up here, that's the one.
Just keep peeing all the time, so it has no chance to swim into your penis ;D

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